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Source code for dagster_postgres.event_log.event_log

from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Any, ContextManager, Iterator, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, cast

import dagster._check as check
import sqlalchemy as db
import sqlalchemy.dialects as db_dialects
import sqlalchemy.pool as db_pool
from dagster._config.config_schema import UserConfigSchema
from dagster._core.errors import DagsterInvariantViolationError
from dagster._core.event_api import EventHandlerFn
from import EventLogEntry
from import pg_config
from import (
from import EventLogCursor
from import SqlPollingEventWatcher
from import (
from import db_select
from dagster._serdes import ConfigurableClass, ConfigurableClassData, deserialize_value
from sqlalchemy.engine import Connection

from ..utils import (

CHANNEL_NAME = "run_events"

[docs]class PostgresEventLogStorage(SqlEventLogStorage, ConfigurableClass): """Postgres-backed event log storage. Users should not directly instantiate this class; it is instantiated by internal machinery when ``dagster-webserver`` and ``dagster-graphql`` load, based on the values in the ``dagster.yaml`` file in ``$DAGSTER_HOME``. Configuration of this class should be done by setting values in that file. To use Postgres for all of the components of your instance storage, you can add the following block to your ``dagster.yaml``: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../../../examples/docs_snippets/docs_snippets/deploying/dagster-pg.yaml :caption: dagster.yaml :lines: 1-8 :language: YAML If you are configuring the different storage components separately and are specifically configuring your event log storage to use Postgres, you can add a block such as the following to your ``dagster.yaml``: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../../../examples/docs_snippets/docs_snippets/deploying/dagster-pg-legacy.yaml :caption: dagster.yaml :lines: 12-21 :language: YAML Note that the fields in this config are :py:class:`~dagster.StringSource` and :py:class:`~dagster.IntSource` and can be configured from environment variables. """ def __init__( self, postgres_url: str, should_autocreate_tables: bool = True, inst_data: Optional[ConfigurableClassData] = None, ): self._inst_data = check.opt_inst_param(inst_data, "inst_data", ConfigurableClassData) self.postgres_url = check.str_param(postgres_url, "postgres_url") self.should_autocreate_tables = check.bool_param( should_autocreate_tables, "should_autocreate_tables" ) self._disposed = False # Default to not holding any connections open to prevent accumulating connections per DagsterInstance self._engine = create_engine( self.postgres_url, isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT", poolclass=db_pool.NullPool ) self._event_watcher = SqlPollingEventWatcher(self) self._secondary_index_cache = {} # Stamp and create tables if the main table does not exist (we can't check alembic # revision because alembic config may be shared with other storage classes) if self.should_autocreate_tables: table_names = retry_pg_connection_fn(lambda: db.inspect(self._engine).get_table_names()) if "event_logs" not in table_names: retry_pg_creation_fn(self._init_db) self.reindex_events() self.reindex_assets() super().__init__() def _init_db(self) -> None: with self._connect() as conn: with conn.begin(): SqlEventLogStorageMetadata.create_all(conn) stamp_alembic_rev(pg_alembic_config(__file__), conn) def optimize_for_webserver(self, statement_timeout: int, pool_recycle: int) -> None: # When running in dagster-webserver, hold an open connection and set statement_timeout existing_options = self._engine.url.query.get("options") timeout_option = pg_statement_timeout(statement_timeout) if existing_options: options = f"{timeout_option} {existing_options}" else: options = timeout_option self._engine = create_engine( self.postgres_url, isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT", pool_size=1, connect_args={"options": options}, pool_recycle=pool_recycle, ) def upgrade(self) -> None: alembic_config = pg_alembic_config(__file__) with self._connect() as conn: run_alembic_upgrade(alembic_config, conn) @property def inst_data(self) -> Optional[ConfigurableClassData]: return self._inst_data @classmethod def config_type(cls) -> UserConfigSchema: return pg_config() @classmethod def from_config_value( cls, inst_data: Optional[ConfigurableClassData], config_value: Mapping[str, Any] ) -> "PostgresEventLogStorage": return PostgresEventLogStorage( inst_data=inst_data, postgres_url=pg_url_from_config(config_value), should_autocreate_tables=config_value.get("should_autocreate_tables", True), ) @staticmethod def create_clean_storage( conn_string: str, should_autocreate_tables: bool = True ) -> "PostgresEventLogStorage": engine = create_engine( conn_string, isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT", poolclass=db_pool.NullPool ) try: SqlEventLogStorageMetadata.drop_all(engine) finally: engine.dispose() return PostgresEventLogStorage(conn_string, should_autocreate_tables) def store_event(self, event: EventLogEntry) -> None: """Store an event corresponding to a run. Args: event (EventLogEntry): The event to store. """ check.inst_param(event, "event", EventLogEntry) insert_event_statement = self.prepare_insert_event(event) # from with self._connect() as conn: result = conn.execute( insert_event_statement.returning( SqlEventLogStorageTable.c.run_id, ) ) res = result.fetchone() result.close() # LISTEN/NOTIFY no longer used for pg event watch - preserved here to support version skew conn.execute( db.text(f"""NOTIFY {CHANNEL_NAME}, :notify_id; """), {"notify_id": res[0] + "_" + str(res[1])}, # type: ignore ) event_id = int(res[1]) # type: ignore if ( event.is_dagster_event and event.dagster_event_type in ASSET_EVENTS and event.dagster_event.asset_key # type: ignore ): self.store_asset_event(event, event_id) if event_id is None: raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( "Cannot store asset event tags for null event id." ) self.store_asset_event_tags([event], [event_id]) if event.is_dagster_event and event.dagster_event_type in ASSET_CHECK_EVENTS: self.store_asset_check_event(event, event_id) def store_event_batch(self, events: Sequence[EventLogEntry]) -> None: check.sequence_param(events, "event", of_type=EventLogEntry) check.invariant( all(event.get_dagster_event().event_type in BATCH_WRITABLE_EVENTS for event in events), f"{BATCH_WRITABLE_EVENTS} are the only currently supported events for batch writes.", ) insert_event_statement = self.prepare_insert_event_batch(events) with self._connect() as conn: result = conn.execute(insert_event_statement.returning( event_ids = [cast(int, row[0]) for row in result.fetchall()] # We only update the asset table with the last event self.store_asset_event(events[-1], event_ids[-1]) if any((event_id is None for event_id in event_ids)): raise DagsterInvariantViolationError("Cannot store asset event tags for null event id.") self.store_asset_event_tags(events, event_ids) def store_asset_event(self, event: EventLogEntry, event_id: int) -> None: check.inst_param(event, "event", EventLogEntry) if not (event.dagster_event and event.dagster_event.asset_key): return # We switched to storing the entire event record of the last materialization instead of just # the AssetMaterialization object, so that we have access to metadata like timestamp, # job, run_id, etc. # # This should make certain asset queries way more performant, without having to do extra # queries against the event log. # # This should be accompanied by a schema change in 0.12.0, renaming `last_materialization` # to `last_materialization_event`, for clarity. For now, we should do some back-compat. # # # The AssetKeyTable contains a `last_materialization_timestamp` column that is exclusively # used to determine if an asset exists (last materialization timestamp > wipe timestamp). # This column is used nowhere else, and as of AssetObservation/AssetMaterializationPlanned # event creation, we want to extend this functionality to ensure that assets with any event # (observation, materialization, or materialization planned) yielded with timestamp # > wipe timestamp display in the Dagster UI. # As of the following PRs, we update last_materialization_timestamp to store the timestamp # of the latest asset observation, materialization, or materialization_planned that has occurred. # # # The AssetKeyTable also contains a `last_run_id` column that is updated upon asset # materialization. This column was not being used until the below PR. This new change # writes to the column upon `ASSET_MATERIALIZATION_PLANNED` events to fetch the last # run id for a set of assets in one roundtrip call to event log storage. # values = self._get_asset_entry_values( event, event_id, self.has_secondary_index(ASSET_KEY_INDEX_COLS) ) with self.index_connection() as conn: query = db_dialects.postgresql.insert(AssetKeyTable).values( asset_key=event.dagster_event.asset_key.to_string(), **values, ) if values: query = query.on_conflict_do_update( index_elements=[AssetKeyTable.c.asset_key], set_=dict(**values), ) else: query = query.on_conflict_do_nothing() conn.execute(query) def add_dynamic_partitions( self, partitions_def_name: str, partition_keys: Sequence[str] ) -> None: if not partition_keys: return # Overload base implementation to push upsert logic down into the db layer self._check_partitions_table() with self.index_connection() as conn: conn.execute( db_dialects.postgresql.insert(DynamicPartitionsTable) .values( [ dict(partitions_def_name=partitions_def_name, partition=partition_key) for partition_key in partition_keys ] ) .on_conflict_do_nothing(), ) def _connect(self) -> ContextManager[Connection]: return create_pg_connection(self._engine) def run_connection(self, run_id: Optional[str] = None) -> ContextManager[Connection]: return self._connect() def index_connection(self) -> ContextManager[Connection]: return self._connect() @contextmanager def index_transaction(self) -> Iterator[Connection]: """Context manager yielding a connection to the index shard that has begun a transaction.""" with self.index_connection() as conn: if conn.in_transaction(): yield conn else: conn = conn.execution_options(isolation_level="READ COMMITTED") # noqa: PLW2901 with conn.begin(): yield conn def has_table(self, table_name: str) -> bool: return bool(self._engine.dialect.has_table(self._engine.connect(), table_name)) def has_secondary_index(self, name: str) -> bool: if name not in self._secondary_index_cache: self._secondary_index_cache[name] = super( PostgresEventLogStorage, self ).has_secondary_index(name) return self._secondary_index_cache[name] def enable_secondary_index(self, name: str) -> None: super(PostgresEventLogStorage, self).enable_secondary_index(name) if name in self._secondary_index_cache: del self._secondary_index_cache[name] def watch( self, run_id: str, cursor: Optional[str], callback: EventHandlerFn, ) -> None: if cursor and EventLogCursor.parse(cursor).is_offset_cursor(): check.failed("Cannot call `watch` with an offset cursor") self._event_watcher.watch_run(run_id, cursor, callback) def _gen_event_log_entry_from_cursor(self, cursor) -> EventLogEntry: with self._engine.connect() as conn: cursor_res = conn.execute( db_select([SqlEventLogStorageTable.c.event]).where( == cursor ), ) return deserialize_value(cursor_res.scalar(), EventLogEntry) # type: ignore def end_watch(self, run_id: str, handler: EventHandlerFn) -> None: self._event_watcher.unwatch_run(run_id, handler) def __del__(self) -> None: # Keep the inherent limitations of __del__ in Python in mind! self.dispose() def dispose(self) -> None: if not self._disposed: self._disposed = True self._event_watcher.close() def alembic_version(self) -> AlembicVersion: alembic_config = pg_alembic_config(__file__) with self._connect() as conn: return check_alembic_revision(alembic_config, conn)