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Source code for dagster_aws.pipes.context_injectors

import json
import os
import random
import string
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterator

import boto3
import dagster._check as check
from dagster._core.pipes.client import PipesContextInjector, PipesParams
from dagster._core.pipes.utils import PipesEnvContextInjector

    from dagster_pipes import PipesContextData

_CONTEXT_FILENAME = "context.json"

[docs] class PipesS3ContextInjector(PipesContextInjector): """A context injector that injects context by writing to a temporary S3 location. Args: bucket (str): The S3 bucket to write to. client (boto3.client): A boto3 client to use to write to S3. key_prefix (Optional[str]): An optional prefix to use for the S3 key. Defaults to a random string. """ def __init__(self, *, bucket: str, client: boto3.client): # pyright: ignore (reportGeneralTypeIssues) super().__init__() self.bucket = check.str_param(bucket, "bucket") self.client = client @contextmanager def inject_context(self, context: "PipesContextData") -> Iterator[PipesParams]: key_prefix = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters, k=30)) key = os.path.join(key_prefix, _CONTEXT_FILENAME) self.client.put_object( Body=json.dumps(context).encode("utf-8"), Bucket=self.bucket, Key=key ) yield {"bucket": self.bucket, "key": key} self.client.delete_object(Bucket=self.bucket, Key=key) def no_messages_debug_text(self) -> str: return ( "Attempted to inject context via a temporary file in s3. Expected" " PipesS3ContextLoader to be explicitly passed to open_dagster_pipes in the external" " process." )
[docs] class PipesLambdaEventContextInjector(PipesEnvContextInjector): """Injects context via AWS Lambda event input. Should be paired with :py:class`~dagster_pipes.PipesMappingParamsLoader` on the Lambda side. """ def no_messages_debug_text(self) -> str: return "Attempted to inject context via the lambda event input."