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Source code for dagster._core.types.dagster_type

import typing as t
from abc import abstractmethod
from enum import Enum as PythonEnum
from functools import partial
from typing import (
    AbstractSet as TypingAbstractSet,
    Iterator as TypingIterator,
    Optional as TypingOptional,
    Type as TypingType,

from typing_extensions import get_args, get_origin

import dagster._check as check
from dagster._annotations import public
from dagster._builtins import BuiltinEnum
from dagster._config import (
    Noneable as ConfigNoneable,
from import DynamicOutput, Output, TypeCheck
from dagster._core.definitions.metadata import (
from dagster._core.errors import DagsterInvalidDefinitionError, DagsterInvariantViolationError
from dagster._serdes import whitelist_for_serdes
from dagster._seven import is_subclass

from ..definitions.resource_requirement import (
from .builtin_config_schemas import BuiltinSchemas
from .config_schema import DagsterTypeLoader

    from dagster._core.definitions.node_definition import NodeDefinition
    from dagster._core.execution.context.system import DagsterTypeLoaderContext, TypeCheckContext

TypeCheckFn = t.Callable[["TypeCheckContext", AnyStr], t.Union[TypeCheck, bool]]

class DagsterTypeKind(PythonEnum):
    ANY = "ANY"
    LIST = "LIST"

[docs]class DagsterType(RequiresResources): """Define a type in dagster. These can be used in the inputs and outputs of ops. Args: type_check_fn (Callable[[TypeCheckContext, Any], [Union[bool, TypeCheck]]]): The function that defines the type check. It takes the value flowing through the input or output of the op. If it passes, return either ``True`` or a :py:class:`~dagster.TypeCheck` with ``success`` set to ``True``. If it fails, return either ``False`` or a :py:class:`~dagster.TypeCheck` with ``success`` set to ``False``. The first argument must be named ``context`` (or, if unused, ``_``, ``_context``, or ``context_``). Use ``required_resource_keys`` for access to resources. key (Optional[str]): The unique key to identify types programmatically. The key property always has a value. If you omit key to the argument to the init function, it instead receives the value of ``name``. If neither ``key`` nor ``name`` is provided, a ``CheckError`` is thrown. In the case of a generic type such as ``List`` or ``Optional``, this is generated programmatically based on the type parameters. For most use cases, name should be set and the key argument should not be specified. name (Optional[str]): A unique name given by a user. If ``key`` is ``None``, ``key`` becomes this value. Name is not given in a case where the user does not specify a unique name for this type, such as a generic class. description (Optional[str]): A markdown-formatted string, displayed in tooling. loader (Optional[DagsterTypeLoader]): An instance of a class that inherits from :py:class:`~dagster.DagsterTypeLoader` and can map config data to a value of this type. Specify this argument if you will need to shim values of this type using the config machinery. As a rule, you should use the :py:func:`@dagster_type_loader <dagster.dagster_type_loader>` decorator to construct these arguments. required_resource_keys (Optional[Set[str]]): Resource keys required by the ``type_check_fn``. is_builtin (bool): Defaults to False. This is used by tools to display or filter built-in types (such as :py:class:`~dagster.String`, :py:class:`~dagster.Int`) to visually distinguish them from user-defined types. Meant for internal use. kind (DagsterTypeKind): Defaults to None. This is used to determine the kind of runtime type for InputDefinition and OutputDefinition type checking. typing_type: Defaults to None. A valid python typing type (e.g. Optional[List[int]]) for the value contained within the DagsterType. Meant for internal use. """ def __init__( self, type_check_fn: TypeCheckFn, key: t.Optional[str] = None, name: t.Optional[str] = None, is_builtin: bool = False, description: t.Optional[str] = None, loader: t.Optional[DagsterTypeLoader] = None, required_resource_keys: t.Optional[t.Set[str]] = None, kind: DagsterTypeKind = DagsterTypeKind.REGULAR, typing_type: t.Any = t.Any, metadata: t.Optional[t.Mapping[str, RawMetadataValue]] = None, ): check.opt_str_param(key, "key") check.opt_str_param(name, "name") check.invariant(not (name is None and key is None), "Must set key or name") if name is None: key = check.not_none( key, "If name is not provided, must provide key.", ) self.key, self._name = key, None elif key is None: name = check.not_none( name, "If key is not provided, must provide name.", ) self.key, self._name = name, name else: check.invariant(key and name) self.key, self._name = key, name self._description = check.opt_str_param(description, "description") self._loader = check.opt_inst_param(loader, "loader", DagsterTypeLoader) self._required_resource_keys = check.opt_set_param( required_resource_keys, "required_resource_keys", ) self._type_check_fn = check.callable_param(type_check_fn, "type_check_fn") _validate_type_check_fn(self._type_check_fn, self._name) self.is_builtin = check.bool_param(is_builtin, "is_builtin") check.invariant( self.display_name is not None, f"All types must have a valid display name, got None for key {key}", ) self.kind = check.inst_param(kind, "kind", DagsterTypeKind) self._typing_type = typing_type self._metadata = normalize_metadata( check.opt_mapping_param(metadata, "metadata", key_type=str), )
[docs] @public def type_check(self, context: "TypeCheckContext", value: object) -> TypeCheck: """Type check the value against the type. Args: context (TypeCheckContext): The context of the type check. value (Any): The value to check. Returns: TypeCheck: The result of the type check. """ retval = self._type_check_fn(context, value) if not isinstance(retval, (bool, TypeCheck)): raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( f"You have returned {retval!r} of type {type(retval)} from the type " f'check function of type "{self.key}". Return value must be instance ' "of TypeCheck or a bool." ) return TypeCheck(success=retval) if isinstance(retval, bool) else retval
def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, DagsterType) and self.key == other.key def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.key) @staticmethod def from_builtin_enum(builtin_enum) -> "DagsterType": check.invariant(BuiltinEnum.contains(builtin_enum), "must be member of BuiltinEnum") return _RUNTIME_MAP[builtin_enum] @property def metadata(self) -> t.Mapping[str, MetadataValue]: return self._metadata @public @property def required_resource_keys(self) -> TypingAbstractSet[str]: """AbstractSet[str]: Set of resource keys required by the type check function.""" return self._required_resource_keys @public @property def display_name(self) -> str: """Either the name or key (if name is `None`) of the type, overridden in many subclasses.""" return cast(str, self._name or self.key) @public @property def unique_name(self) -> t.Optional[str]: """The unique name of this type. Can be None if the type is not unique, such as container types.""" # TODO: docstring and body inconsistent-- can this be None or not? check.invariant( self._name is not None, f"unique_name requested but is None for type {self.display_name}", ) return self._name @public @property def has_unique_name(self) -> bool: """bool: Whether the type has a unique name.""" return self._name is not None @public @property def typing_type(self) -> t.Any: """Any: The python typing type for this type.""" return self._typing_type @public @property def loader(self) -> t.Optional[DagsterTypeLoader]: """Optional[DagsterTypeLoader]: Loader for this type, if any.""" return self._loader @public @property def description(self) -> t.Optional[str]: """Optional[str]: Description of the type, or None if not provided.""" return self._description @property def inner_types(self) -> t.Sequence["DagsterType"]: return [] @property def loader_schema_key(self) -> t.Optional[str]: return self.loader.schema_type.key if self.loader else None @property def type_param_keys(self) -> t.Sequence[str]: return [] @property def is_nothing(self) -> bool: return self.kind == DagsterTypeKind.NOTHING @property def supports_fan_in(self) -> bool: return False def get_inner_type_for_fan_in(self) -> "DagsterType": check.failed( f"DagsterType {self.display_name} does not support fan-in, should have checked supports_fan_in before" " calling getter." ) def get_resource_requirements( self, _outer_context: TypingOptional[object] = None ) -> TypingIterator[ResourceRequirement]: for resource_key in sorted(list(self.required_resource_keys)): yield TypeResourceRequirement(key=resource_key, type_display_name=self.display_name) if self.loader: yield from self.loader.get_resource_requirements(outer_context=self.display_name)
def _validate_type_check_fn(fn: t.Callable, name: t.Optional[str]) -> bool: from dagster._seven import get_arg_names args = get_arg_names(fn) # py2 doesn't filter out self if len(args) >= 1 and args[0] == "self": args = args[1:] if len(args) == 2: possible_names = { "_", "context", "_context", "context_", } if args[0] not in possible_names: DagsterInvalidDefinitionError( f'type_check function on type "{name}" must have first ' 'argument named "context" (or _, _context, context_).' ) return True raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError( f'type_check_fn argument on type "{name}" must take 2 arguments, received {len(args)}.' ) class BuiltinScalarDagsterType(DagsterType): def __init__(self, name: str, type_check_fn: TypeCheckFn, typing_type: t.Type, **kwargs): super(BuiltinScalarDagsterType, self).__init__( key=name, name=name, kind=DagsterTypeKind.SCALAR, type_check_fn=type_check_fn, is_builtin=True, typing_type=typing_type, **kwargs, ) # This is passed to the constructor of subclasses as the argument `type_check_fn`-- that's why # it exists together with the `type_check_fn` arg. def type_check_fn(self, _context, value) -> TypeCheck: return self.type_check_scalar_value(value) @abstractmethod def type_check_scalar_value(self, _value) -> TypeCheck: raise NotImplementedError() def _typemismatch_error_str(value: object, expected_type_desc: str) -> str: return ( f'Value "{value}" of python type "{type(value).__name__}" must be a {expected_type_desc}.' ) def _fail_if_not_of_type( value: object, value_type: t.Type[t.Any], value_type_desc: str ) -> TypeCheck: if not isinstance(value, value_type): return TypeCheck(success=False, description=_typemismatch_error_str(value, value_type_desc)) return TypeCheck(success=True) class _Int(BuiltinScalarDagsterType): def __init__(self): super(_Int, self).__init__( name="Int", loader=BuiltinSchemas.INT_INPUT, type_check_fn=self.type_check_fn, typing_type=int, ) def type_check_scalar_value(self, value) -> TypeCheck: return _fail_if_not_of_type(value, int, "int") class _String(BuiltinScalarDagsterType): def __init__(self): super(_String, self).__init__( name="String", loader=BuiltinSchemas.STRING_INPUT, type_check_fn=self.type_check_fn, typing_type=str, ) def type_check_scalar_value(self, value: object) -> TypeCheck: return _fail_if_not_of_type(value, str, "string") class _Float(BuiltinScalarDagsterType): def __init__(self): super(_Float, self).__init__( name="Float", loader=BuiltinSchemas.FLOAT_INPUT, type_check_fn=self.type_check_fn, typing_type=float, ) def type_check_scalar_value(self, value: object) -> TypeCheck: return _fail_if_not_of_type(value, float, "float") class _Bool(BuiltinScalarDagsterType): def __init__(self): super(_Bool, self).__init__( name="Bool", loader=BuiltinSchemas.BOOL_INPUT, type_check_fn=self.type_check_fn, typing_type=bool, ) def type_check_scalar_value(self, value: object) -> TypeCheck: return _fail_if_not_of_type(value, bool, "bool") class Anyish(DagsterType): def __init__( self, key: t.Optional[str], name: t.Optional[str], loader: t.Optional[DagsterTypeLoader] = None, is_builtin: bool = False, description: t.Optional[str] = None, ): super(Anyish, self).__init__( key=key, name=name, kind=DagsterTypeKind.ANY, loader=loader, is_builtin=is_builtin, type_check_fn=self.type_check_method, description=description, typing_type=t.Any, ) def type_check_method(self, _context: "TypeCheckContext", _value: object) -> TypeCheck: return TypeCheck(success=True) @property def supports_fan_in(self) -> bool: return True def get_inner_type_for_fan_in(self) -> DagsterType: # Anyish all the way down return self class _Any(Anyish): def __init__(self): super(_Any, self).__init__( key="Any", name="Any", loader=BuiltinSchemas.ANY_INPUT, is_builtin=True, ) def create_any_type( name: str, loader: t.Optional[DagsterTypeLoader] = None, description: t.Optional[str] = None, ) -> Anyish: return Anyish( key=name, name=name, description=description, loader=loader, ) class _Nothing(DagsterType): def __init__(self): super(_Nothing, self).__init__( key="Nothing", name="Nothing", kind=DagsterTypeKind.NOTHING, loader=None, type_check_fn=self.type_check_method, is_builtin=True, typing_type=type(None), ) def type_check_method(self, _context: "TypeCheckContext", value: object) -> TypeCheck: if value is not None: return TypeCheck( success=False, description=f"Value must be None, got a {type(value)}", ) return TypeCheck(success=True) @property def supports_fan_in(self) -> bool: return True def get_inner_type_for_fan_in(self) -> DagsterType: return self def isinstance_type_check_fn( expected_python_type: t.Union[t.Type, t.Tuple[t.Type, ...]], dagster_type_name: str, expected_python_type_str: str, ) -> TypeCheckFn: def type_check(_context: "TypeCheckContext", value: object) -> TypeCheck: if not isinstance(value, expected_python_type): return TypeCheck( success=False, description=( f"Value of type {type(value)} failed type check for Dagster type" f" {dagster_type_name}, expected value to be of Python type" f" {expected_python_type_str}." ), ) return TypeCheck(success=True) return type_check
[docs]class PythonObjectDagsterType(DagsterType): """Define a type in dagster whose typecheck is an isinstance check. Specifically, the type can either be a single python type (e.g. int), or a tuple of types (e.g. (int, float)) which is treated as a union. Examples: .. code-block:: python ntype = PythonObjectDagsterType(python_type=int) assert == 'int' assert_success(ntype, 1) assert_failure(ntype, 'a') .. code-block:: python ntype = PythonObjectDagsterType(python_type=(int, float)) assert == 'Union[int, float]' assert_success(ntype, 1) assert_success(ntype, 1.5) assert_failure(ntype, 'a') Args: python_type (Union[Type, Tuple[Type, ...]): The dagster typecheck function calls instanceof on this type. name (Optional[str]): Name the type. Defaults to the name of ``python_type``. key (Optional[str]): Key of the type. Defaults to name. description (Optional[str]): A markdown-formatted string, displayed in tooling. loader (Optional[DagsterTypeLoader]): An instance of a class that inherits from :py:class:`~dagster.DagsterTypeLoader` and can map config data to a value of this type. Specify this argument if you will need to shim values of this type using the config machinery. As a rule, you should use the :py:func:`@dagster_type_loader <dagster.dagster_type_loader>` decorator to construct these arguments. """ def __init__( self, python_type: t.Union[t.Type, t.Tuple[t.Type, ...]], key: t.Optional[str] = None, name: t.Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): if isinstance(python_type, tuple): self.python_type = check.tuple_param( python_type, "python_type", of_shape=tuple(type for item in python_type) ) self.type_str = "Union[{}]".format( ", ".join(python_type.__name__ for python_type in python_type) ) typing_type = t.Union[python_type] # type: ignore else: self.python_type = check.class_param(python_type, "python_type") self.type_str = cast(str, python_type.__name__) typing_type = self.python_type name = check.opt_str_param(name, "name", self.type_str) key = check.opt_str_param(key, "key", name) super(PythonObjectDagsterType, self).__init__( key=key, name=name, type_check_fn=isinstance_type_check_fn(python_type, name, self.type_str), typing_type=typing_type, **kwargs, )
class NoneableInputSchema(DagsterTypeLoader): def __init__(self, inner_dagster_type: DagsterType): self._inner_dagster_type = check.inst_param( inner_dagster_type, "inner_dagster_type", DagsterType ) self._inner_loader = check.not_none_param(inner_dagster_type.loader, "inner_dagster_type") self._schema_type = ConfigNoneable(self._inner_loader.schema_type) @property def schema_type(self) -> ConfigType: return self._schema_type def construct_from_config_value( self, context: "DagsterTypeLoaderContext", config_value: object ) -> object: if config_value is None: return None return self._inner_loader.construct_from_config_value(context, config_value) def _create_nullable_input_schema(inner_type: DagsterType) -> t.Optional[DagsterTypeLoader]: if not inner_type.loader: return None return NoneableInputSchema(inner_type) class OptionalType(DagsterType): def __init__(self, inner_type: DagsterType): inner_type = resolve_dagster_type(inner_type) if inner_type is Nothing: raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError( "Type Nothing can not be wrapped in List or Optional" ) key = "Optional." + cast(str, inner_type.key) self.inner_type = inner_type super(OptionalType, self).__init__( key=key, name=None, kind=DagsterTypeKind.NULLABLE, type_check_fn=self.type_check_method, loader=_create_nullable_input_schema(inner_type), # This throws a type error with Py typing_type=t.Optional[inner_type.typing_type], ) @property def display_name(self) -> str: return self.inner_type.display_name + "?" def type_check_method(self, context, value): return ( TypeCheck(success=True) if value is None else self.inner_type.type_check(context, value) ) @property def inner_types(self): return [self.inner_type] + self.inner_type.inner_types @property def type_param_keys(self): return [self.inner_type.key] @property def supports_fan_in(self): return self.inner_type.supports_fan_in def get_inner_type_for_fan_in(self): return self.inner_type.get_inner_type_for_fan_in() class ListInputSchema(DagsterTypeLoader): def __init__(self, inner_dagster_type): self._inner_dagster_type = check.inst_param( inner_dagster_type, "inner_dagster_type", DagsterType ) check.param_invariant(inner_dagster_type.loader, "inner_dagster_type") self._schema_type = Array(inner_dagster_type.loader.schema_type) @property def schema_type(self): return self._schema_type def construct_from_config_value(self, context, config_value): convert_item = partial(self._inner_dagster_type.loader.construct_from_config_value, context) return list(map(convert_item, config_value)) def _create_list_input_schema(inner_type): if not inner_type.loader: return None return ListInputSchema(inner_type) class ListType(DagsterType): def __init__(self, inner_type: DagsterType): key = "List." + inner_type.key self.inner_type = inner_type super(ListType, self).__init__( key=key, name=None, kind=DagsterTypeKind.LIST, type_check_fn=self.type_check_method, loader=_create_list_input_schema(inner_type), typing_type=t.List[inner_type.typing_type], ) @property def display_name(self): return "[" + self.inner_type.display_name + "]" def type_check_method(self, context, value): value_check = _fail_if_not_of_type(value, list, "list") if not value_check.success: return value_check for item in value: item_check = self.inner_type.type_check(context, item) if not item_check.success: return item_check return TypeCheck(success=True) @property def inner_types(self): return [self.inner_type] + self.inner_type.inner_types @property def type_param_keys(self): return [self.inner_type.key] @property def supports_fan_in(self): return True def get_inner_type_for_fan_in(self): return self.inner_type class DagsterListApi: def __getitem__(self, inner_type): check.not_none_param(inner_type, "inner_type") return _List(resolve_dagster_type(inner_type)) def __call__(self, inner_type): check.not_none_param(inner_type, "inner_type") return _List(inner_type) List: DagsterListApi = DagsterListApi() def _List(inner_type): check.inst_param(inner_type, "inner_type", DagsterType) if inner_type is Nothing: raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError("Type Nothing can not be wrapped in List or Optional") return ListType(inner_type) class Stringish(DagsterType): def __init__(self, key: t.Optional[str] = None, name: t.Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): name = check.opt_str_param(name, "name", type(self).__name__) key = check.opt_str_param(key, "key", name) super(Stringish, self).__init__( key=key, name=name, kind=DagsterTypeKind.SCALAR, type_check_fn=self.type_check_method, loader=BuiltinSchemas.STRING_INPUT, typing_type=str, **kwargs, ) def type_check_method(self, _context: "TypeCheckContext", value: object) -> TypeCheck: return _fail_if_not_of_type(value, str, "string") def create_string_type(name, description=None): return Stringish(name=name, key=name, description=description) Any = _Any() Bool = _Bool() Float = _Float() Int = _Int() String = _String() Nothing = _Nothing() _RUNTIME_MAP = { BuiltinEnum.ANY: Any, BuiltinEnum.BOOL: Bool, BuiltinEnum.FLOAT: Float, BuiltinEnum.INT: Int, BuiltinEnum.STRING: String, BuiltinEnum.NOTHING: Nothing, } _PYTHON_TYPE_TO_DAGSTER_TYPE_MAPPING_REGISTRY: t.Dict[type, DagsterType] = {} """Python types corresponding to user-defined RunTime types created using @map_to_dagster_type or as_dagster_type are registered here so that we can remap the Python types to runtime types."""
[docs]def make_python_type_usable_as_dagster_type( python_type: TypingType[t.Any], dagster_type: DagsterType ) -> None: """Take any existing python type and map it to a dagster type (generally created with :py:class:`DagsterType <dagster.DagsterType>`) This can only be called once on a given python type. """ check.inst_param(python_type, "python_type", type) check.inst_param(dagster_type, "dagster_type", DagsterType) registered_dagster_type = _PYTHON_TYPE_TO_DAGSTER_TYPE_MAPPING_REGISTRY.get(python_type) if registered_dagster_type is None: _PYTHON_TYPE_TO_DAGSTER_TYPE_MAPPING_REGISTRY[python_type] = dagster_type elif registered_dagster_type is not dagster_type: # This would be just a great place to insert a short URL pointing to the type system # documentation into the error message # if isinstance(registered_dagster_type, TypeHintInferredDagsterType): raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError( "A Dagster type has already been registered for the Python type " f'{python_type}. The Dagster type was "auto-registered" - i.e. a solid definition ' "used the Python type as an annotation for one of its arguments or for its return " "value before make_python_type_usable_as_dagster_type was called, and we " "generated a Dagster type to correspond to it. To override the auto-generated " "Dagster type, call make_python_type_usable_as_dagster_type before any solid " "definitions refer to the Python type." ) else: raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError( "A Dagster type has already been registered for the Python type " f"{python_type}. make_python_type_usable_as_dagster_type can only " "be called once on a python type as it is registering a 1:1 mapping " "between that python type and a dagster type." )
DAGSTER_INVALID_TYPE_ERROR_MESSAGE = ( "Invalid type: dagster_type must be an instance of DagsterType or a Python type: " "got {dagster_type}{additional_msg}" ) class TypeHintInferredDagsterType(DagsterType): def __init__(self, python_type: t.Type): qualified_name = f"{python_type.__module__}.{python_type.__name__}" self.python_type = python_type super(TypeHintInferredDagsterType, self).__init__( key=f"_TypeHintInferred[{qualified_name}]", description=( f"DagsterType created from a type hint for the Python type {qualified_name}" ), type_check_fn=isinstance_type_check_fn( python_type, python_type.__name__, qualified_name ), typing_type=python_type, ) @property def display_name(self) -> str: return self.python_type.__name__ def resolve_dagster_type(dagster_type: object) -> DagsterType: # circular dep from dagster._utils.typing_api import is_typing_type from ..definitions.result import MaterializeResult, ObserveResult from .primitive_mapping import ( is_supported_runtime_python_builtin, remap_python_builtin_for_runtime, ) from .python_dict import ( Dict as DDict, PythonDict, ) from .python_set import DagsterSetApi, PythonSet from .python_tuple import DagsterTupleApi, PythonTuple from .transform_typing import transform_typing_type check.invariant( not (isinstance(dagster_type, type) and is_subclass(dagster_type, ConfigType)), "Cannot resolve a config type to a runtime type", ) check.invariant( not (isinstance(dagster_type, type) and is_subclass(dagster_type, DagsterType)), f"Do not pass runtime type classes. Got {dagster_type}", ) # First, check to see if we're using Dagster's generic output type to do the type catching. if is_generic_output_annotation(dagster_type): type_args = get_args(dagster_type) # If no inner type was provided, forward Any type. dagster_type = type_args[0] if len(type_args) == 1 else Any elif is_dynamic_output_annotation(dagster_type): dynamic_out_annotation = get_args(dagster_type)[0] type_args = get_args(dynamic_out_annotation) dagster_type = type_args[0] if len(type_args) == 1 else Any elif dagster_type == MaterializeResult: # convert MaterializeResult type annotation to Nothing until returning # scalar values via MaterializeResult is supported # dagster_type = Nothing elif dagster_type == ObserveResult: # ObserveResult does not include a value dagster_type = Nothing # Then, check to see if it is part of python's typing library if is_typing_type(dagster_type): dagster_type = transform_typing_type(dagster_type) if isinstance(dagster_type, DagsterType): return dagster_type # Test for unhashable objects -- this is if, for instance, someone has passed us an instance of # a dict where they meant to pass dict or Dict, etc. try: hash(dagster_type) except TypeError as e: raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError( DAGSTER_INVALID_TYPE_ERROR_MESSAGE.format( additional_msg=( ", which isn't hashable. Did you pass an instance of a type instead of " "the type?" ), dagster_type=str(dagster_type), ) ) from e if BuiltinEnum.contains(dagster_type): return DagsterType.from_builtin_enum(dagster_type) if is_supported_runtime_python_builtin(dagster_type): return remap_python_builtin_for_runtime(dagster_type) if dagster_type is None: return Any if dagster_type is DDict: return PythonDict if isinstance(dagster_type, DagsterTupleApi): return PythonTuple if isinstance(dagster_type, DagsterSetApi): return PythonSet if isinstance(dagster_type, DagsterListApi): return List(Any) if isinstance(dagster_type, type): return resolve_python_type_to_dagster_type(dagster_type) raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError( DAGSTER_INVALID_TYPE_ERROR_MESSAGE.format( dagster_type=str(dagster_type), additional_msg="." ) ) def is_dynamic_output_annotation(dagster_type: object) -> bool: check.invariant( not (isinstance(dagster_type, type) and is_subclass(dagster_type, ConfigType)), "Cannot resolve a config type to a runtime type", ) check.invariant( not (isinstance(dagster_type, type) and is_subclass(dagster_type, ConfigType)), f"Do not pass runtime type classes. Got {dagster_type}", ) if dagster_type == DynamicOutput or get_origin(dagster_type) == DynamicOutput: raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( "Op annotated with return type DynamicOutput. DynamicOutputs can only be returned in" " the context of a List. If only one output is needed, use the Output API." ) if get_origin(dagster_type) == list and len(get_args(dagster_type)) == 1: list_inner_type = get_args(dagster_type)[0] return list_inner_type == DynamicOutput or get_origin(list_inner_type) == DynamicOutput return False def is_generic_output_annotation(dagster_type: object) -> bool: return dagster_type == Output or get_origin(dagster_type) == Output def resolve_python_type_to_dagster_type(python_type: t.Type) -> DagsterType: """Resolves a Python type to a Dagster type.""" check.inst_param(python_type, "python_type", type) if python_type in _PYTHON_TYPE_TO_DAGSTER_TYPE_MAPPING_REGISTRY: return _PYTHON_TYPE_TO_DAGSTER_TYPE_MAPPING_REGISTRY[python_type] else: dagster_type = TypeHintInferredDagsterType(python_type) _PYTHON_TYPE_TO_DAGSTER_TYPE_MAPPING_REGISTRY[python_type] = dagster_type return dagster_type ALL_RUNTIME_BUILTINS = list(_RUNTIME_MAP.values()) def construct_dagster_type_dictionary( node_defs: Sequence["NodeDefinition"], ) -> Mapping[str, DagsterType]: from dagster._core.definitions.graph_definition import GraphDefinition type_dict_by_name = {t.unique_name: t for t in ALL_RUNTIME_BUILTINS} type_dict_by_key = {t.key: t for t in ALL_RUNTIME_BUILTINS} def process_node_def(node_def: "NodeDefinition"): input_output_types = list(node_def.all_input_output_types()) for dagster_type in input_output_types: # We don't do uniqueness check on key because with classes # like Array, Noneable, etc, those are ephemeral objects # and it is perfectly fine to have many of them. type_dict_by_key[dagster_type.key] = dagster_type if not dagster_type.has_unique_name: continue if dagster_type.unique_name not in type_dict_by_name: type_dict_by_name[dagster_type.unique_name] = dagster_type continue if type_dict_by_name[dagster_type.unique_name] is not dagster_type: raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError( ( f'You have created two dagster types with the same name "{dagster_type.display_name}". ' "Dagster types have must have unique names." ) ) if isinstance(node_def, GraphDefinition): for child_node_def in node_def.node_defs: process_node_def(child_node_def) for node_def in node_defs: process_node_def(node_def) return type_dict_by_key class DagsterOptionalApi: def __getitem__(self, inner_type: t.Union[t.Type, DagsterType]) -> OptionalType: inner_type = resolve_dagster_type(check.not_none_param(inner_type, "inner_type")) return OptionalType(inner_type) Optional: DagsterOptionalApi = DagsterOptionalApi()