Over time, your Dagster project may grow to include a large number of Dagster definitions. Using tags to label assets, ops, jobs, and job runs can make them easier to find.
Tags are helpful when you need to find specific items in your Dagster project. For example, tags can be used as a filter when looking at the Asset catalog in the Dagster UI, allowing you to only see specific assets.
Valid tag keys have two segments: an optional prefix and name, separated by a slash (/). Prefixes are typically expected to be Python package names. For example: dagster/priority
Prefixes and name segments must each:
Be 63 characters or less
Contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes (-), underscores (_), and dots (.)
Tags are useful for organizing assets in non-hierarchical ways. Unlike asset groups, where each asset belongs to a single group, each asset can have many tags. For example: