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Dagster includes facilities for typing the input and output values of ops (“runtime” types).

Built-in types


Use this type only for inputs and outputs, in order to establish an execution dependency without communicating a value. Inputs of this type will not be passed to the op compute function, so it is necessary to use the explicit In API to define them rather than the Python 3 type hint syntax.

All values are considered to be instances of Nothing.

def wait(_) -> Nothing:

ins={"ready": In(dagster_type=Nothing)},
def done(_) -> str:
return 'done'

def nothing_job():

# Any value will pass the type check for Nothing
def wait_int(_) -> Int:
return 1

def nothing_int_job():

Making New Types

class dagster.DagsterType [source]

Define a type in dagster. These can be used in the inputs and outputs of ops.


  • type_check_fn (Callable[[TypeCheckContext, Any], [Union[bool, TypeCheck]]]) – The function that defines the type check. It takes the value flowing through the input or output of the op. If it passes, return either True or a TypeCheck with success set to True. If it fails, return either False or a TypeCheck with success set to False. The first argument must be named context (or, if unused, _, _context, or context_). Use required_resource_keys for access to resources.

  • key (Optional[str]) –

    The unique key to identify types programmatically. The key property always has a value. If you omit key to the argument to the init function, it instead receives the value of name. If neither key nor name is provided, a CheckError is thrown.

    In the case of a generic type such as List or Optional, this is generated programmatically based on the type parameters.

  • name (Optional[str]) – A unique name given by a user. If key is None, key becomes this value. Name is not given in a case where the user does not specify a unique name for this type, such as a generic class.

  • description (Optional[str]) – A markdown-formatted string, displayed in tooling.

  • loader (Optional[DagsterTypeLoader]) – An instance of a class that inherits from DagsterTypeLoader and can map config data to a value of this type. Specify this argument if you will need to shim values of this type using the config machinery. As a rule, you should use the @dagster_type_loader decorator to construct these arguments.

  • required_resource_keys (Optional[Set[str]]) – Resource keys required by the type_check_fn.

  • is_builtin (bool) – Defaults to False. This is used by tools to display or filter built-in types (such as String, Int) to visually distinguish them from user-defined types. Meant for internal use.

  • kind (DagsterTypeKind) – Defaults to None. This is used to determine the kind of runtime type for InputDefinition and OutputDefinition type checking.

  • typing_type – Defaults to None. A valid python typing type (e.g. Optional[List[int]]) for the value contained within the DagsterType. Meant for internal use.

type_check [source]

Type check the value against the type.


  • context (TypeCheckContext) – The context of the type check.
  • value (Any) – The value to check.

Returns: The result of the type check.Return type: TypeCheck

property description

Description of the type, or None if not provided.

Type: Optional[str]

property display_name

Either the name or key (if name is None) of the type, overridden in many subclasses.

property has_unique_name

Whether the type has a unique name.

Type: bool

property loader

Loader for this type, if any.

Type: Optional[DagsterTypeLoader]

property required_resource_keys

Set of resource keys required by the type check function.

Type: AbstractSet[str]

property typing_type

The python typing type for this type.

Type: Any

property unique_name

The unique name of this type. Can be None if the type is not unique, such as container types.

dagster.PythonObjectDagsterType [source]

Define a type in dagster whose typecheck is an isinstance check.

Specifically, the type can either be a single python type (e.g. int), or a tuple of types (e.g. (int, float)) which is treated as a union.


ntype = PythonObjectDagsterType(python_type=int)
assert == 'int'
assert_success(ntype, 1)
assert_failure(ntype, 'a')
ntype = PythonObjectDagsterType(python_type=(int, float))
assert == 'Union[int, float]'
assert_success(ntype, 1)
assert_success(ntype, 1.5)
assert_failure(ntype, 'a')


  • python_type (Union[Type, Tuple[Type, ...]) – The dagster typecheck function calls instanceof on this type.
  • name (Optional[str]) – Name the type. Defaults to the name of python_type.
  • key (Optional[str]) – Key of the type. Defaults to name.
  • description (Optional[str]) – A markdown-formatted string, displayed in tooling.
  • loader (Optional[DagsterTypeLoader]) – An instance of a class that inherits from DagsterTypeLoader and can map config data to a value of this type. Specify this argument if you will need to shim values of this type using the config machinery. As a rule, you should use the @dagster_type_loader decorator to construct these arguments.
dagster.dagster_type_loader [source]

Create an dagster type loader that maps config data to a runtime value.

The decorated function should take the execution context and parsed config value and return the appropriate runtime value.

Parameters: config_schema (ConfigSchema) – The schema for the config that’s passed to the decorated function. Examples:

def load_dict(_context, value):
return value
class dagster.DagsterTypeLoader [source]

Dagster type loaders are used to load unconnected inputs of the dagster type they are attached to.

The recommended way to define a type loader is with the @dagster_type_loader decorator.

class dagster.DagsterTypeLoaderContext [source]

The context object provided to a @dagster_type_loader-decorated function during execution.

Users should not construct this object directly.

property job_def

The underlying job definition being executed.

property op_def

The op for which type loading is occurring.

property resources

The resources available to the type loader, specified by the required_resource_keys argument of the decorator.

dagster.usable_as_dagster_type [source]

Decorate a Python class to make it usable as a Dagster Type.

This is intended to make it straightforward to annotate existing business logic classes to make them dagster types whose typecheck is an isinstance check against that python class.


  • python_type (cls) – The python type to make usable as python type.
  • name (Optional[str]) – Name of the new Dagster type. If None, the name (__name__) of the python_type will be used.
  • description (Optional[str]) – A user-readable description of the type.
  • loader (Optional[DagsterTypeLoader]) – An instance of a class that inherits from DagsterTypeLoader and can map config data to a value of this type. Specify this argument if you will need to shim values of this type using the config machinery. As a rule, you should use the @dagster_type_loader decorator to construct these arguments.


# dagster_aws.s3.file_manager.S3FileHandle
class S3FileHandle(FileHandle):
def __init__(self, s3_bucket, s3_key):
self._s3_bucket = check.str_param(s3_bucket, 's3_bucket')
self._s3_key = check.str_param(s3_key, 's3_key')

def s3_bucket(self):
return self._s3_bucket

def s3_key(self):
return self._s3_key

def path_desc(self):
return self.s3_path

def s3_path(self):
return 's3://{bucket}/{key}'.format(bucket=self.s3_bucket, key=self.s3_key)
dagster.make_python_type_usable_as_dagster_type [source]

Take any existing python type and map it to a dagster type (generally created with DagsterType) This can only be called once on a given python type.

Testing Types

dagster.check_dagster_type [source]

Test a custom Dagster type.


  • dagster_type (Any) – The Dagster type to test. Should be one of the built-in typesbuilt-in types, a dagster type explicitly constructed with as_dagster_type(), @usable_as_dagster_type, or PythonObjectDagsterType(), or a Python type.
  • value (Any) – The runtime value to test.

Returns: The result of the type check.Return type: TypeCheck Examples:

assert check_dagster_type(Dict[Any, Any], {'foo': 'bar'}).success