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Serverless deployment

Dagster+ Serverless is a fully managed version of Dagster+ and is the easiest way to get started with Dagster. With a Serverless deployment, you can run your Dagster jobs without spinning up any infrastructure yourself.

Serverless vs Hybrid

Serverless works best with workloads that primarily orchestrate other services or perform light computation. Most workloads fit into this category, especially those that orchestrate third-party SaaS products like cloud data warehouses and ETL tools.

If any of the following are applicable, you should select Hybrid deployment:

  • You require substantial computational resources. For example, training a large machine learning (ML) model in-process
  • Your dataset is too large to fit in memory. For example, training a large ML model in-process on a terabyte of data
  • You need to distribute computation across many nodes for a single run. Dagster+ runs currently execute on a single node with 4 CPUs
  • You don't want to add Dagster Labs as a data processor


Serverless is subject to the following limitations:

  • Maximum of 100 GB of bandwidth per day
  • Maximum of 4500 step-minutes per day
  • Runs receive 4 vCPU cores, 16 GB of RAM, and 128 GB of ephemeral disk
  • Code locations receive 0.25 vCPU cores and 1 GB of RAM
  • All Serverless jobs run in the United States
  • Infrastructure cannot be customized or extended, such as using additional containers

Dagster+ Pro customers may request a quota increase by contacting Sales.

Next steps

To start using Dagster+ Serverless, you must create a Dagster+ organization if you have not already done so. You can sign up with:

  • a Google email address
  • a GitHub account
  • a one-time email link (ideal if you are using a corporate email). You can set up SSO after completing these steps.