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Testing schedules

In this article, we'll show you how to use the Dagster UI and Python to test your schedules.

Testing schedules in the Dagster UI

Using the UI, you can manually trigger test evaluations of a schedule and view the results. This can be helpful when creating a schedule or for troubleshooting unexpected scheduling behavior.

  1. In the UI, click Overview > Schedules tab.

  2. Click the schedule you want to test.

  3. Click the Preview tick result button, located near the top right corner of the page.

  4. You'll be prompted to select a mock schedule evaluation time. As schedules are defined on a cadence, the evaluation times in the dropdown are past and future times along that cadence.

    For example, let's say you're testing a schedule with a cadence of "Every day at X time". In the dropdown, you'd see past and future evaluation times along that cadence:

    Selecting a mock evaluation time for a schedule in the Dagster UI

  5. After selecting an evaluation time, click the Continue button.

  6. A window containing the evaluation result will display after the test completes:

    Results page after evaluating the schedule in the Dagster UI

    If the preview was successful, then for each produced run request, you can view the run config and tags produced by that run request by clicking the button in the Actions column:

    Actions page in the Dagster UI

  7. Click the Launch all & commit tick result on the bottom right to launch all the run requests. This will launch the runs and link to the /runs page filtered to the IDs of the runs that launched:

    Runs page after launching all runs in the Dagster UI

Testing schedules in Python

You can also test your schedules directly in Python. In this section, we'll demonstrate how to test:

Testing @schedule-decorated functions

To test a function decorated by the @dg.schedule decorator, you can invoke the schedule definition like it's a regular Python function. The invocation will return run config, which can then be validated using the validate_run_config function.

Let's say we want to test the configurable_job_schedule in this example:

@dg.op(config_schema={"scheduled_date": str})
def configurable_op(context: dg.OpExecutionContext):["scheduled_date"])

def configurable_job():

@dg.schedule(job=configurable_job, cron_schedule="0 0 * * *")
def configurable_job_schedule(context: dg.ScheduleEvaluationContext):
scheduled_date = context.scheduled_execution_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
return dg.RunRequest(
"ops": {"configurable_op": {"config": {"scheduled_date": scheduled_date}}}
tags={"date": scheduled_date},

To test this schedule, we used build_schedule_context to construct a ScheduleEvaluationContext to provide to the context parameter:

from dagster import build_schedule_context, validate_run_config

def test_configurable_job_schedule():
context = build_schedule_context(
scheduled_execution_time=datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1)
run_request = configurable_job_schedule(context)
assert validate_run_config(configurable_job, run_request.run_config)

If your @dg.schedule-decorated function doesn't have a context parameter, you don't need to provide one when invoking it.

Testing schedules with resources

For schedules that utilize resources, you can provide the resources when invoking the schedule function.

Let's say we want to test the process_data_schedule in this example:

import dagster as dg

from datetime import datetime

class DateFormatter(dg.ConfigurableResource):
format: str

def strftime(self, dt: datetime) -> str:
return dt.strftime(self.format)

def process_data(): ...

@dg.schedule(job=process_data, cron_schedule="* * * * *")
def process_data_schedule(
context: dg.ScheduleEvaluationContext,
date_formatter: DateFormatter,
formatted_date = date_formatter.strftime(context.scheduled_execution_time)

return dg.RunRequest(
tags={"date": formatted_date},

defs = dg.Definitions(
resources={"date_formatter": DateFormatter(format="%Y-%m-%d")},

In the test for this schedule, we provided the date_formatter resource to the schedule when we invoked its function:

from dagster import build_schedule_context

def test_process_data_schedule():
context = build_schedule_context(
scheduled_execution_time=datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1)
run_request = process_data_schedule(
context, date_formatter=DateFormatter(format="%Y-%m-%d")
assert (
== "2020-01-01"

APIs in this guide

@dg.scheduleDecorator that defines a schedule that executes according to a given cron schedule.
validate_run_configA function that validates a provided run config blob against a job.
build_schedule_contextA function that constructs a ScheduleEvaluationContext, typically used for testing.
ScheduleEvaluationContextThe context passed to the schedule definition execution function.