Access to a container registry to which you can push images with Dagster code. Additionally, your Docker agent must have the permissions required to pull images from the registry.
Next, you'll start the agent as a container. Run the following command in the same folder as your dagster.yaml file:
docker run \
--network=dagster_cloud_agent \
--volume $PWD/dagster.yaml:/opt/dagster/app/dagster.yaml:ro \
--volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-it \
dagster-cloud agent run /opt/dagster/app
This command:
Starts the agent with your local dagster.yaml mounted as a volume
Starts the system Docker socket mounted as a volume, allowing the agent to launch containers.
To view the agent in Dagster+, click the Dagster icon in the top left to navigate to the Status page and click the Agents tab. You should see the agent running in the Agent statuses section:
If your images are stored in a private registry, configuring a Docker credentials helper allows the agent to log in to your registry. The agent image comes with several popular credentials helpers preinstalled:
These credential helpers generally are configured in ~/.docker.config.json. To use one, make sure you mount that file as a volume when you start your agent: