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Dagster+ Hybrid agents#

For Hybrid deployments, Dagster+ uses an agent that is responsible for executing your code. The agent streams metadata about code execution over HTTPS to Dagster+’s Agent API.

Dagster+ currently supports agents running on the following backends:

NameHow it works
Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)The Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) agent executes Dagster jobs as Amazon Web Services (AWS) ECS tasks. This agent is appropriate for scaled production deployments; ECS is a good choice for teams who have already standardized on ECS or who don't plan to run their own container orchestration infrastructure.
DockerThe Docker agent executes Dagster jobs in Docker containers on your computer.
KubernetesThe Kubernetes agent executes Dagster jobs on a Kubernetes cluster. This agent is appropriate for scaled production deployments and is a good choice for teams who have already standardized on Kubernetes.
LocalThe local agent executes Dagster jobs as processes on your computer.

Amazon ECS agents#

Docker agents#

Kubernetes agents#

Local agents#

Customizing agents#