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Source code for dagster_duckdb_pandas.duckdb_pandas_type_handler

from typing import Optional, Sequence, Type

import pandas as pd
from dagster import InputContext, MetadataValue, OutputContext, TableColumn, TableSchema
from import DbTypeHandler, TableSlice
from dagster_duckdb.io_manager import (

[docs]class DuckDBPandasTypeHandler(DbTypeHandler[pd.DataFrame]): """Stores and loads Pandas DataFrames in DuckDB. To use this type handler, return it from the ``type_handlers` method of an I/O manager that inherits from ``DuckDBIOManager``. Example: .. code-block:: python from dagster_duckdb import DuckDBIOManager from dagster_duckdb_pandas import DuckDBPandasTypeHandler class MyDuckDBIOManager(DuckDBIOManager): @staticmethod def type_handlers() -> Sequence[DbTypeHandler]: return [DuckDBPandasTypeHandler()] @asset( key_prefix=["my_schema"] # will be used as the schema in duckdb ) def my_table() -> pd.DataFrame: # the name of the asset will be the table name ... defs = Definitions( assets=[my_table], resources={"io_manager": MyDuckDBIOManager(database="my_db.duckdb")} ) """ def handle_output( self, context: OutputContext, table_slice: TableSlice, obj: pd.DataFrame, connection ): """Stores the pandas DataFrame in duckdb.""" connection.execute( f"create table if not exists {table_slice.schema}.{table_slice.table} as select * from" " obj;" ) if not connection.fetchall(): # table was not created, therefore already exists. Insert the data connection.execute( f"insert into {table_slice.schema}.{table_slice.table} select * from obj" ) context.add_output_metadata( { "row_count": obj.shape[0], "dataframe_columns": MetadataValue.table_schema( TableSchema( columns=[ TableColumn(name=name, type=str(dtype)) # type: ignore # (bad stubs) for name, dtype in obj.dtypes.items() ] ) ), } ) def load_input( self, context: InputContext, table_slice: TableSlice, connection ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Loads the input as a Pandas DataFrame.""" if table_slice.partition_dimensions and len(context.asset_partition_keys) == 0: return pd.DataFrame() return connection.execute(DuckDbClient.get_select_statement(table_slice)).fetchdf() @property def supported_types(self): return [pd.DataFrame]
duckdb_pandas_io_manager = build_duckdb_io_manager( [DuckDBPandasTypeHandler()], default_load_type=pd.DataFrame ) duckdb_pandas_io_manager.__doc__ = """ An I/O manager definition that reads inputs from and writes Pandas DataFrames to DuckDB. When using the duckdb_pandas_io_manager, any inputs and outputs without type annotations will be loaded as Pandas DataFrames. Returns: IOManagerDefinition Examples: .. code-block:: python from dagster_duckdb_pandas import duckdb_pandas_io_manager @asset( key_prefix=["my_schema"] # will be used as the schema in DuckDB ) def my_table() -> pd.DataFrame: # the name of the asset will be the table name ... defs = Definitions( assets=[my_table], resources={"io_manager": duckdb_pandas_io_manager.configured({"database": "my_db.duckdb"})} ) You can set a default schema to store the assets using the ``schema`` configuration value of the DuckDB I/O Manager. This schema will be used if no other schema is specified directly on an asset or op. .. code-block:: python defs = Definitions( assets=[my_table], resources={"io_manager": duckdb_pandas_io_manager.configured({"database": "my_db.duckdb", "schema": "my_schema"})} ) On individual assets, you an also specify the schema where they should be stored using metadata or by adding a ``key_prefix`` to the asset key. If both ``key_prefix`` and metadata are defined, the metadata will take precedence. .. code-block:: python @asset( key_prefix=["my_schema"] # will be used as the schema in duckdb ) def my_table() -> pd.DataFrame: ... @asset( metadata={"schema": "my_schema"} # will be used as the schema in duckdb ) def my_other_table() -> pd.DataFrame: ... For ops, the schema can be specified by including a "schema" entry in output metadata. .. code-block:: python @op( out={"my_table": Out(metadata={"schema": "my_schema"})} ) def make_my_table() -> pd.DataFrame: ... If none of these is provided, the schema will default to "public". To only use specific columns of a table as input to a downstream op or asset, add the metadata "columns" to the In or AssetIn. .. code-block:: python @asset( ins={"my_table": AssetIn("my_table", metadata={"columns": ["a"]})} ) def my_table_a(my_table: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: # my_table will just contain the data from column "a" ... """
[docs]class DuckDBPandasIOManager(DuckDBIOManager): """An I/O manager definition that reads inputs from and writes Pandas DataFrames to DuckDB. When using the DuckDBPandasIOManager, any inputs and outputs without type annotations will be loaded as Pandas DataFrames. Returns: IOManagerDefinition Examples: .. code-block:: python from dagster_duckdb_pandas import DuckDBPandasIOManager @asset( key_prefix=["my_schema"] # will be used as the schema in DuckDB ) def my_table() -> pd.DataFrame: # the name of the asset will be the table name ... defs = Definitions( assets=[my_table], resources={"io_manager": DuckDBPandasIOManager(database="my_db.duckdb")} ) You can set a default schema to store the assets using the ``schema`` configuration value of the DuckDB I/O Manager. This schema will be used if no other schema is specified directly on an asset or op. .. code-block:: python defs = Definitions( assets=[my_table], resources={"io_manager": DuckDBPandasIOManager(database="my_db.duckdb", schema="my_schema")} ) On individual assets, you an also specify the schema where they should be stored using metadata or by adding a ``key_prefix`` to the asset key. If both ``key_prefix`` and metadata are defined, the metadata will take precedence. .. code-block:: python @asset( key_prefix=["my_schema"] # will be used as the schema in duckdb ) def my_table() -> pd.DataFrame: ... @asset( metadata={"schema": "my_schema"} # will be used as the schema in duckdb ) def my_other_table() -> pd.DataFrame: ... For ops, the schema can be specified by including a "schema" entry in output metadata. .. code-block:: python @op( out={"my_table": Out(metadata={"schema": "my_schema"})} ) def make_my_table() -> pd.DataFrame: ... If none of these is provided, the schema will default to "public". To only use specific columns of a table as input to a downstream op or asset, add the metadata "columns" to the In or AssetIn. .. code-block:: python @asset( ins={"my_table": AssetIn("my_table", metadata={"columns": ["a"]})} ) def my_table_a(my_table: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: # my_table will just contain the data from column "a" ... """ @classmethod def _is_dagster_maintained(cls) -> bool: return True @staticmethod def type_handlers() -> Sequence[DbTypeHandler]: return [DuckDBPandasTypeHandler()] @staticmethod def default_load_type() -> Optional[Type]: return pd.DataFrame