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A multi-asset represents a set of asset definitions that are all updated by the same op or graph.

Relevant APIs#

@multi_assetA decorator used to define multi-assets.


When working with asset definitions, it's sometimes inconvenient or impossible to map each persisted asset to a unique op or graph. A multi-asset is a way to define a single op or graph that will produce the contents of multiple data assets at once.

Multi-assets may be useful in the following scenarios:

  • A single call to an API results in multiple tables being updated (e.g. Airbyte, Fivetran, dbt).
  • The same in-memory object is used to compute multiple assets.

Defining multi-assets#

The function responsible for computing the contents of any asset is an op. Multi-assets are responsible for updating multiple assets, so the underlying op will have multiple outputs -- one for each associated asset.

A basic multi-asset#

The easiest way to create a multi-asset is with the @multi_asset decorator. This decorator functions similarly to the @asset decorator, but requires a specs parameter specifying each asset that the function materializes.

from dagster import AssetSpec, multi_asset

@multi_asset(specs=[AssetSpec("users"), AssetSpec("orders")])
def my_function():
    # some code that writes out data to the users table and the orders table

Conditional materialization#

In some cases, an asset may not need to be updated in storage each time the decorated function is executed. You can use the skippable parameter along with yield syntax and MaterializeResult to implement this behavior.

If the skippable parameter is set to True on an AssetSpec, and your function does not yield a MaterializeResult object for that asset, then:

  • No asset materialization event will be created
  • Downstream assets in the same run will not be materialized
  • Asset sensors monitoring the asset will not trigger
import random

from dagster import AssetSpec, MaterializeResult, asset, multi_asset

    specs=[AssetSpec("asset1", skippable=True), AssetSpec("asset2", skippable=True)]
def assets_1_and_2():
    if random.randint(1, 10) < 5:
        yield MaterializeResult(asset_key="asset1")

    if random.randint(1, 10) < 5:
        yield MaterializeResult(asset_key="asset2")

def downstream1():
    """Will not run when assets_1_and_2 doesn't materialize asset1."""

def downstream2():
    """Will not run when assets_1_and_2 doesn't materialize asset2."""

Subsetting multi-assets#

By default, it is assumed that the computation inside of a multi-asset will always produce the contents all of the associated assets. This means that attempting to execute a set of assets that produces some, but not all, of the assets defined by a given multi-asset will result in an error.

Sometimes, the underlying computation is sufficiently flexible to allow for computing an arbitrary subset of the assets associated with it. In these cases, set the skippable attribute of the asset specs to True, and set the can_subset parameter of the decorator to True.

Inside the body of the function, we can use context.selected_asset_keys to find out which assets should be materialized.

from dagster import AssetExecutionContext, AssetSpec, MaterializeResult, multi_asset

    specs=[AssetSpec("asset1", skippable=True), AssetSpec("asset2", skippable=True)],
def split_actions(context: AssetExecutionContext):
    if "asset1" in context.op_execution_context.selected_asset_keys:
        yield MaterializeResult(asset_key="asset1")
    if "asset2" in context.op_execution_context.selected_asset_keys:
        yield MaterializeResult(asset_key="asset2")

Dependencies inside multi-assets#

Assets defined within multi-assets can have dependencies on upstream assets. These dependencies can be expressed using the deps attribute on AssetSpec.

from dagster import AssetKey, AssetSpec, asset, multi_asset

def a(): ...

def b(): ...

@multi_asset(specs=[AssetSpec("c", deps=["b"]), AssetSpec("d", deps=["a"])])
def my_complex_assets(): ...

Multi-asset code versions#

Multi-assets may assign different code versions for each of their outputs:

    specs=[AssetSpec(key="a", code_version="1"), AssetSpec(key="b", code_version="2")]
def multi_asset_with_versions():
    with open("data/a.json", "w") as f:
        json.dump(100, f)
        yield MaterializeResult("a")
    with open("data/b.json", "w") as f:
        json.dump(200, f)
        yield MaterializeResult("b")

Just as with regular assets, these versions are attached to the AssetMaterialization objects for each of the constituent assets and represented in the UI.