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Source code for dagster_slack.resources

from dagster import ConfigurableResource, resource
from dagster._core.definitions.resource_definition import dagster_maintained_resource
from pydantic import Field
from slack_sdk.web.client import WebClient

[docs] class SlackResource(ConfigurableResource): """This resource is for connecting to Slack. By configuring this Slack resource, you can post messages to Slack from any Dagster op, asset, schedule or sensor. Examples: .. code-block:: python import os from dagster import EnvVar, job, op from dagster_slack import SlackResource @op def slack_op(slack: SlackResource): slack.get_client().chat_postMessage(channel='#noise', text=':wave: hey there!') @job def slack_job(): slack_op() defs = Definitions( jobs=[slack_job], resources={ "slack": SlackResource(token=EnvVar("MY_SLACK_TOKEN")), }, ) """ token: str = Field( description=( "To configure access to the Slack API, you'll need an access" " token provisioned with access to your Slack workspace." " Tokens are typically either user tokens or bot tokens. For programmatic posting" " to Slack from this resource, you probably want to provision and use a bot token." " More in the Slack API documentation here:" ), ) @classmethod def _is_dagster_maintained(cls) -> bool: return True def get_client(self) -> WebClient: """Returns a ``slack_sdk.WebClient`` for interacting with the Slack API.""" return WebClient(self.token)
[docs] @dagster_maintained_resource @resource( config_schema=SlackResource.to_config_schema(), ) def slack_resource(context) -> WebClient: """This resource is for connecting to Slack. The resource object is a `slack_sdk.WebClient`. By configuring this Slack resource, you can post messages to Slack from any Dagster op, asset, schedule or sensor. Examples: .. code-block:: python import os from dagster import job, op from dagster_slack import slack_resource @op(required_resource_keys={'slack'}) def slack_op(context): context.resources.slack.chat_postMessage(channel='#noise', text=':wave: hey there!') @job(resource_defs={'slack': slack_resource}) def slack_job(): slack_op() slack_job.execute_in_process( run_config={'resources': {'slack': {'config': {'token': os.getenv('SLACK_TOKEN')}}}} ) """ return SlackResource.from_resource_context(context).get_client()