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1.9.6 (core) / 0.25.6 (libraries)#


  • Updated cronitor pin to allow versions >= 5.0.1 to enable use of DayOfWeek as 7. Cronitor 4.0.0 is still disallowed. (Thanks, @joshuataylor!)
  • Added flag checkDbReadyInitContainer to optionally disable db check initContainer.
  • [ui] Added Google Drive icon for kind tags. (Thanks, @dragos-pop!)
  • [ui] Renamed the run lineage sidebar on the Run details page to Re-executions.
  • [ui] Sensors and schedules that appear in the Runs page are now clickable.
  • [ui] Runs targeting assets now show more of the assets in the Runs page.
  • [dagster-airbyte] The destination type for an Airbyte asset is now added as a kind tag for display in the UI.
  • [dagster-gcp] DataprocResource now receives an optional parameter labels to be attached to Dataproc clusters. (Thanks, @thiagoazcampos!)
  • [dagster-k8s] Added a checkDbReadyInitContainer flag to the Dagster Helm chart to allow disabling the default init container behavior. (Thanks, @easontm!)
  • [dagster-k8s] K8s pod logs are now logged when a pod fails. (Thanks, @apetryla!)
  • [dagster-sigma] Introduced build_materialize_workbook_assets_definition which can be used to build assets that run materialize schedules for a Sigma workbook.
  • [dagster-snowflake] SnowflakeResource and SnowflakeIOManager both accept additional_snowflake_connection_args config. This dictionary of arguments will be passed to the snowflake.connector.connect method. This config will be ignored if you are using the sqlalchemy connector.
  • [helm] Added the ability to set user-deployments labels on k8s deployments as well as pods.


  • Assets with self dependencies and BackfillPolicy are now evaluated correctly during backfills. Self dependent assets no longer result in serial partition submissions or disregarded upstream dependencies.
  • Previously, the freshness check sensor would not re-evaluate freshness checks if an in-flight run was planning on evaluating that check. Now, the freshness check sensor will kick off an independent run of the check, even if there's already an in flight run, as long as the freshness check can potentially fail.
  • Previously, if the freshness check was in a failing state, the sensor would wait for a run to update the freshness check before re-evaluating. Now, if there's a materialization later than the last evaluation of the freshness check and no planned evaluation, we will re-evaluate the freshness check automatically.
  • [ui] Fixed run log streaming for runs with a large volume of logs.
  • [ui] Fixed a bug in the Backfill Preview where a loading spinner would spin forever if an asset had no valid partitions targeted by the backfill.
  • [dagster-aws] PipesCloudWatchMessageReader correctly identifies streams which are not ready yet and doesn't fail on ThrottlingException. (Thanks, @jenkoian!)
  • [dagster-fivetran] Column metadata can now be fetched for Fivetran assets using FivetranWorkspace.sync_and_poll(...).fetch_column_metadata().
  • [dagster-k8s] The k8s client now waits for the main container to be ready instead of only waiting for sidecar init containers. (Thanks, @OrenLederman!)


  • Fixed a typo in the dlt_assets API docs. (Thanks, @zilto!)

1.9.5 (core) / 0.25.5 (libraries)#


  • The automatic run retry daemon has been updated so that there is a single source of truth for if a run will be retried and if the retry has been launched. Tags are now added to run at failure time indicating if the run will be retried by the automatic retry system. Once the automatic retry has been launched, the run ID of the retry is added to the original run.
  • When canceling a backfill of a job, the backfill daemon will now cancel all runs launched by that backfill before marking the backfill as canceled.
  • Dagster execution info (tags such as dagster/run-id, dagster/code-location, dagster/user and Dagster Cloud environment variables) typically attached to external resources are now available under DagsterRun.dagster_execution_info.
  • SensorReturnTypesUnion is now exported for typing the output of sensor functions.
  • [dagster-dbt] dbt seeds now get a valid code version (Thanks @marijncv!).
  • Manual and automatic retries of runs launched by backfills that occur while the backfill is still in progress are now incorporated into the backfill's status.
  • Manual retries of runs launched by backfills are no longer considered part of the backfill if the backfill is complete when the retry is launched.
  • [dagster-fivetran] Fivetran assets can now be materialized using the FivetranWorkspace.sync_and_poll(…) method in the definition of a @fivetran_assets decorator.
  • [dagster-fivetran] load_fivetran_asset_specs has been updated to accept an instance of DagsterFivetranTranslator or custom subclass.
  • [dagster-fivetran] The fivetran_assets decorator was added. It can be used with the FivetranWorkspace resource and DagsterFivetranTranslator translator to load Fivetran tables for a given connector as assets in Dagster. The build_fivetran_assets_definitions factory can be used to create assets for all the connectors in your Fivetran workspace.
  • [dagster-aws] now waits up to 70 days for tasks completion (waiter parameters are configurable) (Thanks @jenkoian!)
  • [dagster-dbt] Update dagster-dbt scaffold template to be compatible with uv (Thanks @wingyplus!).
  • [dagster-airbyte] A load_airbyte_cloud_asset_specs function has been added. It can be used with the AirbyteCloudWorkspace resource and DagsterAirbyteTranslator translator to load your Airbyte Cloud connection streams as external assets in Dagster.
  • [ui] Add an icon for the icechunk kind.
  • [ui] Improved ui for manual sensor/schedule evaluation.


  • Fixed database locking bug for the ConsolidatedSqliteEventLogStorage, which is mostly used for tests.
  • [dagster-aws] Fixed a bug in the ECSRunLauncher that prevented it from accepting a user-provided task definition when DAGSTER_CURRENT_IMAGE was not set in the code location.
  • [ui] Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause the asset graph to fail to render on initial load.
  • [ui] Fix global auto-materialize tick timeline when paginating.

1.9.4 (core) / 0.25.4 (libraries)#


  • Global op concurrency is now enabled on the default SQLite storage. Deployments that have not been migrated since 1.6.0 may need to run dagster instance migrate to enable.
  • Introduced map_asset_specs to enable modifying AssetSpecs and AssetsDefinitions in bulk.
  • Introduced AssetSpec.replace_attributes and AssetSpec.merge_attributes to easily alter properties of an asset spec.
  • [ui] Add a "View logs" button to open tick logs in the sensor tick history table.
  • [ui] Add Spanner kind icon.
  • [ui] The asset catalog now supports filtering using the asset selection syntax.
  • [dagster-pipes, dagster-aws] PipesS3MessageReader now has a new parameter include_stdio_in_messages which enables log forwarding to Dagster via Pipes messages.
  • [dagster-pipes] Experimental: A new Dagster Pipes message type log_external_stream has been added. It can be used to forward external logs to Dagster via Pipes messages.
  • [dagster-powerbi] Opts in to using admin scan APIs to pull data from a Power BI instance. This can be disabled by passing load_powerbi_asset_specs(..., use_workspace_scan=False).
  • [dagster-sigma] Introduced an experimental dagster-sigma snapshot command, allowing Sigma workspaces to be captured to a file for faster subsequent loading.


  • Fixed a bug that caused DagsterExecutionStepNotFoundError errors when trying to execute an asset check step of a run launched by a backfill.
  • Fixed an issue where invalid cron strings like "0 0 30 2 *" that represented invalid dates in February were still allowed as Dagster cron strings, but then failed during schedule execution. Now, these invalid cronstrings will raise an exception when they are first loaded.
  • Fixed a bug where owners added to AssetOuts when defining a @graph_multi_asset were not added to the underlying AssetsDefinition.
  • Fixed a bug where using the & or | operators on AutomationConditions with labels would cause that label to be erased.
  • [ui] Launching partitioned asset jobs from the launchpad now warns if no partition is selected.
  • [ui] Fixed unnecessary middle truncation occurring in dialogs.
  • [ui] Fixed timestamp labels and "Now" line rendering bugs on the sensor tick timeline.
  • [ui] Opening Dagster's UI with a single job defined takes you to the Overview page rather than the Job page.
  • [ui] Fix stretched tags in backfill table view for non-partitioned assets.
  • [ui] Open automation sensor evaluation details in a dialog instead of navigating away.
  • [ui] Fix scrollbars in dark mode.
  • [dagster-sigma] Workbooks filtered using a SigmaFilter no longer fetch lineage information.
  • [dagster-powerbi] Fixed an issue where reports without an upstream dataset dependency would fail to translate to an asset spec.


  • [dagster-powerbi] DagsterPowerBITranslator.get_asset_key is deprecated in favor of DagsterPowerBITranslator.get_asset_spec().key
  • [dagster-looker] DagsterLookerApiTranslator.get_asset_key is deprecated in favor of DagsterLookerApiTranslator.get_asset_spec().key
  • [dagster-sigma] DagsterSigmaTranslator.get_asset_key is deprecated in favor of DagsterSigmaTranslator.get_asset_spec().key
  • [dagster-tableau] DagsterTableauTranslator.get_asset_key is deprecated in favor of DagsterTableauTranslator.get_asset_spec().key

1.9.3 (core) / 0.25.3 (libraries)#


  • Added run_id to the run_tags index to improve database performance. Run dagster instance migrate to update the index. (Thanks, @HynekBlaha!)

  • Added icons for kind tags: Cassandra, ClickHouse, CockroachDB, Doris, Druid, Elasticsearch, Flink, Hadoop, Impala, Kafka, MariaDB, MinIO, Pinot, Presto, Pulsar, RabbitMQ, Redis, Redpanda, ScyllaDB, Starrocks, and Superset. (Thanks, @swrookie!)

  • Added a new icon for the Denodo kind tag. (Thanks, @tintamarre!)

  • Errors raised from defining more than one Definitions object at module scope now include the object names so that the source of the error is easier to determine.

  • [ui] Asset metadata entries like dagster/row_count now appear on the events page and are properly hidden on the overview page when they appear in the sidebar.

  • [dagster-aws] PipesGlueClient now attaches AWS Glue metadata to Dagster results produced during Pipes invocation.

  • [dagster-aws] PipesEMRServerlessClient now attaches AWS EMR Serverless metadata to Dagster results produced during Pipes invocation and adds Dagster tags to the job run.

  • [dagster-aws] PipesECSClient now attaches AWS ECS metadata to Dagster results produced during Pipes invocation and adds Dagster tags to the ECS task.

  • [dagster-aws] PipesEMRClient now attaches AWS EMR metadata to Dagster results produced during Pipes invocation.

  • [dagster-databricks] PipesDatabricksClient now attaches Databricks metadata to Dagster results produced during Pipes invocation and adds Dagster tags to the Databricks job.

  • [dagster-fivetran] Added load_fivetran_asset_specs function. It can be used with the FivetranWorkspace resource and DagsterFivetranTranslator translator to load your Fivetran connector tables as external assets in Dagster.

  • [dagster-looker] Errors are now handled more gracefully when parsing derived tables.

  • [dagster-sigma] Sigma assets now contain extra metadata and kind tags.

  • [dagster-sigma] Added support for direct workbook to warehouse table dependencies.

  • [dagster-sigma] Added include_unused_datasets field to SigmaFilter to disable pulling datasets that aren't used by a downstream workbook.

  • [dagster-sigma] Added skip_fetch_column_data option to skip loading Sigma column lineage. This can speed up loading large instances.

  • [dagster-sigma] Introduced an experimental dagster-sigma snapshot command, allowing Sigma workspaces to be captured to a file for faster subsequent loading.

    Introducing: dagster-airlift (experimental)#

    dagster-airlift is coming out of stealth. See the initial Airlift RFC here, and the following documentation to learn more:

    More Airflow-related content is coming soon! We'd love for you to check it out, and post any comments / questions in the #airflow-migration channel in the Dagster slack.


  • Fixed a bug in run status sensors where setting incompatible arguments monitor_all_code_locations and monitored_jobs did not raise the expected error. (Thanks, @apetryla!)
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the label for AutomationCondition.any_deps_match() and AutomationCondition.all_deps_match() to render incorrectly when allow_selection or ignore_selection were set.
  • Fixed a bug which could cause code location load errors when using CacheableAssetsDefinitions in code locations that contained AutomationConditions
  • Fixed an issue where the default multiprocess executor kept holding onto subprocesses after their step completed, potentially causing Too many open files errors for jobs with many steps.
  • [ui] Fixed an issue introduced in 1.9.2 where the backfill overview page would sometimes display extra assets that were targeted by the backfill.
  • [ui] Fixed "Open in Launchpad" button when testing a schedule or sensor by ensuring that it opens to the correct deployment.
  • [ui] Fixed an issue where switching a user setting was immediately saved, rather than waiting for the change to be confirmed.
  • [dagster-looker] Unions without unique/distinct criteria are now properly handled.
  • [dagster-powerbi] Fixed an issue where reports without an upstream dataset dependency would fail to translate to an asset spec.
  • [dagster-sigma] Fixed an issue where API fetches did not paginate properly.


Dagster Plus#

  • [ui] Fixed an issue with filtering and catalog search in branch deployments.
  • [ui] Fixed an issue where the asset graph would reload unexpectedly.

1.9.2 (core) / 0.25.2 (libraries)#


  • Introduced a new constructor, AssetOut.from_spec, that will construct an AssetOut from an AssetSpec.
  • [ui] Column tags are now displayed in the Column name section of the asset overview page.
  • [ui] Introduced an icon for the gcs (Google Cloud Storage) kind tag.
  • [ui] Introduced icons for report and semanticmodel kind tags.
  • [ui] The tooltip for a tag containing a cron expression now shows a human-readable, timezone-aware cron string.
  • [ui] Asset check descriptions are now sourced from docstrings and rendered in the UI. (Thanks, @marijncv!)
  • [dagster-aws] Added option to propagate tags to ECS tasks when using the EcsRunLauncher. (Thanks, @zyd14!)
  • [dagster-dbt] You can now implement DagsterDbtTranslator.get_code_version to customize the code version for your dbt assets. (Thanks, @Grzyblon!)
  • [dagster-pipes] Added the ability to pass arbitrary metadata to PipesClientCompletedInvocation. This metadata will be attached to all materializations and asset checks stored during the pipes invocation.
  • [dagster-powerbi] During a full workspace scan, owner and column metadata is now automatically attached to assets.


  • Fixed an issue with AutomationCondition.execution_in_progress which would cause it to evaluate to True for unpartitioned assets that were part of a run that was in progress, even if the asset itself had already been materialized.
  • Fixed an issue with AutomationCondition.run_in_progress that would cause it to ignore queued runs.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause a default_automation_condition_sensor to be constructed for user code servers running on dagster version < 1.9.0 even if the legacy auto_materialize: use_sensors configuration setting was set to False.
  • [ui] Fixed an issue when executing asset checks where the wrong job name was used in some situations. The correct job name is now used.
  • [ui] Selecting assets with 100k+ partitions no longer causes the asset graph to temporarily freeze.
  • [ui] Fixed an issue that could cause a GraphQL error on certain pages after removing an asset.
  • [ui] The asset events page no longer truncates event history in cases where both materialization and observation events are present.
  • [ui] The backfill coordinator logs tab no longer sits in a loading state when no logs are available to display.
  • [ui] Fixed issue which would cause the "Partitions evaluated" label on an asset's automation history page to incorrectly display 0 in cases where all partitions were evaluated.
  • [ui] Fix "Open in Playground" link when testing a schedule or sensor by ensuring that it opens to the correct deployment.
  • [ui] Fixed an issue where the asset graph would reload unexpectedly.
  • [dagster-dbt] Fixed an issue where the SQL filepath for a dbt model was incorrectly resolved when the dbt manifest file was built on a Windows machine, but executed on a Unix machine.
  • [dagster-pipes] Asset keys containing embedded / characters now work correctly with Dagster Pipes.



  • The types-sqlalchemy package is no longer included in the dagster[pyright] extra package.

Dagster Plus#

  • [ui] The Environment Variables table can now be sorted by name and update time.
  • [ui] The code location configuration dialog now contains more metadata about the code location.
  • [ui] Fixed an issue where the incorrect user icons were shown in the Users table when a search filter had been applied.

1.9.1 (core) / 0.25.1 (libraries)#


  • dagster project scaffold now has an option to create dagster projects from templates with excluded files/filepaths.
  • [ui] Filters in the asset catalog now persist when navigating subdirectories.
  • [ui] The Run page now displays the partition(s) a run was for.
  • [ui] Filtering on owners/groups/tags is now case-insensitive.
  • [dagster-tableau] the helper function parse_tableau_external_and_materializable_asset_specs is now available to parse a list of Tableau asset specs into a list of external asset specs and materializable asset specs.
  • [dagster-looker] Looker assets now by default have owner and URL metadata.
  • [dagster-k8s] Added a per_step_k8s_config configuration option to the k8s_job_executor, allowing the k8s configuration of individual steps to be configured at run launch time (thanks @Kuhlwein!)
  • [dagster-fivetran] Introduced DagsterFivetranTranslator to customize assets loaded from Fivetran.
  • [dagster-snowflake] dagster_snowflake.fetch_last_updated_timestamps now supports ignoring tables not found in Snowflake instead of raising an error.


  • Fixed issue which would cause a default_automation_condition_sensor to be constructed for user code servers running on dagster version < 1.9.0 even if the legacy auto_materialize: use_sensors configuration setting was set to False.
  • Fixed an issue where running dagster instance migrate on Dagster version 1.9.0 constructed a SQL query that exceeded the maximum allowed depth.
  • Fixed an issue where wiping a dynamically partitioned asset causes an error.
  • [dagster-polars] ImportErrors are no longer raised when bigquery libraries are not installed [#25708]


  • [dagster-dbt] A guide on how to use dbt defer with Dagster branch deployments has been added to the dbt reference.



  • It is now possible to configure a Dagit instance to disable executing pipeline runs in a local subprocess.
  • Resource initialization, teardown, and associated failure states now emit structured events visible in Dagit. Structured events for pipeline errors and multiprocess execution have been consolidated and rationalized.
  • Support Redis queue provider in dagster-k8s Helm chart.
  • Support external postgresql in dagster-k8s Helm chart.


  • Fixed an issue with inaccurate timings on some resource initializations.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the multiprocess engine to spin forever.
  • Fixed an issue with default value resolution when a config value was set using SourceString.
  • Fixed an issue when loading logs from a pipeline belonging to a different repository in Dagit.
  • Fixed an issue with where the CLI command dagster schedule up would fail in certain scenarios with the SystemCronScheduler.


  • Column constraints can now be configured to permit NaN values.


  • Removed a spurious dependency on sklearn.


  • Improvements and fixes to docs.
  • Restored


  • An initial implementation of solid retries, throwing a RetryRequested exception, was added. This API is experimental and likely to change.


  • Renamed property runtime_type to dagster_type in definitions. The following are deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
    • InputDefinition.runtime_type is deprecated. Use InputDefinition.dagster_type instead.
    • OutputDefinition.runtime_type is deprecated. Use OutputDefinition.dagster_type instead.
    • CompositeSolidDefinition.all_runtime_types is deprecated. Use CompositeSolidDefinition.all_dagster_types instead.
    • SolidDefinition.all_runtime_types is deprecated. Use SolidDefinition.all_dagster_types instead.
    • PipelineDefinition.has_runtime_type is deprecated. Use PipelineDefinition.has_dagster_type instead.
    • PipelineDefinition.runtime_type_named is deprecated. Use PipelineDefinition.dagster_type_named instead.
    • PipelineDefinition.all_runtime_types is deprecated. Use PipelineDefinition.all_dagster_types instead.



  • New docs site at
  • is currently stale due to availability issues.


  • Improvements to S3 Resource. (Thanks @dwallace0723!)
  • Better error messages in Dagit.
  • Better font/styling support in Dagit.
  • Changed OutputDefinition to take is_required rather than is_optional argument. This is to remain consistent with changes to Field in 0.7.1 and to avoid confusion with python's typing and dagster's definition of Optional, which indicates None-ability, rather than existence. is_optional is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  • Added support for Flower in dagster-k8s.
  • Added support for environment variable config in dagster-snowflake.


  • Improved performance in Dagit waterfall view.
  • Fixed bug when executing solids downstream of a skipped solid.
  • Improved navigation experience for pipelines in Dagit.
  • Fixed for the dagster-aws CLI tool.
  • Fixed issue starting Dagit without DAGSTER_HOME set on windows.
  • Fixed pipeline subset execution in partition-based schedules.



  • Dagit now looks up an available port on which to run when the default port is not available. (Thanks @rparrapy!)


  • Hydration and materialization are now configurable on dagster_pandas dataframes.


  • The s3_resource no longer uses an unsigned session by default.


  • Type check messages are now displayed in Dagit.
  • Failure metadata is now surfaced in Dagit.
  • Dagit now correctly displays the execution time of steps that error.
  • Error messages now appear correctly in console logging.
  • GCS storage is now more robust to transient failures.
  • Fixed an issue where some event logs could be duplicated in Dagit.
  • Fixed an issue when reading config from an environment variable that wasn't set.
  • Fixed an issue when loading a repository or pipeline from a file target on Windows.
  • Fixed an issue where deleted runs could cause the scheduler page to crash in Dagit.


  • Expanded and improved docs and error messages.

0.7.0 "Waiting to Exhale"#

Breaking Changes

There are a substantial number of breaking changes in the 0.7.0 release. Please see for instructions regarding migrating old code.


  • The scheduler configuration has been moved from the @schedules decorator to DagsterInstance. Existing schedules that have been running are no longer compatible with current storage. To migrate, remove the scheduler argument on all @schedules decorators:

    instead of:

    def define_schedules():

    Remove the scheduler argument:

    def define_schedules():

    Next, configure the scheduler on your instance by adding the following to $DAGSTER_HOME/dagster.yaml:

      module: dagster_cron.cron_scheduler
      class: SystemCronScheduler

    Finally, if you had any existing schedules running, delete the existing $DAGSTER_HOME/schedules directory and run dagster schedule wipe && dagster schedule up to re-instatiate schedules in a valid state.

  • The should_execute and environment_dict_fn argument to ScheduleDefinition now have a required first argument context, representing the ScheduleExecutionContext

Config System Changes

  • In the config system, Dict has been renamed to Shape; List to Array; Optional to Noneable; and PermissiveDict to Permissive. The motivation here is to clearly delineate config use cases versus cases where you are using types as the inputs and outputs of solids as well as python typing types (for mypy and friends). We believe this will be clearer to users in addition to simplifying our own implementation and internal abstractions.

    Our recommended fix is not to use Shape and Array, but instead to use our new condensed config specification API. This allow one to use bare dictionaries instead of Shape, lists with one member instead of Array, bare types instead of Field with a single argument, and python primitive types (int, bool etc) instead of the dagster equivalents. These result in dramatically less verbose config specs in most cases.

    So instead of

    from dagster import Shape, Field, Int, Array, String
    # ... code
    config=Shape({ # Dict prior to change
          'some_int' : Field(Int),
          'some_list: Field(Array[String]) # List prior to change

    one can instead write:

    config={'some_int': int, 'some_list': [str]}

    No imports and much simpler, cleaner syntax.

  • config_field is no longer a valid argument on solid, SolidDefinition, ExecutorDefintion, executor, LoggerDefinition, logger, ResourceDefinition, resource, system_storage, and SystemStorageDefinition. Use config instead.

  • For composite solids, the config_fn no longer takes a ConfigMappingContext, and the context has been deleted. To upgrade, remove the first argument to config_fn.

    So instead of

    @composite_solid(config={}, config_fn=lambda context, config: {})

    one must instead write:

    @composite_solid(config={}, config_fn=lambda config: {})
  • Field takes a is_required rather than a is_optional argument. This is to avoid confusion with python's typing and dagster's definition of Optional, which indicates None-ability, rather than existence. is_optional is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.

Required Resources

  • All solids, types, and config functions that use a resource must explicitly list that resource using the argument required_resource_keys. This is to enable efficient resource management during pipeline execution, especially in a multiprocessing or remote execution environment.

  • The @system_storage decorator now requires argument required_resource_keys, which was previously optional.

Dagster Type System Changes

  • dagster.Set and dagster.Tuple can no longer be used within the config system.
  • Dagster types are now instances of DagsterType, rather than a class than inherits from RuntimeType. Instead of dynamically generating a class to create a custom runtime type, just create an instance of a DagsterType. The type checking function is now an argument to the DagsterType, rather than an abstract method that has to be implemented in a subclass.
  • RuntimeType has been renamed to DagsterType is now an encouraged API for type creation.
  • Core type check function of DagsterType can now return a naked bool in addition to a TypeCheck object.
  • type_check_fn on DagsterType (formerly type_check and RuntimeType, respectively) now takes a first argument context of type TypeCheckContext in addition to the second argument of value.
  • define_python_dagster_type has been eliminated in favor of PythonObjectDagsterType .
  • dagster_type has been renamed to usable_as_dagster_type.
  • as_dagster_type has been removed and similar capabilities added as make_python_type_usable_as_dagster_type.
  • PythonObjectDagsterType and usable_as_dagster_type no longer take a type_check argument. If a custom type_check is needed, use DagsterType.
  • As a consequence of these changes, if you were previously using dagster_pyspark or dagster_pandas and expecting Pyspark or Pandas types to work as Dagster types, e.g., in type annotations to functions decorated with @solid to indicate that they are input or output types for a solid, you will need to call make_python_type_usable_as_dagster_type from your code in order to map the Python types to the Dagster types, or just use the Dagster types (dagster_pandas.DataFrame instead of pandas.DataFrame) directly.


  • We no longer publish base Docker images. Please see the updated deployment docs for an example Dockerfile off of which you can work.
  • step_metadata_fn has been removed from SolidDefinition & @solid.
  • SolidDefinition & @solid now takes tags and enforces that values are strings or are safely encoded as JSON. metadata is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  • resource_mapper_fn has been removed from SolidInvocation.


  • Dagit now includes a much richer execution view, with a Gantt-style visualization of step execution and a live timeline.

  • Early support for Python 3.8 is now available, and Dagster/Dagit along with many of our libraries are now tested against 3.8. Note that several of our upstream dependencies have yet to publish wheels for 3.8 on all platforms, so running on Python 3.8 likely still involves building some dependencies from source.

  • dagster/priority tags can now be used to prioritize the order of execution for the built-in in-process and multiprocess engines.

  • dagster-postgres storages can now be configured with separate arguments and environment variables, such as:

      module: dagster_postgres.run_storage
      class: PostgresRunStorage
          username: test
            env: ENV_VAR_FOR_PG_PASSWORD
          hostname: localhost
          db_name: test
  • Support for RunLaunchers on DagsterInstance allows for execution to be "launched" outside of the Dagit/Dagster process. As one example, this is used by dagster-k8s to submit pipeline execution as a Kubernetes Job.

  • Added support for adding tags to runs initiated from the Playground view in Dagit.

  • Added @monthly_schedule decorator.

  • Added Enum.from_python_enum helper to wrap Python enums for config. (Thanks @kdungs!)

  • [dagster-bash] The Dagster bash solid factory now passes along kwargs to the underlying solid construction, and now has a single Nothing input by default to make it easier to create a sequencing dependency. Also, logs are now buffered by default to make execution less noisy.

  • [dagster-aws] We've improved our EMR support substantially in this release. The dagster_aws.emr library now provides an EmrJobRunner with various utilities for creating EMR clusters, submitting jobs, and waiting for jobs/logs. We also now provide a emr_pyspark_resource, which together with the new @pyspark_solid decorator makes moving pyspark execution from your laptop to EMR as simple as changing modes. [dagster-pandas] Added create_dagster_pandas_dataframe_type, PandasColumn, and Constraint API's in order for users to create custom types which perform column validation, dataframe validation, summary statistics emission, and dataframe serialization/deserialization.

  • [dagster-gcp] GCS is now supported for system storage, as well as being supported with the Dask executor. (Thanks @habibutsu!) Bigquery solids have also been updated to support the new API.


  • Ensured that all implementations of RunStorage clean up pipeline run tags when a run is deleted. Requires a storage migration, using dagster instance migrate.
  • The multiprocess and Celery engines now handle solid subsets correctly.
  • The multiprocess and Celery engines will now correctly emit skip events for steps downstream of failures and other skips.
  • The @solid and @lambda_solid decorators now correctly wrap their decorated functions, in the sense of functools.wraps.
  • Performance improvements in Dagit when working with runs with large configurations.
  • The Helm chart in dagster_k8s has been hardened against various failure modes and is now compatible with Helm 2.
  • SQLite run and event log storages are more robust to concurrent use.
  • Improvements to error messages and to handling of user code errors in input hydration and output materialization logic.
  • Fixed an issue where the Airflow scheduler could hang when attempting to load dagster-airflow pipelines.
  • We now handle our SQLAlchemy connections in a more canonical way (thanks @zzztimbo!).
  • Fixed an issue using S3 system storage with certain custom serialization strategies.
  • Fixed an issue leaking orphan processes from compute logging.
  • Fixed an issue leaking semaphores from Dagit.
  • Setting the raise_error flag in execute_pipeline now actually raises user exceptions instead of a wrapper type.


  • Our docs have been reorganized and expanded (thanks @habibutsu, @vatervonacht, @zzztimbo). We'd love feedback and contributions!

Thank you Thank you to all of the community contributors to this release!! In alphabetical order: @habibutsu, @kdungs, @vatervonacht, @zzztimbo.



  • Improved SQLite concurrency issues, uncovered while using concurrent nodes in Airflow
  • Fixed sqlalchemy warnings (thanks @zzztimbo!)
  • Fixed Airflow integration issue where a Dagster child process triggered a signal handler of a parent Airflow process via a process fork
  • Fixed GCS and AWS intermediate store implementations to be compatible with read/write mode serialization strategies
  • Improve test stability


  • Improved descriptions for setting up the cron scheduler (thanks @zzztimbo!)