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Configuring CI/CD for your project


This article only applies to Dagster+ Hybrid deployments.

You can configure CI/CD for your project using GitHub or a non-GitHub CI/CD provider.

  • If you use GitHub as a CI/CD provider, you can use our GitHub Actions workflow to set up CI/CD for your project.
  • If you use a non-GitHub CI/CD provider, you can configure CI/CD using the dagster-cloud CLI.


To set up continuous integration using GitHub Actions, you can the Dagster+ Hybrid Quickstart template, which is a template with everything you need to get started using Hybrid deployment in Dagster+, or you can use your own code.

Configure the GitHub workflow YAML file

The GitHub workflow deploys your code to Dagster+ using these steps:

  • Initialize: Your code is checked out and dagster_cloud.yaml file is validated.
  • Docker image push: A Docker image is built from your code and uploaded to your container registry.
  • Deploy to Dagster+ The code locations in Dagster+ are updated to use the new Docker image.

To configure the workflow:

  1. In the repository, set the DAGSTER_CLOUD_API_TOKEN GitHub action secret to the Dagster+ agent token. See "Managing agent tokens in Dagster+". For more information on GitHub Action Secrets, see the GitHub documentation.
  2. In your dagster-cloud-deploy.yml, set the DAGSTER_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION environment variable to your Dagster+ organization name.
  3. In your dagster-cloud-deploy.yml, uncomment the step that is relevant to your Docker container registry. For example, if using DockerHub, uncomment the DockerHub step. Make sure you have set up the relevant secrets for building and uploading your Docker images.

After you make the above changes and commit the workflow file, the CI process should be triggered to deploy your GitHub repository to Dagster+.

During the deployment, the agent will attempt to load your code and update the metadata in Dagster+. When that has finished, you should see the GitHub Action complete successfully, and also be able to see the code location under the Deployment tag in Dagster+.

Non-GitHub CI/CD provider

If you are using a non-GitHub CI/CD provider, your system should use the dagster-cloud ci command to deploy code locations to Dagster+.

  1. Set the build environment variables. Note that all variables are required:

    • DAGSTER_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION: The name of your organization in Dagster+.
    • DAGSTER_CLOUD_API_TOKEN: A Dagster+ API token. Note: This is a sensitive value and should be stored as a CI/CD secret if possible.
    • DAGSTER_BUILD_STATEDIR: A path to a blank or non-existent temporary directory on the build machine that will be used to store local state during the build.
  2. Run the configuration check:

    dagster-cloud ci check --project-dir=.

    This is an optional step but useful to validate the contents of your dagster_cloud.yaml and connection to Dagster+.

  3. Initialize the build session:

    dagster-cloud ci init --project-dir=.

    This reads the dagster_cloud.yaml configuration and initializes the DAGSTER_BUILD_STATEDIR.

  4. Build and upload Docker images for your code locations.

    The Docker image should contain a Python environment with dagster, dagster-cloud, and your code. For reference, see the example Dockerfile in our template repository. The example uses pip install . to install the code including the dependencies specified in

    It is a good idea to use a unique image tag for each Docker build. You can build one image per code location or a shared image for multiple code locations. As an example image tag, you can use the git commit SHA:

    export IMAGE_TAG=`git log --format=format:%H -n 1`

    Use this tag to build and upload your Docker image, for example:

    docker build . -t$IMAGE_TAG
    docker push$IMAGE_TAG

    The upload step is specific to your Docker container registry and will require authentication. The only requirement is that the registry you upload to must match the registry specified in dagster_cloud.yaml.

  5. Update the build session with the Docker image tag. For each code location you want to deploy, run the following command passing the IMAGE_TAG used in the previous step:

    dagster-cloud ci set-build-output --location-name=code-location-a --image-tag=IMAGE_TAG

    This command does not deploy the code location but just updates the local state in DAGSTER_BUILD_STATEDIR.

  6. Deploy to Dagster+:

    dagster-cloud ci deploy

    This command updates the code locations in Dagster+. Once this finishes successfully, you should be able to see the code locations under the Deployments tab in Dagster+.


Creating branch deployments using the CLI requires some additional steps. For more information, see "Using branch deployments with the dagster-cloud CLI.