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Asset jobs

Jobs are the main unit of execution and monitoring for asset definitions in Dagster. An asset job is a type of job that targets a selection of assets and can be launched:

  • Manually from the Dagster UI
  • At fixed intervals, by schedules
  • When external changes occur, using sensors

Creating asset jobs

In this section, we'll demonstrate how to create a few asset jobs that target the following assets:

import dagster as dg

def sugary_cereals() -> None:
"CREATE TABLE sugary_cereals AS SELECT * FROM cereals WHERE sugar_grams > 10"

def shopping_list() -> None:
execute_query("CREATE TABLE shopping_list AS SELECT * FROM sugary_cereals")

To create an asset job, use the define_asset_job method. An asset-based job is based on the assets the job targets and their dependencies.

You can target one or multiple assets, or create multiple jobs that target overlapping sets of assets. In the following example, we have two jobs:

  • all_assets_job targets all assets
  • sugary_cereals_job targets only the sugary_cereals asset
# start_marker
import dagster as dg

all_assets_job = dg.define_asset_job(name="all_assets_job")
sugary_cereals_job = dg.define_asset_job(
name="sugary_cereals_job", selection="sugary_cereals"

defs = dg.Definitions(
assets=[sugary_cereals, shopping_list],
jobs=[all_assets_job, sugary_cereals_job],

Making asset jobs available to Dagster tools

Including the jobs in a Definitions object located at the top level of a Python module or file makes asset jobs available to the UI, GraphQL, and the command line. The Dagster tool loads that module as a code location. If you include schedules or sensors, the code location will automatically include jobs that those schedules or sensors target.

from dagster import Definitions, MaterializeResult, asset, define_asset_job

def number_asset():
yield MaterializeResult(
"number": 1,

number_asset_job = define_asset_job(name="number_asset_job", selection="number_asset")

defs = Definitions(

Testing asset jobs

Dagster has built-in support for testing, including separating business logic from environments and setting explicit expectations on uncontrollable inputs. For more information, see the testing documentation.

Executing asset jobs

You can run an asset job in a variety of ways:

  • In the Python process where it's defined
  • Via the command line
  • Via the GraphQL API
  • In the UI


The Hacker News example builds an asset job that targets an asset group.