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Migrate from Airflow to Dagster at the DAG level

This tutorial demonstrates mapping assets to a full Airflow DAG using dagster-airlift.

You might want to map assets to a full Airflow DAG rather than on a per-task basis because:

  • You're making use of "dynamic tasks" in Airflow, which don't conform neatly to the task mapping protocol in the task-level migration guide.
  • You want to refactor the DAG structure in a way that doesn't conform to the existing task structure.

Next steps

To get started with this tutorial, follow the setup steps to install the example code, set up a local environment, and run Airflow locally.

Migration best practices

When migrating Airflow DAGs to Dagster, we recommend a few best practices:

  • Create separate packages for the Airflow and Dagster deployments. Airflow has complex dependencies and can be difficult to install in the same environment as Dagster.
  • Create user acceptance tests in Dagster before migrating. This will help you catch issues easily during migration.
  • Understand the rollback procedure for your migration. When proxying execution to Dagster from Airflow, you can always roll back by changing a single line of code in the Airflow DAG.