Build pipelines
11 items
3 items
Partitions and backfills
3 items
External resources
9 items
I/O managers
1 item
External pipelines (Dagster Pipes)
9 items
ML pipelines
2 items
The computational core of an asset definition is an op. Collections of ops can also be assembled to create a graph. It is not necessary to use ops to use Dagster; most Dagster users will never need to create ops directly. For more information about ops, including op definition and configuration, op events, op hooks, and op retries, see the legacy Dagster documentation.
Jobs are the main unit of execution and monitoring in Dagster. They allow you to execute a portion of a graph of asset definitions or ops based on a schedule or an external trigger.
A graph is a set of interconnected ops or sub-graphs. While individual ops typically perform simple tasks, ops can be assembled into a graph to accomplish complex tasks.