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Defining schedules

Defining basic schedules

The following examples demonstrate how to define some basic schedules.

This example demonstrates how to define a schedule using ScheduleDefinition that will run a job every day at midnight. While this example uses op jobs, the same approach will work with asset jobs.

def my_job(): ...

basic_schedule = dg.ScheduleDefinition(job=my_job, cron_schedule="0 0 * * *")

The cron_schedule argument accepts standard cron expressions. If your croniter dependency's version is >= 1.0.12, the argument will also accept the following:

  • @daily
  • @hourly
  • @monthly

Emitting log messages from schedule evaluation

This example demonstrates how to emit log messages from a schedule during its evaluation function. These logs will be visible in the UI when you inspect a tick in the schedule's tick history.

@dg.schedule(job=my_job, cron_schedule="* * * * *")
def logs_then_skips(context):"Logging from a dg.schedule!")
return dg.SkipReason("Nothing to do")


Schedule logs are stored in your Dagster instance's compute log storage. You should ensure that your compute log storage is configured to view your schedule logs.