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Setting environment variables using agent config


This guide is applicable to Dagster+.

In this guide, we'll walk you through setting environment variables for a Dagster+ Hybrid deployment using the Hybrid agent's configuration.

There are two ways to set environment variables:

  • On a per-code location basis, which involves modifying the dagster_cloud.yaml file. Note: This approach is functionally the same as setting environment variables using the Dagster+ UI. Values will pass through Dagster+.
  • For a full deployment and all the code locations it contains. This approach makes variables available for all code locations in a full Dagster+ deployment. As values are pulled from the user cluster, values will bypass Dagster+ entirely.


To complete the steps in this guide, you'll need:

Setting environment variables for a code location


Setting environment variables require Organization Admin, Admin, or Editor permissions on Dagster+.

If you're a Dagster Editor or Admin, you can only set environment variables for full deployments where you're an Editor or Admin.

You can set environment variables for specific code locations by adding them to your agent's configuration in your project's dagster_cloud.yaml file. The container_context property in this file sets the variables in the agent's environment.

This approach is functionally the same as setting environment variables using the Dagster+ UI.

How container_context is configured depends on the agent type. Click the tab for your agent type to view instructions.

Using the container_context.ecs.env_vars and container_context.ecs.secrets properties, you can configure environment variables and secrets for a specific code location.

# dagster_cloud.yaml

- location_name: cloud-examples
image: dagster/dagster-cloud-examples:latest
package_name: dagster_cloud_examples
- name: "MY_API_TOKEN"
valueFrom: "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789012:secret:FOO-AbCdEf:token::"
- name: "MY_PASSWORD"
valueFrom: "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789012:secret:FOO-AbCdEf:password::"
- "my_tag_name"
container_context.ecs.env_varsA list of keys or key-value pairs. If a value is not specified, it pulls from the agent task. E.g., FOO_ENV_VAR = foo_value, BAR_ENV_VAR = agent task value.
container_context.ecs.secretsIndividual secrets using the ECS API structure.
container_context.ecs.secrets_tagsA list of tag names; secrets tagged with these in AWS Secrets Manager will be environment variables. The variable name is the secret name, the value is the secret's value.

After you've modified dagster_cloud.yaml, redeploy the code location in Dagster+ to apply the changes:

"Highlighted Redeploy option in the dropdown menu next to a code location in Dagster+"

Setting environment variables for full deployments


If you're a Dagster Editor or Admin, you can only set environment variables for full deployments where you're an Editor or Admin.

Setting environment variables for a full deployment will make the variables available for all code locations in the full deployment. Using this approach will pull variable values from your user cluster, bypassing Dagster+ entirely.

Click the tab for your agent type to view instructions.

To make environment variables accessible to a full deployment with an Amazon ECS agent, you'll need to modify the agent's CloudFormation template as follows:

  1. Sign in to your AWS account.

  2. Navigate to CloudFormation and open the stack for the agent.

  3. Click Update.

  4. Click Edit template in designer.

  5. In the section that displays, click View in Designer. The AWS template designer will display.

  6. In the section displaying the template YAML, locate the AgentTaskDefinition section:

    Highlighted AgentTaskDefinition section of the AWS ECS agent CloudFormation template in the AWS Console

  7. In the user_code_launcher.config portion of the AgentTaskDefinition section, add the environment variables as follows:

    module: dagster_cloud.workspace.ecs
    class: EcsUserCodeLauncher
    cluster: ${ConfigCluster}
    subnets: [${ConfigSubnet}]
    service_discovery_namespace_id: ${ServiceDiscoveryNamespace}
    execution_role_arn: ${TaskExecutionRole.Arn}
    task_role_arn: ${AgentRole}
    log_group: ${AgentLogGroup}
    - SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD ## pulled from agent environment
    ' > $DAGSTER_HOME/dagster.yaml && cat $DAGSTER_HOME/dagster.yaml && dagster-cloud agent run"
  8. When finished, click the Create Stack button:

    Highlighted Create Stack button in the AWS Console

  9. You'll be redirected back to the Update stack wizard, where the new template will be populated. Click Next.

  10. Continue to click Next until you reach the Review page.

  11. Click Submit to update the stack.