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[Advanced] Adding a component to a project without yaml


For some use cases, instantiating a component with Python rather than a component.yaml file is desirable. This guide assumes that you are already familiar with the basics of the Components system.

Creating a subdirectory

As with yaml-based components, you'll first need to create a new subdirectory in your components/ directory. This subdirectory will contain the component definition.

There, you'll create a file to define your component instance. In this file, you will define a single @component-decorated function that instantiates the component type that you're interested in.

from dagster_components import ComponentLoadContext, component
from dagster_components.lib import DbtProjectComponent
from dagster_dbt import DagsterDbtTranslator, DbtCliResource

class MyTranslator(DagsterDbtTranslator): ...

def my_dbt_component(context: ComponentLoadContext) -> DbtProjectComponent:
return DbtProjectComponent(

This function just needs to return an instance of your desired component type. In our case, we've used this functionality to customize the translator argument of the DbtProjectComponent class.