Ask AI

Source code for dagster._core.instance

import logging
import logging.config
import os
import sys
import warnings
import weakref
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from enum import Enum
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from types import TracebackType
from typing import (

import yaml
from typing_extensions import Protocol, Self, TypeAlias, TypeVar, runtime_checkable

import dagster._check as check
from dagster._annotations import deprecated, experimental, public
from dagster._core.definitions.asset_check_evaluation import (
from dagster._core.definitions.data_version import extract_data_provenance_from_entry
from import AssetKey, AssetObservation
from dagster._core.definitions.partition_key_range import PartitionKeyRange
from dagster._core.errors import (
from dagster._core.execution.retries import auto_reexecution_should_retry_run
from dagster._core.instance.config import (
from dagster._core.instance.ref import InstanceRef
from dagster._core.log_manager import get_log_record_metadata
from dagster._core.origin import JobPythonOrigin
from import (
from import (
from dagster._serdes import ConfigurableClass
from dagster._time import get_current_datetime, get_current_timestamp
from dagster._utils import PrintFn, is_uuid, traced
from dagster._utils.error import serializable_error_info_from_exc_info
from dagster._utils.merger import merge_dicts
from dagster._utils.warnings import disable_dagster_warnings, experimental_warning

# 'airflow_execution_date' and 'is_airflow_ingest_pipeline' are hardcoded tags used in the
# airflow ingestion logic (see: 'airflow_execution_date' stores the
# 'execution_date' used in Airflow operator execution and 'is_airflow_ingest_pipeline' determines
# whether 'airflow_execution_date' is needed.
AIRFLOW_EXECUTION_DATE_STR = "airflow_execution_date"
IS_AIRFLOW_INGEST_PIPELINE_STR = "is_airflow_ingest_pipeline"

# Our internal guts can handle empty strings for job name and run id
# However making these named constants for documentation, to encode where we are making the assumption,
# and to allow us to change this more easily in the future, provided we are disciplined about
# actually using this constants.

    from dagster._core.debug import DebugRunPayload
    from dagster._core.definitions.asset_check_spec import AssetCheckKey
    from dagster._core.definitions.base_asset_graph import BaseAssetGraph
    from dagster._core.definitions.job_definition import JobDefinition
    from dagster._core.definitions.partition import PartitionsDefinition
    from dagster._core.definitions.repository_definition.repository_definition import (
    from dagster._core.definitions.run_request import InstigatorType
    from dagster._core.event_api import (
    from import (
    from import EventLogEntry
    from dagster._core.execution.backfill import (
    from dagster._core.execution.plan.plan import ExecutionPlan
    from dagster._core.execution.plan.resume_retry import ReexecutionStrategy
    from dagster._core.execution.stats import RunStepKeyStatsSnapshot
    from dagster._core.launcher import RunLauncher
    from dagster._core.remote_representation import (
    from dagster._core.remote_representation.external import RemoteSchedule
    from dagster._core.run_coordinator import RunCoordinator
    from dagster._core.scheduler import Scheduler, SchedulerDebugInfo
    from dagster._core.scheduler.instigation import (
    from dagster._core.secrets import SecretsLoader
    from dagster._core.snap import (
    from import (
    from import ComputeLogManager
    from import DaemonCursorStorage
    from import EventLogStorage
    from import (
    from import (
    from import LocalArtifactStorage
    from import RunStorage
    from import ScheduleStorage
    from import AlembicVersion
    from dagster._core.workspace.context import BaseWorkspaceRequestContext
    from dagster._daemon.types import DaemonHeartbeat, DaemonStatus

DagsterInstanceOverrides: TypeAlias = Mapping[str, Any]

# Sets the number of events that will be buffered before being written to the event log. Only
# applies to explicitly batched events. Currently this defaults to 0, which turns off batching
# entirely (multiple store_event calls are made instead of store_event_batch). This makes batching
# opt-in.
# Note that we don't store the value in the constant so that it can be changed without a process
# restart.
def _get_event_batch_size() -> int:
    return int(os.getenv("DAGSTER_EVENT_BATCH_SIZE", "0"))

def _is_batch_writing_enabled() -> bool:
    return _get_event_batch_size() > 0

def _check_run_equality(
    pipeline_run: DagsterRun, candidate_run: DagsterRun
) -> Mapping[str, Tuple[Any, Any]]:
    field_diff: Dict[str, Tuple[Any, Any]] = {}
    for field in pipeline_run._fields:
        expected_value = getattr(pipeline_run, field)
        candidate_value = getattr(candidate_run, field)
        if expected_value != candidate_value:
            field_diff[field] = (expected_value, candidate_value)

    return field_diff

def _format_field_diff(field_diff: Mapping[str, Tuple[Any, Any]]) -> str:
    return "\n".join(
                "    {field_name}:\n"
                + "        Expected: {expected_value}\n"
                + "        Received: {candidate_value}"
            for field_name, (
            ) in field_diff.items()

class _EventListenerLogHandler(logging.Handler):
    def __init__(self, instance: "DagsterInstance"):
        self._instance = instance
        super(_EventListenerLogHandler, self).__init__()

    def emit(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> None:
        from import EngineEventData
        from import StructuredLoggerMessage, construct_event_record

        record_metadata = get_log_record_metadata(record)
        event = construct_event_record(

                event, batch_metadata=record_metadata["dagster_event_batch_metadata"]
        except Exception as e:
            sys.stderr.write(f"Exception while writing logger call to event log: {e}\n")
            if event.dagster_event:
                # Swallow user-generated log failures so that the entire step/run doesn't fail, but
                # raise failures writing system-generated log events since they are the source of
                # truth for the state of the run
            elif event.run_id:
                    "Exception while writing logger call to event log",

class InstanceType(Enum):

T_DagsterInstance = TypeVar("T_DagsterInstance", bound="DagsterInstance", default="DagsterInstance")

class MayHaveInstanceWeakref(Generic[T_DagsterInstance]):
    """Mixin for classes that can have a weakref back to a Dagster instance."""

    _instance_weakref: "Optional[weakref.ReferenceType[T_DagsterInstance]]"

    def __init__(self):
        self._instance_weakref = None

    def has_instance(self) -> bool:
        return hasattr(self, "_instance_weakref") and (self._instance_weakref is not None)

    def _instance(self) -> T_DagsterInstance:
        instance = (
            # Backcompat with custom subclasses that don't call super().__init__()
            # in their own __init__ implementations
            if (hasattr(self, "_instance_weakref") and self._instance_weakref is not None)
            else None
        if instance is None:
            raise DagsterInvariantViolationError(
                "Attempted to resolve undefined DagsterInstance weakref."
            return instance

    def register_instance(self, instance: T_DagsterInstance) -> None:
                # Backcompat with custom subclasses that don't call super().__init__()
                # in their own __init__ implementations
                not hasattr(self, "_instance_weakref") or self._instance_weakref is None
            "Must only call initialize once",

        # Store a weakref to avoid a circular reference / enable GC
        self._instance_weakref = weakref.ref(instance)

class DynamicPartitionsStore(Protocol):
    def get_dynamic_partitions(self, partitions_def_name: str) -> Sequence[str]: ...

    def has_dynamic_partition(self, partitions_def_name: str, partition_key: str) -> bool: ...

[docs] class DagsterInstance(DynamicPartitionsStore): """Core abstraction for managing Dagster's access to storage and other resources. Use DagsterInstance.get() to grab the current DagsterInstance which will load based on the values in the ``dagster.yaml`` file in ``$DAGSTER_HOME``. Alternatively, DagsterInstance.ephemeral() can use used which provides a set of transient in-memory components. Configuration of this class should be done by setting values in ``$DAGSTER_HOME/dagster.yaml``. For example, to use Postgres for dagster storage, you can write a ``dagster.yaml`` such as the following: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../../examples/docs_snippets/docs_snippets/deploying/dagster-pg.yaml :caption: dagster.yaml :language: YAML Args: instance_type (InstanceType): Indicates whether the instance is ephemeral or persistent. Users should not attempt to set this value directly or in their ``dagster.yaml`` files. local_artifact_storage (LocalArtifactStorage): The local artifact storage is used to configure storage for any artifacts that require a local disk, such as schedules, or when using the filesystem system storage to manage files and intermediates. By default, this will be a :py:class:``. Configurable in ``dagster.yaml`` using the :py:class:`~dagster.serdes.ConfigurableClass` machinery. run_storage (RunStorage): The run storage is used to store metadata about ongoing and past pipeline runs. By default, this will be a :py:class:``. Configurable in ``dagster.yaml`` using the :py:class:`~dagster.serdes.ConfigurableClass` machinery. event_storage (EventLogStorage): Used to store the structured event logs generated by pipeline runs. By default, this will be a :py:class:``. Configurable in ``dagster.yaml`` using the :py:class:`~dagster.serdes.ConfigurableClass` machinery. compute_log_manager (Optional[ComputeLogManager]): The compute log manager handles stdout and stderr logging for op compute functions. By default, this will be a :py:class:``. Configurable in ``dagster.yaml`` using the :py:class:`~dagster.serdes.ConfigurableClass` machinery. run_coordinator (Optional[RunCoordinator]): A runs coordinator may be used to manage the execution of pipeline runs. run_launcher (Optional[RunLauncher]): Optionally, a run launcher may be used to enable a Dagster instance to launch pipeline runs, e.g. on a remote Kubernetes cluster, in addition to running them locally. settings (Optional[Dict]): Specifies certain per-instance settings, such as feature flags. These are set in the ``dagster.yaml`` under a set of whitelisted keys. ref (Optional[InstanceRef]): Used by internal machinery to pass instances across process boundaries. """ # Stores TemporaryDirectory instances that were created for DagsterInstance.local_temp() calls # to be removed once the instance is garbage collected. _TEMP_DIRS: "weakref.WeakKeyDictionary[DagsterInstance, TemporaryDirectory]" = ( weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() ) def __init__( self, instance_type: InstanceType, local_artifact_storage: "LocalArtifactStorage", run_storage: "RunStorage", event_storage: "EventLogStorage", run_coordinator: Optional["RunCoordinator"], compute_log_manager: Optional["ComputeLogManager"], run_launcher: Optional["RunLauncher"], scheduler: Optional["Scheduler"] = None, schedule_storage: Optional["ScheduleStorage"] = None, settings: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, secrets_loader: Optional["SecretsLoader"] = None, ref: Optional[InstanceRef] = None, **_kwargs: Any, # we accept kwargs for forward-compat of custom instances ): from dagster._core.launcher import RunLauncher from dagster._core.run_coordinator import RunCoordinator from dagster._core.scheduler import Scheduler from dagster._core.secrets import SecretsLoader from import ComputeLogManager from import EventLogStorage from import LocalArtifactStorage from import RunStorage from import ScheduleStorage self._instance_type = check.inst_param(instance_type, "instance_type", InstanceType) self._local_artifact_storage = check.inst_param( local_artifact_storage, "local_artifact_storage", LocalArtifactStorage ) self._event_storage = check.inst_param(event_storage, "event_storage", EventLogStorage) self._event_storage.register_instance(self) self._run_storage = check.inst_param(run_storage, "run_storage", RunStorage) self._run_storage.register_instance(self) if compute_log_manager: self._compute_log_manager = check.inst_param( compute_log_manager, "compute_log_manager", ComputeLogManager ) self._compute_log_manager.register_instance(self) else: check.invariant( ref, "Compute log manager must be provided if instance is not from a ref" ) self._compute_log_manager = None self._scheduler = check.opt_inst_param(scheduler, "scheduler", Scheduler) self._schedule_storage = check.opt_inst_param( schedule_storage, "schedule_storage", ScheduleStorage ) if self._schedule_storage: self._schedule_storage.register_instance(self) if run_coordinator: self._run_coordinator = check.inst_param( run_coordinator, "run_coordinator", RunCoordinator ) self._run_coordinator.register_instance(self) else: check.invariant(ref, "Run coordinator must be provided if instance is not from a ref") self._run_coordinator = None if run_launcher: self._run_launcher: Optional[RunLauncher] = check.inst_param( run_launcher, "run_launcher", RunLauncher ) run_launcher.register_instance(self) else: check.invariant(ref, "Run launcher must be provided if instance is not from a ref") self._run_launcher = None self._settings = check.opt_mapping_param(settings, "settings") self._secrets_loader = check.opt_inst_param(secrets_loader, "secrets_loader", SecretsLoader) if self._secrets_loader: self._secrets_loader.register_instance(self) self._ref = check.opt_inst_param(ref, "ref", InstanceRef) self._subscribers: Dict[str, List[Callable]] = defaultdict(list) run_monitoring_enabled = self.run_monitoring_settings.get("enabled", False) self._run_monitoring_enabled = run_monitoring_enabled if self.run_monitoring_enabled and self.run_monitoring_max_resume_run_attempts: check.invariant( self.run_launcher.supports_resume_run, "The configured run launcher does not support resuming runs. Set" " max_resume_run_attempts to 0 to use run monitoring. Any runs with a failed" " run worker will be marked as failed, but will not be resumed.", ) if self.run_retries_enabled: check.invariant( self.event_log_storage.supports_event_consumer_queries(), "Run retries are enabled, but the configured event log storage does not support" " them. Consider switching to Postgres or Mysql.", ) # Used for batched event handling self._event_buffer: Dict[str, List[EventLogEntry]] = defaultdict(list) # ctors
[docs] @public @staticmethod def ephemeral( tempdir: Optional[str] = None, preload: Optional[Sequence["DebugRunPayload"]] = None, settings: Optional[Dict] = None, ) -> "DagsterInstance": """Create a `DagsterInstance` suitable for ephemeral execution, useful in test contexts. An ephemeral instance uses mostly in-memory components. Use `local_temp` to create a test instance that is fully persistent. Args: tempdir (Optional[str]): The path of a directory to be used for local artifact storage. preload (Optional[Sequence[DebugRunPayload]]): A sequence of payloads to load into the instance's run storage. Useful for debugging. settings (Optional[Dict]): Settings for the instance. Returns: DagsterInstance: An ephemeral DagsterInstance. """ from dagster._core.launcher.sync_in_memory_run_launcher import SyncInMemoryRunLauncher from dagster._core.run_coordinator import DefaultRunCoordinator from import InMemoryEventLogStorage from import NoOpComputeLogManager from import LocalArtifactStorage, TemporaryLocalArtifactStorage from import InMemoryRunStorage if tempdir is not None: local_storage = LocalArtifactStorage(tempdir) else: local_storage = TemporaryLocalArtifactStorage() return DagsterInstance( instance_type=InstanceType.EPHEMERAL, local_artifact_storage=local_storage, run_storage=InMemoryRunStorage(preload=preload), event_storage=InMemoryEventLogStorage(preload=preload), compute_log_manager=NoOpComputeLogManager(), run_coordinator=DefaultRunCoordinator(), run_launcher=SyncInMemoryRunLauncher(), settings=settings, )
[docs] @public @staticmethod def get() -> "DagsterInstance": """Get the current `DagsterInstance` as specified by the ``DAGSTER_HOME`` environment variable. Returns: DagsterInstance: The current DagsterInstance. """ dagster_home_path = os.getenv("DAGSTER_HOME") if not dagster_home_path: raise DagsterHomeNotSetError( "The environment variable $DAGSTER_HOME is not set. \nDagster requires this" " environment variable to be set to an existing directory in your filesystem. This" " directory is used to store metadata across sessions, or load the dagster.yaml" " file which can configure storing metadata in an external database.\nYou can" " resolve this error by exporting the environment variable. For example, you can" " run the following command in your shell or include it in your shell configuration" ' file:\n\texport DAGSTER_HOME=~"/dagster_home"\nor PowerShell\n$env:DAGSTER_HOME' " = ($home + '\\dagster_home')or batchset" " DAGSTER_HOME=%UserProfile%/dagster_homeAlternatively, DagsterInstance.ephemeral()" " can be used for a transient instance.\n" ) dagster_home_path = os.path.expanduser(dagster_home_path) if not os.path.isabs(dagster_home_path): raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( ( f'$DAGSTER_HOME "{dagster_home_path}" must be an absolute path. Dagster requires this ' "environment variable to be set to an existing directory in your filesystem." ) ) if not (os.path.exists(dagster_home_path) and os.path.isdir(dagster_home_path)): raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( ( f'$DAGSTER_HOME "{dagster_home_path}" is not a directory or does not exist. Dagster requires this' " environment variable to be set to an existing directory in your filesystem" ) ) return DagsterInstance.from_config(dagster_home_path)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def local_temp( tempdir: Optional[str] = None, overrides: Optional[DagsterInstanceOverrides] = None, ) -> "DagsterInstance": """Create a DagsterInstance that uses a temporary directory for local storage. This is a regular, fully persistent instance. Use `ephemeral` to get an ephemeral instance with in-memory components. Args: tempdir (Optional[str]): The path of a directory to be used for local artifact storage. overrides (Optional[DagsterInstanceOverrides]): Override settings for the instance. Returns: DagsterInstance """ if tempdir is None: created_dir = TemporaryDirectory() i = DagsterInstance.from_ref( InstanceRef.from_dir(, overrides=overrides) ) DagsterInstance._TEMP_DIRS[i] = created_dir return i return DagsterInstance.from_ref(InstanceRef.from_dir(tempdir, overrides=overrides))
@staticmethod def from_config( config_dir: str, config_filename: str = DAGSTER_CONFIG_YAML_FILENAME, ) -> "DagsterInstance": instance_ref = InstanceRef.from_dir(config_dir, config_filename=config_filename) return DagsterInstance.from_ref(instance_ref) @staticmethod def from_ref(instance_ref: InstanceRef) -> "DagsterInstance": check.inst_param(instance_ref, "instance_ref", InstanceRef) # DagsterInstance doesn't implement ConfigurableClass, but we may still sometimes want to # have custom subclasses of DagsterInstance. This machinery allows for those custom # subclasses to receive additional keyword arguments passed through the config YAML. klass = instance_ref.custom_instance_class or DagsterInstance kwargs = instance_ref.custom_instance_class_config unified_storage = run_storage = unified_storage.run_storage if unified_storage else instance_ref.run_storage event_storage = ( unified_storage.event_log_storage if unified_storage else instance_ref.event_storage ) schedule_storage = ( unified_storage.schedule_storage if unified_storage else instance_ref.schedule_storage ) return klass( instance_type=InstanceType.PERSISTENT, local_artifact_storage=instance_ref.local_artifact_storage, run_storage=run_storage, # type: ignore # (possible none) event_storage=event_storage, # type: ignore # (possible none) schedule_storage=schedule_storage, compute_log_manager=None, # lazy load scheduler=instance_ref.scheduler, run_coordinator=None, # lazy load run_launcher=None, # lazy load settings=instance_ref.settings, secrets_loader=instance_ref.secrets_loader, ref=instance_ref, **kwargs, ) # flags @property def is_persistent(self) -> bool: return self._instance_type == InstanceType.PERSISTENT @property def is_ephemeral(self) -> bool: return self._instance_type == InstanceType.EPHEMERAL def get_ref(self) -> InstanceRef: if self._ref: return self._ref check.failed( "Attempted to prepare an ineligible DagsterInstance ({inst_type}) for cross " "process communication.{dagster_home_msg}".format( inst_type=self._instance_type, dagster_home_msg=( "\nDAGSTER_HOME environment variable is not set, set it to " "a directory on the filesystem for dagster to use for storage and cross " "process coordination." if os.getenv("DAGSTER_HOME") is None else "" ), ) ) @property def root_directory(self) -> str: return self._local_artifact_storage.base_dir def _info(self, component: object) -> Union[str, Mapping[Any, Any]]: # ConfigurableClass may not have inst_data if it's a direct instantiation # which happens for ephemeral instances if isinstance(component, ConfigurableClass) and component.inst_data: return component.inst_data.info_dict() if type(component) is dict: return component return component.__class__.__name__ def _info_str_for_component(self, component_name: str, component: object) -> str: return yaml.dump( {component_name: self._info(component)}, default_flow_style=False, sort_keys=False ) def info_dict(self) -> Mapping[str, object]: settings: Mapping[str, object] = self._settings if self._settings else {} ret = { "local_artifact_storage": self._info(self._local_artifact_storage), "run_storage": self._info(self._run_storage), "event_log_storage": self._info(self._event_storage), "compute_logs": self._info(self._compute_log_manager), "schedule_storage": self._info(self._schedule_storage), "scheduler": self._info(self._scheduler), "run_coordinator": self._info(self._run_coordinator), "run_launcher": self._info(self.run_launcher), } ret.update( { settings_key: self._info(settings_value) for settings_key, settings_value in settings.items() } ) return ret def info_str(self) -> str: return yaml.dump(self.info_dict(), default_flow_style=False, sort_keys=False) def schema_str(self) -> str: def _schema_dict(alembic_version: "AlembicVersion") -> Optional[Mapping[str, object]]: if not alembic_version: return None db_revision, head_revision = alembic_version return { "current": db_revision, "latest": head_revision, } return yaml.dump( { "schema": { "event_log_storage": _schema_dict(self._event_storage.alembic_version()), # type: ignore # (possible none) "run_storage": _schema_dict(self._event_storage.alembic_version()), # type: ignore # (possible none) "schedule_storage": _schema_dict(self._event_storage.alembic_version()), # type: ignore # (possible none) } }, default_flow_style=False, sort_keys=False, ) @property def run_storage(self) -> "RunStorage": return self._run_storage @property def event_log_storage(self) -> "EventLogStorage": return self._event_storage @property def daemon_cursor_storage(self) -> "DaemonCursorStorage": return self._run_storage # schedule storage @property def schedule_storage(self) -> Optional["ScheduleStorage"]: return self._schedule_storage @property def scheduler(self) -> Optional["Scheduler"]: return self._scheduler @property def scheduler_class(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.scheduler.__class__.__name__ if self.scheduler else None # run coordinator @property def run_coordinator(self) -> "RunCoordinator": # Lazily load in case the run coordinator requires dependencies that are not available # everywhere that loads the instance if not self._run_coordinator: check.invariant( self._ref, "Run coordinator not provided, and no instance ref available" ) run_coordinator = cast(InstanceRef, self._ref).run_coordinator check.invariant(run_coordinator, "Run coordinator not configured in instance ref") self._run_coordinator = cast("RunCoordinator", run_coordinator) self._run_coordinator.register_instance(self) return self._run_coordinator # run launcher @property def run_launcher(self) -> "RunLauncher": # Lazily load in case the launcher requires dependencies that are not available everywhere # that loads the instance (e.g. The EcsRunLauncher requires boto3) if not self._run_launcher: check.invariant(self._ref, "Run launcher not provided, and no instance ref available") launcher = cast(InstanceRef, self._ref).run_launcher check.invariant(launcher, "Run launcher not configured in instance ref") self._run_launcher = cast("RunLauncher", launcher) self._run_launcher.register_instance(self) return self._run_launcher # compute logs @property def compute_log_manager(self) -> "ComputeLogManager": if not self._compute_log_manager: check.invariant( self._ref, "Compute log manager not provided, and no instance ref available" ) compute_log_manager = cast(InstanceRef, self._ref).compute_log_manager check.invariant( compute_log_manager, "Compute log manager not configured in instance ref" ) self._compute_log_manager = cast("ComputeLogManager", compute_log_manager) self._compute_log_manager.register_instance(self) return self._compute_log_manager def get_settings(self, settings_key: str) -> Any: check.str_param(settings_key, "settings_key") if self._settings and settings_key in self._settings: return self._settings.get(settings_key) return {} def get_scheduler_settings(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: return self.get_settings("schedules") def get_sensor_settings(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: return self.get_settings("sensors") def get_auto_materialize_settings(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: return self.get_settings("auto_materialize") @property def telemetry_enabled(self) -> bool: if self.is_ephemeral: return False dagster_telemetry_enabled_default = True telemetry_settings = self.get_settings("telemetry") if not telemetry_settings: return dagster_telemetry_enabled_default if "enabled" in telemetry_settings: return telemetry_settings["enabled"] else: return dagster_telemetry_enabled_default @property def nux_enabled(self) -> bool: if self.is_ephemeral: return False nux_enabled_by_default = True nux_settings = self.get_settings("nux") if not nux_settings: return nux_enabled_by_default if "enabled" in nux_settings: return nux_settings["enabled"] else: return nux_enabled_by_default # run monitoring @property def run_monitoring_enabled(self) -> bool: return self._run_monitoring_enabled @property def run_monitoring_settings(self) -> Any: return self.get_settings("run_monitoring") @property def run_monitoring_start_timeout_seconds(self) -> int: return self.run_monitoring_settings.get("start_timeout_seconds", 180) @property def run_monitoring_cancel_timeout_seconds(self) -> int: return self.run_monitoring_settings.get("cancel_timeout_seconds", 180) @property def run_monitoring_max_runtime_seconds(self) -> int: return self.run_monitoring_settings.get("max_runtime_seconds", 0) @property def code_server_settings(self) -> Any: return self.get_settings("code_servers") @property def code_server_process_startup_timeout(self) -> int: return self.code_server_settings.get( "local_startup_timeout", DEFAULT_LOCAL_CODE_SERVER_STARTUP_TIMEOUT ) @property def code_server_reload_timeout(self) -> int: return self.code_server_settings.get( "reload_timeout", DEFAULT_LOCAL_CODE_SERVER_STARTUP_TIMEOUT ) @property def wait_for_local_code_server_processes_on_shutdown(self) -> bool: return self.code_server_settings.get("wait_for_local_processes_on_shutdown", False) @property def run_monitoring_max_resume_run_attempts(self) -> int: return self.run_monitoring_settings.get("max_resume_run_attempts", 0) @property def run_monitoring_poll_interval_seconds(self) -> int: return self.run_monitoring_settings.get("poll_interval_seconds", 120) @property def cancellation_thread_poll_interval_seconds(self) -> int: return self.get_settings("run_monitoring").get( "cancellation_thread_poll_interval_seconds", 10 ) @property def run_retries_enabled(self) -> bool: return self.get_settings("run_retries").get("enabled", False) @property def run_retries_max_retries(self) -> int: return self.get_settings("run_retries").get("max_retries", 0) @property def run_retries_retry_on_asset_or_op_failure(self) -> bool: return self.get_settings("run_retries").get("retry_on_asset_or_op_failure", True) @property def auto_materialize_enabled(self) -> bool: return self.get_settings("auto_materialize").get("enabled", True) @property def auto_materialize_minimum_interval_seconds(self) -> int: return self.get_settings("auto_materialize").get("minimum_interval_seconds") @property def auto_materialize_run_tags(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return self.get_settings("auto_materialize").get("run_tags", {}) @property def auto_materialize_respect_materialization_data_versions(self) -> bool: return self.get_settings("auto_materialize").get( "respect_materialization_data_versions", False ) @property def auto_materialize_max_tick_retries(self) -> int: return self.get_settings("auto_materialize").get("max_tick_retries", 3) @property def auto_materialize_use_sensors(self) -> int: return self.get_settings("auto_materialize").get("use_sensors", True) @property def global_op_concurrency_default_limit(self) -> Optional[int]: return self.get_settings("concurrency").get("default_op_concurrency_limit") # python logs @property def managed_python_loggers(self) -> Sequence[str]: python_log_settings = self.get_settings("python_logs") or {} loggers: Sequence[str] = python_log_settings.get("managed_python_loggers", []) return loggers @property def python_log_level(self) -> Optional[str]: python_log_settings = self.get_settings("python_logs") or {} return python_log_settings.get("python_log_level") def upgrade(self, print_fn: Optional[PrintFn] = None) -> None: from import upgrading_instance with upgrading_instance(self): if print_fn: print_fn("Updating run storage...") self._run_storage.upgrade() # type: ignore # (unknown method on run storage) self._run_storage.migrate(print_fn) if print_fn: print_fn("Updating event storage...") self._event_storage.upgrade() self._event_storage.reindex_assets(print_fn=print_fn) if print_fn: print_fn("Updating schedule storage...") self._schedule_storage.upgrade() # type: ignore # (possible none) self._schedule_storage.migrate(print_fn) # type: ignore # (possible none) def optimize_for_webserver(self, statement_timeout: int, pool_recycle: int) -> None: if self._schedule_storage: self._schedule_storage.optimize_for_webserver( statement_timeout=statement_timeout, pool_recycle=pool_recycle ) self._run_storage.optimize_for_webserver( statement_timeout=statement_timeout, pool_recycle=pool_recycle ) self._event_storage.optimize_for_webserver( statement_timeout=statement_timeout, pool_recycle=pool_recycle ) def reindex(self, print_fn: PrintFn = lambda _: None) -> None: print_fn("Checking for reindexing...") self._event_storage.reindex_events(print_fn) self._event_storage.reindex_assets(print_fn) self._run_storage.optimize(print_fn) self._schedule_storage.optimize(print_fn) # type: ignore # (possible none) print_fn("Done.") def dispose(self) -> None: self._local_artifact_storage.dispose() self._run_storage.dispose() if self._run_coordinator: self._run_coordinator.dispose() if self._run_launcher: self._run_launcher.dispose() self._event_storage.dispose() if self._compute_log_manager: self._compute_log_manager.dispose() if self._secrets_loader: self._secrets_loader.dispose() if self in DagsterInstance._TEMP_DIRS: DagsterInstance._TEMP_DIRS[self].cleanup() del DagsterInstance._TEMP_DIRS[self] # run storage
[docs] @public def get_run_by_id(self, run_id: str) -> Optional[DagsterRun]: """Get a :py:class:`DagsterRun` matching the provided `run_id`. Args: run_id (str): The id of the run to retrieve. Returns: Optional[DagsterRun]: The run corresponding to the given id. If no run matching the id is found, return `None`. """ record = self.get_run_record_by_id(run_id) if record is None: return None return record.dagster_run
[docs] @public @traced def get_run_record_by_id(self, run_id: str) -> Optional[RunRecord]: """Get a :py:class:`RunRecord` matching the provided `run_id`. Args: run_id (str): The id of the run record to retrieve. Returns: Optional[RunRecord]: The run record corresponding to the given id. If no run matching the id is found, return `None`. """ if not run_id: return None records = self._run_storage.get_run_records(RunsFilter(run_ids=[run_id]), limit=1) if not records: return None return records[0]
@traced def get_job_snapshot(self, snapshot_id: str) -> "JobSnap": return self._run_storage.get_job_snapshot(snapshot_id) @traced def has_job_snapshot(self, snapshot_id: str) -> bool: return self._run_storage.has_job_snapshot(snapshot_id) @traced def has_snapshot(self, snapshot_id: str) -> bool: return self._run_storage.has_snapshot(snapshot_id) @traced def get_historical_job(self, snapshot_id: str) -> "HistoricalJob": from dagster._core.remote_representation import HistoricalJob snapshot = self._run_storage.get_job_snapshot(snapshot_id) parent_snapshot = ( self._run_storage.get_job_snapshot(snapshot.lineage_snapshot.parent_snapshot_id) if snapshot.lineage_snapshot else None ) return HistoricalJob(snapshot, snapshot_id, parent_snapshot) @traced def has_historical_job(self, snapshot_id: str) -> bool: return self._run_storage.has_job_snapshot(snapshot_id) @traced def get_execution_plan_snapshot(self, snapshot_id: str) -> "ExecutionPlanSnapshot": return self._run_storage.get_execution_plan_snapshot(snapshot_id) @traced def get_run_stats(self, run_id: str) -> DagsterRunStatsSnapshot: return self._event_storage.get_stats_for_run(run_id) @traced def get_run_step_stats( self, run_id: str, step_keys: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None ) -> Sequence["RunStepKeyStatsSnapshot"]: return self._event_storage.get_step_stats_for_run(run_id, step_keys) @traced def get_run_tags( self, tag_keys: Sequence[str], value_prefix: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Sequence[Tuple[str, Set[str]]]: return self._run_storage.get_run_tags( tag_keys=tag_keys, value_prefix=value_prefix, limit=limit ) @traced def get_run_tag_keys(self) -> Sequence[str]: return self._run_storage.get_run_tag_keys() @traced def get_run_group(self, run_id: str) -> Optional[Tuple[str, Sequence[DagsterRun]]]: return self._run_storage.get_run_group(run_id) def create_run_for_job( self, job_def: "JobDefinition", execution_plan: Optional["ExecutionPlan"] = None, run_id: Optional[str] = None, run_config: Optional[Mapping[str, object]] = None, resolved_op_selection: Optional[AbstractSet[str]] = None, status: Optional[Union[DagsterRunStatus, str]] = None, tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, root_run_id: Optional[str] = None, parent_run_id: Optional[str] = None, op_selection: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, asset_selection: Optional[AbstractSet[AssetKey]] = None, remote_job_origin: Optional["RemoteJobOrigin"] = None, job_code_origin: Optional[JobPythonOrigin] = None, repository_load_data: Optional["RepositoryLoadData"] = None, ) -> DagsterRun: from dagster._core.definitions.job_definition import JobDefinition from dagster._core.execution.api import create_execution_plan from dagster._core.execution.plan.plan import ExecutionPlan from dagster._core.snap import snapshot_from_execution_plan check.inst_param(job_def, "pipeline_def", JobDefinition) check.opt_inst_param(execution_plan, "execution_plan", ExecutionPlan) # note that op_selection is required to execute the solid subset, which is the # frozenset version of the previous solid_subset. # op_selection is not required and will not be converted to op_selection here. # i.e. this function doesn't handle solid queries. # op_selection is only used to pass the user queries further down. check.opt_set_param(resolved_op_selection, "resolved_op_selection", of_type=str) check.opt_list_param(op_selection, "op_selection", of_type=str) check.opt_set_param(asset_selection, "asset_selection", of_type=AssetKey) # op_selection never provided if asset_selection or op_selection: # for cases when `create_run_for_pipeline` is directly called job_def = job_def.get_subset( asset_selection=asset_selection, op_selection=op_selection, ) if not execution_plan: execution_plan = create_execution_plan( job=job_def, run_config=run_config, instance_ref=self.get_ref() if self.is_persistent else None, tags=tags, repository_load_data=repository_load_data, ) return self.create_run(, run_id=run_id, run_config=run_config, op_selection=op_selection, asset_selection=asset_selection, asset_check_selection=None, resolved_op_selection=resolved_op_selection, step_keys_to_execute=execution_plan.step_keys_to_execute, status=DagsterRunStatus(status) if status else None, tags=tags, root_run_id=root_run_id, parent_run_id=parent_run_id, job_snapshot=job_def.get_job_snapshot(), execution_plan_snapshot=snapshot_from_execution_plan( execution_plan, job_def.get_job_snapshot_id(), ), parent_job_snapshot=job_def.get_parent_job_snapshot(), remote_job_origin=remote_job_origin, job_code_origin=job_code_origin, asset_graph=job_def.asset_layer.asset_graph, ) def _construct_run_with_snapshots( self, job_name: str, run_id: str, run_config: Optional[Mapping[str, object]], resolved_op_selection: Optional[AbstractSet[str]], step_keys_to_execute: Optional[Sequence[str]], status: Optional[DagsterRunStatus], tags: Mapping[str, str], root_run_id: Optional[str], parent_run_id: Optional[str], job_snapshot: Optional["JobSnap"], execution_plan_snapshot: Optional["ExecutionPlanSnapshot"], parent_job_snapshot: Optional["JobSnap"], asset_selection: Optional[AbstractSet[AssetKey]] = None, asset_check_selection: Optional[AbstractSet["AssetCheckKey"]] = None, op_selection: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, remote_job_origin: Optional["RemoteJobOrigin"] = None, job_code_origin: Optional[JobPythonOrigin] = None, ) -> DagsterRun: # if tags and IS_AIRFLOW_INGEST_PIPELINE_STR in tags: if AIRFLOW_EXECUTION_DATE_STR not in tags: tags = { **tags, AIRFLOW_EXECUTION_DATE_STR: get_current_datetime().isoformat(), } check.invariant( not (not job_snapshot and execution_plan_snapshot), "It is illegal to have an execution plan snapshot and not have a pipeline snapshot." " It is possible to have no execution plan snapshot since we persist runs that do" " not successfully compile execution plans in the scheduled case.", ) job_snapshot_id = ( self._ensure_persisted_job_snapshot(job_snapshot, parent_job_snapshot) if job_snapshot else None ) execution_plan_snapshot_id = ( self._ensure_persisted_execution_plan_snapshot( execution_plan_snapshot, job_snapshot_id, step_keys_to_execute ) if execution_plan_snapshot and job_snapshot_id else None ) if execution_plan_snapshot: from dagster._core.op_concurrency_limits_counter import ( compute_run_op_concurrency_info_for_snapshot, ) run_op_concurrency = compute_run_op_concurrency_info_for_snapshot( execution_plan_snapshot ) else: run_op_concurrency = None return DagsterRun( job_name=job_name, run_id=run_id, run_config=run_config, asset_selection=asset_selection, asset_check_selection=asset_check_selection, op_selection=op_selection, resolved_op_selection=resolved_op_selection, step_keys_to_execute=step_keys_to_execute, status=status, tags=tags, root_run_id=root_run_id, parent_run_id=parent_run_id, job_snapshot_id=job_snapshot_id, execution_plan_snapshot_id=execution_plan_snapshot_id, remote_job_origin=remote_job_origin, job_code_origin=job_code_origin, has_repository_load_data=execution_plan_snapshot is not None and execution_plan_snapshot.repository_load_data is not None, run_op_concurrency=run_op_concurrency, ) def _ensure_persisted_job_snapshot( self, job_snapshot: "JobSnap", parent_job_snapshot: "Optional[JobSnap]", ) -> str: from dagster._core.snap import JobSnap check.inst_param(job_snapshot, "job_snapshot", JobSnap) check.opt_inst_param(parent_job_snapshot, "parent_job_snapshot", JobSnap) if job_snapshot.lineage_snapshot: parent_snapshot_id = check.not_none(parent_job_snapshot).snapshot_id if job_snapshot.lineage_snapshot.parent_snapshot_id != parent_snapshot_id: warnings.warn( f"Stored parent snapshot ID {parent_snapshot_id} did not match the parent snapshot ID {job_snapshot.lineage_snapshot.parent_snapshot_id} on the subsetted job" ) if not self._run_storage.has_job_snapshot(parent_snapshot_id): self._run_storage.add_job_snapshot( check.not_none(parent_job_snapshot), parent_snapshot_id ) job_snapshot_id = job_snapshot.snapshot_id if not self._run_storage.has_job_snapshot(job_snapshot_id): returned_job_snapshot_id = self._run_storage.add_job_snapshot(job_snapshot) check.invariant(job_snapshot_id == returned_job_snapshot_id) return job_snapshot_id def _ensure_persisted_execution_plan_snapshot( self, execution_plan_snapshot: "ExecutionPlanSnapshot", job_snapshot_id: str, step_keys_to_execute: Optional[Sequence[str]], ) -> str: from dagster._core.snap.execution_plan_snapshot import ( ExecutionPlanSnapshot, create_execution_plan_snapshot_id, ) check.inst_param(execution_plan_snapshot, "execution_plan_snapshot", ExecutionPlanSnapshot) check.str_param(job_snapshot_id, "job_snapshot_id") check.opt_nullable_sequence_param(step_keys_to_execute, "step_keys_to_execute", of_type=str) check.invariant( execution_plan_snapshot.job_snapshot_id == job_snapshot_id, "Snapshot mismatch: Snapshot ID in execution plan snapshot is " f'"{execution_plan_snapshot.job_snapshot_id}" and snapshot_id created in memory is ' f'"{job_snapshot_id}"', ) execution_plan_snapshot_id = create_execution_plan_snapshot_id(execution_plan_snapshot) if not self._run_storage.has_execution_plan_snapshot(execution_plan_snapshot_id): returned_execution_plan_snapshot_id = self._run_storage.add_execution_plan_snapshot( execution_plan_snapshot ) check.invariant(execution_plan_snapshot_id == returned_execution_plan_snapshot_id) return execution_plan_snapshot_id def _log_materialization_planned_event_for_asset( self, dagster_run: DagsterRun, asset_key: AssetKey, job_name: str, step: "ExecutionStepSnap", output: "ExecutionStepOutputSnap", asset_graph: Optional["BaseAssetGraph"], ) -> None: from dagster._core.definitions.partition import DynamicPartitionsDefinition from import AssetMaterializationPlannedData, DagsterEvent partition_tag = dagster_run.tags.get(PARTITION_NAME_TAG) partition_range_start, partition_range_end = ( dagster_run.tags.get(ASSET_PARTITION_RANGE_START_TAG), dagster_run.tags.get(ASSET_PARTITION_RANGE_END_TAG), ) if partition_tag and (partition_range_start or partition_range_end): raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( f"Cannot have {ASSET_PARTITION_RANGE_START_TAG} or" f" {ASSET_PARTITION_RANGE_END_TAG} set along with" f" {PARTITION_NAME_TAG}" ) partitions_subset = None if partition_range_start or partition_range_end: if not partition_range_start or not partition_range_end: raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( f"Cannot have {ASSET_PARTITION_RANGE_START_TAG} or" f" {ASSET_PARTITION_RANGE_END_TAG} set without the other" ) if asset_graph is None: raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( "Must provide asset_graph to create_run when creating " "a run with a partition range." ) partitions_def = asset_graph.get(asset_key).partitions_def if ( isinstance(partitions_def, DynamicPartitionsDefinition) and is None ): raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( "Creating a run targeting a partition range is not supported for assets partitioned with function-based dynamic partitions" ) if partitions_def is not None: partitions_subset = partitions_def.subset_with_partition_keys( partitions_def.get_partition_keys_in_range( PartitionKeyRange(partition_range_start, partition_range_end), dynamic_partitions_store=self, ) ).to_serializable_subset() partition = ( partition_tag if check.not_none( else None ) materialization_planned = DagsterEvent.build_asset_materialization_planned_event( job_name, step.key, AssetMaterializationPlannedData( asset_key, partition=partition, partitions_subset=partitions_subset ), ) self.report_dagster_event(materialization_planned, dagster_run.run_id, logging.DEBUG) def _log_asset_planned_events( self, dagster_run: DagsterRun, execution_plan_snapshot: "ExecutionPlanSnapshot", asset_graph: Optional["BaseAssetGraph"], ) -> None: from import DagsterEvent, DagsterEventType job_name = dagster_run.job_name for step in execution_plan_snapshot.steps: if step.key in execution_plan_snapshot.step_keys_to_execute: for output in step.outputs: asset_key = check.not_none( if asset_key: self._log_materialization_planned_event_for_asset( dagster_run, asset_key, job_name, step, output, asset_graph ) if check.not_none( asset_check_key = check.not_none( check.not_none( ) target_asset_key = asset_check_key.asset_key check_name = event = DagsterEvent( event_type_value=DagsterEventType.ASSET_CHECK_EVALUATION_PLANNED.value, job_name=job_name, message=( f"{job_name} intends to execute asset check {check_name} on" f" asset {target_asset_key.to_string()}" ), event_specific_data=AssetCheckEvaluationPlanned( target_asset_key, check_name=check_name, ), step_key=step.key, ) self.report_dagster_event(event, dagster_run.run_id, logging.DEBUG) def create_run( self, *, job_name: str, run_id: Optional[str], run_config: Optional[Mapping[str, object]], status: Optional[DagsterRunStatus], tags: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]], root_run_id: Optional[str], parent_run_id: Optional[str], step_keys_to_execute: Optional[Sequence[str]], execution_plan_snapshot: Optional["ExecutionPlanSnapshot"], job_snapshot: Optional["JobSnap"], parent_job_snapshot: Optional["JobSnap"], asset_selection: Optional[AbstractSet[AssetKey]], asset_check_selection: Optional[AbstractSet["AssetCheckKey"]], resolved_op_selection: Optional[AbstractSet[str]], op_selection: Optional[Sequence[str]], remote_job_origin: Optional["RemoteJobOrigin"], job_code_origin: Optional[JobPythonOrigin], asset_graph: Optional["BaseAssetGraph"], ) -> DagsterRun: from dagster._core.definitions.asset_check_spec import AssetCheckKey from dagster._core.remote_representation.origin import RemoteJobOrigin from dagster._core.snap import ExecutionPlanSnapshot, JobSnap from dagster._utils.tags import normalize_tags check.str_param(job_name, "job_name") check.opt_str_param( run_id, "run_id" ) # will be assigned to make_new_run_id() lower in callstack check.opt_mapping_param(run_config, "run_config", key_type=str) check.opt_inst_param(status, "status", DagsterRunStatus) check.opt_mapping_param(tags, "tags", key_type=str) with disable_dagster_warnings(): validated_tags = normalize_tags(tags) check.opt_str_param(root_run_id, "root_run_id") check.opt_str_param(parent_run_id, "parent_run_id") # If step_keys_to_execute is None, then everything is executed. In some cases callers # are still exploding and sending the full list of step keys even though that is # unnecessary. check.opt_sequence_param(step_keys_to_execute, "step_keys_to_execute") check.opt_inst_param( execution_plan_snapshot, "execution_plan_snapshot", ExecutionPlanSnapshot ) if run_id and not is_uuid(run_id): check.failed(f"run_id must be a valid UUID. Got {run_id}") if root_run_id or parent_run_id: check.invariant( root_run_id and parent_run_id, "If root_run_id or parent_run_id is passed, this is a re-execution scenario and" " root_run_id and parent_run_id must both be passed.", ) # The job_snapshot should always be set in production scenarios. In tests # we have sometimes omitted it out of convenience. check.opt_inst_param(job_snapshot, "job_snapshot", JobSnap) check.opt_inst_param(parent_job_snapshot, "parent_job_snapshot", JobSnap) if parent_job_snapshot: check.invariant( job_snapshot, "If parent_job_snapshot is set, job_snapshot should also be.", ) # op_selection is a sequence of selection queries assigned by the user. # *Most* callers expand the op_selection into an explicit set of # resolved_op_selection via accessing remote_job.resolved_op_selection # but not all do. Some (launch execution mutation in graphql and backfill run # creation, for example) actually pass the solid *selection* into the # resolved_op_selection parameter, but just as a frozen set, rather than # fully resolving the selection, as the daemon launchers do. Given the # state of callers we just check to ensure that the arguments are well-formed. # # asset_selection adds another dimension to this lovely dance. op_selection # and asset_selection are mutually exclusive and should never both be set. # This is invariant is checked in a sporadic fashion around # the codebase, but is never enforced in a typed fashion. # # Additionally, the way that callsites currently behave *if* asset selection # is set (i.e., not None) then *neither* op_selection *nor* # resolved_op_selection is passed. In the asset selection case resolving # the set of assets into the canonical resolved_op_selection is done in # the user process, and the exact resolution is never persisted in the run. # We are asserting that invariant here to maintain that behavior. # # Finally, asset_check_selection can be passed along with asset_selection. It # is mutually exclusive with op_selection and resolved_op_selection. A `None` # value will include any asset checks that target selected assets. An empty set # will include no asset checks. check.opt_set_param(resolved_op_selection, "resolved_op_selection", of_type=str) check.opt_sequence_param(op_selection, "op_selection", of_type=str) check.opt_set_param(asset_selection, "asset_selection", of_type=AssetKey) check.opt_set_param(asset_check_selection, "asset_check_selection", of_type=AssetCheckKey) # asset_selection will always be None on an op job, but asset_check_selection may be # None or []. This is because [] and None are different for asset checks: None means # include all asset checks on selected assets, while [] means include no asset checks. # In an op job (which has no asset checks), these two are equivalent. if asset_selection is not None or asset_check_selection: check.invariant( op_selection is None, "Cannot pass op_selection with either of asset_selection or asset_check_selection", ) check.invariant( resolved_op_selection is None, "Cannot pass resolved_op_selection with either of asset_selection or" " asset_check_selection", ) # The "python origin" arguments exist so a job can be reconstructed in memory # after a DagsterRun has been fetched from the database. # # There are cases (notably in _logged_execute_job with Reconstructable jobs) # where job_code_origin and is not. In some cloud test cases only # remote_job_origin is passed But they are almost always passed together. # If these are not set the created run will never be able to be relaunched from # the information just in the run or in another process. check.opt_inst_param(remote_job_origin, "remote_job_origin", RemoteJobOrigin) check.opt_inst_param(job_code_origin, "job_code_origin", JobPythonOrigin) dagster_run = self._construct_run_with_snapshots( job_name=job_name, run_id=run_id, # type: ignore # (possible none) run_config=run_config, asset_selection=asset_selection, asset_check_selection=asset_check_selection, op_selection=op_selection, resolved_op_selection=resolved_op_selection, step_keys_to_execute=step_keys_to_execute, status=status, tags=validated_tags, root_run_id=root_run_id, parent_run_id=parent_run_id, job_snapshot=job_snapshot, execution_plan_snapshot=execution_plan_snapshot, parent_job_snapshot=parent_job_snapshot, remote_job_origin=remote_job_origin, job_code_origin=job_code_origin, ) dagster_run = self._run_storage.add_run(dagster_run) if execution_plan_snapshot: self._log_asset_planned_events(dagster_run, execution_plan_snapshot, asset_graph) return dagster_run def create_reexecuted_run( self, *, parent_run: DagsterRun, code_location: "CodeLocation", remote_job: "RemoteJob", strategy: "ReexecutionStrategy", extra_tags: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, run_config: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, use_parent_run_tags: bool = False, ) -> DagsterRun: from dagster._core.execution.backfill import BulkActionStatus from dagster._core.execution.plan.resume_retry import ReexecutionStrategy from dagster._core.execution.plan.state import KnownExecutionState from dagster._core.remote_representation import CodeLocation, RemoteJob check.inst_param(parent_run, "parent_run", DagsterRun) check.inst_param(code_location, "code_location", CodeLocation) check.inst_param(remote_job, "remote_job", RemoteJob) check.inst_param(strategy, "strategy", ReexecutionStrategy) check.opt_mapping_param(extra_tags, "extra_tags", key_type=str) check.opt_mapping_param(run_config, "run_config", key_type=str) check.bool_param(use_parent_run_tags, "use_parent_run_tags") root_run_id = parent_run.root_run_id or parent_run.run_id parent_run_id = parent_run.run_id # these can differ from remote_job.tags if tags were added at launch time parent_run_tags_to_include = {} if use_parent_run_tags: parent_run_tags_to_include = { key: val for key, val in parent_run.tags.items() if key not in TAGS_TO_MAYBE_OMIT_ON_RETRY } # condition to determine whether to include BACKFILL_ID_TAG, PARENT_BACKFILL_ID_TAG, # ROOT_BACKFILL_ID_TAG on retried run if parent_run.tags.get(BACKFILL_ID_TAG) is not None: # if the run was part of a backfill and the backfill is complete, we do not want the # retry to be considered part of the backfill, so remove all backfill-related tags backfill = self.get_backfill(parent_run.tags[BACKFILL_ID_TAG]) if backfill and backfill.status == BulkActionStatus.REQUESTED: for tag in BACKFILL_TAGS: if parent_run.tags.get(tag) is not None: parent_run_tags_to_include[tag] = parent_run.tags[tag] tags = merge_dicts( remote_job.tags, parent_run_tags_to_include, extra_tags or {}, { PARENT_RUN_ID_TAG: parent_run_id, ROOT_RUN_ID_TAG: root_run_id, }, ) run_config = run_config if run_config is not None else parent_run.run_config if strategy == ReexecutionStrategy.FROM_FAILURE: ( step_keys_to_execute, known_state, ) = KnownExecutionState.build_resume_retry_reexecution( self, parent_run=parent_run, ) tags[RESUME_RETRY_TAG] = "true" elif strategy == ReexecutionStrategy.ALL_STEPS: step_keys_to_execute = None known_state = None else: raise DagsterInvariantViolationError(f"Unknown reexecution strategy: {strategy}") remote_execution_plan = code_location.get_execution_plan( remote_job, run_config, step_keys_to_execute=step_keys_to_execute, known_state=known_state, instance=self, ) return self.create_run( job_name=parent_run.job_name, run_id=None, run_config=run_config, resolved_op_selection=parent_run.resolved_op_selection, step_keys_to_execute=step_keys_to_execute, status=DagsterRunStatus.NOT_STARTED, tags=tags, root_run_id=root_run_id, parent_run_id=parent_run_id, job_snapshot=remote_job.job_snapshot, execution_plan_snapshot=remote_execution_plan.execution_plan_snapshot, parent_job_snapshot=remote_job.parent_job_snapshot, op_selection=parent_run.op_selection, asset_selection=parent_run.asset_selection, asset_check_selection=parent_run.asset_check_selection, remote_job_origin=remote_job.get_remote_origin(), job_code_origin=remote_job.get_python_origin(), asset_graph=code_location.get_repository( remote_job.repository_handle.repository_name ).asset_graph, ) def register_managed_run( self, job_name: str, run_id: str, run_config: Optional[Mapping[str, object]], resolved_op_selection: Optional[AbstractSet[str]], step_keys_to_execute: Optional[Sequence[str]], tags: Mapping[str, str], root_run_id: Optional[str], parent_run_id: Optional[str], job_snapshot: Optional["JobSnap"], execution_plan_snapshot: Optional["ExecutionPlanSnapshot"], parent_job_snapshot: Optional["JobSnap"], op_selection: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, job_code_origin: Optional[JobPythonOrigin] = None, ) -> DagsterRun: # The usage of this method is limited to dagster-airflow, specifically in Dagster # Operators that are executed in Airflow. Because a common workflow in Airflow is to # retry dags from arbitrary tasks, we need any node to be capable of creating a # DagsterRun. # # The try-except DagsterRunAlreadyExists block handles the race when multiple "root" tasks # simultaneously execute self._run_storage.add_run(dagster_run). When this happens, only # one task succeeds in creating the run, while the others get DagsterRunAlreadyExists # error; at this point, the failed tasks try again to fetch the existing run. # dagster_run = self._construct_run_with_snapshots( job_name=job_name, run_id=run_id, run_config=run_config, op_selection=op_selection, resolved_op_selection=resolved_op_selection, step_keys_to_execute=step_keys_to_execute, status=DagsterRunStatus.MANAGED, tags=tags, root_run_id=root_run_id, parent_run_id=parent_run_id, job_snapshot=job_snapshot, execution_plan_snapshot=execution_plan_snapshot, parent_job_snapshot=parent_job_snapshot, job_code_origin=job_code_origin, ) def get_run() -> DagsterRun: candidate_run = self.get_run_by_id(dagster_run.run_id) field_diff = _check_run_equality(dagster_run, candidate_run) # type: ignore # (possible none) if field_diff: raise DagsterRunConflict( f"Found conflicting existing run with same id {dagster_run.run_id}. Runs differ in:" f"\n{_format_field_diff(field_diff)}", ) return candidate_run # type: ignore # (possible none) if self.has_run(dagster_run.run_id): return get_run() try: return self._run_storage.add_run(dagster_run) except DagsterRunAlreadyExists: return get_run() @traced def add_run(self, dagster_run: DagsterRun) -> DagsterRun: return self._run_storage.add_run(dagster_run) @traced def add_snapshot( self, snapshot: Union["JobSnap", "ExecutionPlanSnapshot"], snapshot_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: return self._run_storage.add_snapshot(snapshot, snapshot_id) @traced def handle_run_event(self, run_id: str, event: "DagsterEvent") -> None: return self._run_storage.handle_run_event(run_id, event) @traced def add_run_tags(self, run_id: str, new_tags: Mapping[str, str]) -> None: return self._run_storage.add_run_tags(run_id, new_tags) @traced def has_run(self, run_id: str) -> bool: return self._run_storage.has_run(run_id) @traced def get_runs( self, filters: Optional[RunsFilter] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, bucket_by: Optional[Union[JobBucket, TagBucket]] = None, ascending: bool = False, ) -> Sequence[DagsterRun]: return self._run_storage.get_runs(filters, cursor, limit, bucket_by, ascending) @traced def get_run_ids( self, filters: Optional[RunsFilter] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Sequence[str]: return self._run_storage.get_run_ids(filters, cursor=cursor, limit=limit) @traced def get_runs_count(self, filters: Optional[RunsFilter] = None) -> int: return self._run_storage.get_runs_count(filters)
[docs] @public @traced def get_run_records( self, filters: Optional[RunsFilter] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, order_by: Optional[str] = None, ascending: bool = False, cursor: Optional[str] = None, bucket_by: Optional[Union[JobBucket, TagBucket]] = None, ) -> Sequence[RunRecord]: """Return a list of run records stored in the run storage, sorted by the given column in given order. Args: filters (Optional[RunsFilter]): the filter by which to filter runs. limit (Optional[int]): Number of results to get. Defaults to infinite. order_by (Optional[str]): Name of the column to sort by. Defaults to id. ascending (Optional[bool]): Sort the result in ascending order if True, descending otherwise. Defaults to descending. Returns: List[RunRecord]: List of run records stored in the run storage. """ return self._run_storage.get_run_records( filters, limit, order_by, ascending, cursor, bucket_by )
@traced def get_run_partition_data(self, runs_filter: RunsFilter) -> Sequence[RunPartitionData]: """Get run partition data for a given partitioned job.""" return self._run_storage.get_run_partition_data(runs_filter) def wipe(self) -> None: self._run_storage.wipe() self._event_storage.wipe()
[docs] @public @traced def delete_run(self, run_id: str) -> None: """Delete a run and all events generated by that from storage. Args: run_id (str): The id of the run to delete. """ self._run_storage.delete_run(run_id) self._event_storage.delete_events(run_id)
# event storage @traced def logs_after( self, run_id: str, cursor: Optional[int] = None, of_type: Optional["DagsterEventType"] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Sequence["EventLogEntry"]: return self._event_storage.get_logs_for_run( run_id, cursor=cursor, of_type=of_type, limit=limit, ) @traced def all_logs( self, run_id: str, of_type: Optional[Union["DagsterEventType", Set["DagsterEventType"]]] = None, ) -> Sequence["EventLogEntry"]: return self._event_storage.get_logs_for_run(run_id, of_type=of_type) @traced def get_records_for_run( self, run_id: str, cursor: Optional[str] = None, of_type: Optional[Union["DagsterEventType", Set["DagsterEventType"]]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, ascending: bool = True, ) -> "EventLogConnection": return self._event_storage.get_records_for_run(run_id, cursor, of_type, limit, ascending) def watch_event_logs(self, run_id: str, cursor: Optional[str], cb: "EventHandlerFn") -> None: return, cursor, cb) def end_watch_event_logs(self, run_id: str, cb: "EventHandlerFn") -> None: return self._event_storage.end_watch(run_id, cb) # asset storage @traced def can_read_asset_status_cache(self) -> bool: return self._event_storage.can_read_asset_status_cache() @traced def update_asset_cached_status_data( self, asset_key: AssetKey, cache_values: "AssetStatusCacheValue" ) -> None: self._event_storage.update_asset_cached_status_data(asset_key, cache_values) @traced def wipe_asset_cached_status(self, asset_keys: Sequence[AssetKey]) -> None: check.list_param(asset_keys, "asset_keys", of_type=AssetKey) for asset_key in asset_keys: self._event_storage.wipe_asset_cached_status(asset_key) @traced def all_asset_keys(self) -> Sequence[AssetKey]: return self._event_storage.all_asset_keys()
[docs] @public @traced def get_asset_keys( self, prefix: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Sequence[AssetKey]: """Return a filtered subset of asset keys managed by this instance. Args: prefix (Optional[Sequence[str]]): Return only assets having this key prefix. limit (Optional[int]): Maximum number of keys to return. cursor (Optional[str]): Cursor to use for pagination. Returns: Sequence[AssetKey]: List of asset keys. """ return self._event_storage.get_asset_keys(prefix=prefix, limit=limit, cursor=cursor)
[docs] @public @traced def has_asset_key(self, asset_key: AssetKey) -> bool: """Return true if this instance manages the given asset key. Args: asset_key (AssetKey): Asset key to check. """ return self._event_storage.has_asset_key(asset_key)
@traced def get_latest_materialization_events( self, asset_keys: Iterable[AssetKey] ) -> Mapping[AssetKey, Optional["EventLogEntry"]]: return self._event_storage.get_latest_materialization_events(asset_keys)
[docs] @public @traced def get_latest_materialization_event(self, asset_key: AssetKey) -> Optional["EventLogEntry"]: """Fetch the latest materialization event for the given asset key. Args: asset_key (AssetKey): Asset key to return materialization for. Returns: Optional[EventLogEntry]: The latest materialization event for the given asset key, or `None` if the asset has not been materialized. """ return self._event_storage.get_latest_materialization_events([asset_key]).get(asset_key)
@traced def get_latest_asset_check_evaluation_record( self, asset_check_key: "AssetCheckKey" ) -> Optional["AssetCheckExecutionRecord"]: return self._event_storage.get_latest_asset_check_execution_by_key([asset_check_key]).get( asset_check_key ) @traced @deprecated(breaking_version="2.0") def get_event_records( self, event_records_filter: "EventRecordsFilter", limit: Optional[int] = None, ascending: bool = False, ) -> Sequence["EventLogRecord"]: """Return a list of event records stored in the event log storage. Args: event_records_filter (Optional[EventRecordsFilter]): the filter by which to filter event records. limit (Optional[int]): Number of results to get. Defaults to infinite. ascending (Optional[bool]): Sort the result in ascending order if True, descending otherwise. Defaults to descending. Returns: List[EventLogRecord]: List of event log records stored in the event log storage. """ from import PIPELINE_EVENTS, DagsterEventType if ( event_records_filter.event_type == DagsterEventType.ASSET_MATERIALIZATION_PLANNED and event_records_filter.asset_partitions ): warnings.warn( "Asset materialization planned events with partitions subsets will not be " "returned when the event records filter contains the asset_partitions argument" ) elif event_records_filter.event_type == DagsterEventType.ASSET_MATERIALIZATION: warnings.warn( "Use fetch_materializations instead of get_event_records to fetch materialization events." ) elif event_records_filter.event_type == DagsterEventType.ASSET_OBSERVATION: warnings.warn( "Use fetch_observations instead of get_event_records to fetch observation events." ) elif event_records_filter.event_type in PIPELINE_EVENTS: warnings.warn( "Use fetch_run_status_changes instead of get_event_records to fetch run status change events." ) return self._event_storage.get_event_records(event_records_filter, limit, ascending)
[docs] @public @traced def fetch_materializations( self, records_filter: Union[AssetKey, "AssetRecordsFilter"], limit: int, cursor: Optional[str] = None, ascending: bool = False, ) -> "EventRecordsResult": """Return a list of materialization records stored in the event log storage. Args: records_filter (Union[AssetKey, AssetRecordsFilter]): the filter by which to filter event records. limit (int): Number of results to get. cursor (Optional[str]): Cursor to use for pagination. Defaults to None. ascending (Optional[bool]): Sort the result in ascending order if True, descending otherwise. Defaults to descending. Returns: EventRecordsResult: Object containing a list of event log records and a cursor string """ return self._event_storage.fetch_materializations(records_filter, limit, cursor, ascending)
@traced @deprecated(breaking_version="2.0") def fetch_planned_materializations( self, records_filter: Union[AssetKey, "AssetRecordsFilter"], limit: int, cursor: Optional[str] = None, ascending: bool = False, ) -> "EventRecordsResult": """Return a list of planned materialization records stored in the event log storage. Args: records_filter (Optional[Union[AssetKey, AssetRecordsFilter]]): the filter by which to filter event records. limit (int): Number of results to get. cursor (Optional[str]): Cursor to use for pagination. Defaults to None. ascending (Optional[bool]): Sort the result in ascending order if True, descending otherwise. Defaults to descending. Returns: EventRecordsResult: Object containing a list of event log records and a cursor string """ from dagster._core.event_api import EventLogCursor from import DagsterEventType from import EventRecordsFilter, EventRecordsResult event_records_filter = ( EventRecordsFilter(DagsterEventType.ASSET_MATERIALIZATION_PLANNED, records_filter) if isinstance(records_filter, AssetKey) else records_filter.to_event_records_filter( DagsterEventType.ASSET_MATERIALIZATION_PLANNED, cursor=cursor, ascending=ascending ) ) records = self._event_storage.get_event_records( event_records_filter, limit=limit, ascending=ascending ) if records: new_cursor = EventLogCursor.from_storage_id(records[-1].storage_id).to_string() elif cursor: new_cursor = cursor else: new_cursor = EventLogCursor.from_storage_id(-1).to_string() has_more = len(records) == limit return EventRecordsResult(records, cursor=new_cursor, has_more=has_more)
[docs] @public @traced def fetch_observations( self, records_filter: Union[AssetKey, "AssetRecordsFilter"], limit: int, cursor: Optional[str] = None, ascending: bool = False, ) -> "EventRecordsResult": """Return a list of observation records stored in the event log storage. Args: records_filter (Optional[Union[AssetKey, AssetRecordsFilter]]): the filter by which to filter event records. limit (int): Number of results to get. cursor (Optional[str]): Cursor to use for pagination. Defaults to None. ascending (Optional[bool]): Sort the result in ascending order if True, descending otherwise. Defaults to descending. Returns: EventRecordsResult: Object containing a list of event log records and a cursor string """ return self._event_storage.fetch_observations(records_filter, limit, cursor, ascending)
[docs] @public @traced def fetch_run_status_changes( self, records_filter: Union["DagsterEventType", "RunStatusChangeRecordsFilter"], limit: int, cursor: Optional[str] = None, ascending: bool = False, ) -> "EventRecordsResult": """Return a list of run_status_event records stored in the event log storage. Args: records_filter (Optional[Union[DagsterEventType, RunStatusChangeRecordsFilter]]): the filter by which to filter event records. limit (int): Number of results to get. cursor (Optional[str]): Cursor to use for pagination. Defaults to None. ascending (Optional[bool]): Sort the result in ascending order if True, descending otherwise. Defaults to descending. Returns: EventRecordsResult: Object containing a list of event log records and a cursor string """ return self._event_storage.fetch_run_status_changes( records_filter, limit, cursor, ascending )
[docs] @public @traced def get_status_by_partition( self, asset_key: AssetKey, partition_keys: Sequence[str], partitions_def: "PartitionsDefinition", ) -> Optional[Mapping[str, "AssetPartitionStatus"]]: """Get the current status of provided partition_keys for the provided asset. Args: asset_key (AssetKey): The asset to get per-partition status for. partition_keys (Sequence[str]): The partitions to get status for. partitions_def (PartitionsDefinition): The PartitionsDefinition of the asset to get per-partition status for. Returns: Optional[Mapping[str, AssetPartitionStatus]]: status for each partition key """ from import ( AssetPartitionStatus, AssetStatusCacheValue, get_and_update_asset_status_cache_value, ) cached_value = get_and_update_asset_status_cache_value(self, asset_key, partitions_def) if isinstance(cached_value, AssetStatusCacheValue): materialized_partitions = cached_value.deserialize_materialized_partition_subsets( partitions_def ) failed_partitions = cached_value.deserialize_failed_partition_subsets(partitions_def) in_progress_partitions = cached_value.deserialize_in_progress_partition_subsets( partitions_def ) status_by_partition = {} for partition_key in partition_keys: if partition_key in in_progress_partitions: status_by_partition[partition_key] = AssetPartitionStatus.IN_PROGRESS elif partition_key in failed_partitions: status_by_partition[partition_key] = AssetPartitionStatus.FAILED elif partition_key in materialized_partitions: status_by_partition[partition_key] = AssetPartitionStatus.MATERIALIZED else: status_by_partition[partition_key] = None return status_by_partition
[docs] @public @traced def get_asset_records( self, asset_keys: Optional[Sequence[AssetKey]] = None ) -> Sequence["AssetRecord"]: """Return an `AssetRecord` for each of the given asset keys. Args: asset_keys (Optional[Sequence[AssetKey]]): List of asset keys to retrieve records for. Returns: Sequence[AssetRecord]: List of asset records. """ return self._event_storage.get_asset_records(asset_keys)
@traced def get_event_tags_for_asset( self, asset_key: AssetKey, filter_tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, filter_event_id: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Sequence[Mapping[str, str]]: """Fetches asset event tags for the given asset key. If filter_tags is provided, searches for events containing all of the filter tags. Then, returns all tags for those events. This enables searching for multipartitioned asset partition tags with a fixed dimension value, e.g. all of the tags for events where "country" == "US". If filter_event_id is provided, searches for the event with the provided event_id. Returns a list of dicts, where each dict is a mapping of tag key to tag value for a single event. """ return self._event_storage.get_event_tags_for_asset(asset_key, filter_tags, filter_event_id)
[docs] @public @traced def wipe_assets(self, asset_keys: Sequence[AssetKey]) -> None: """Wipes asset event history from the event log for the given asset keys. Args: asset_keys (Sequence[AssetKey]): Asset keys to wipe. """ check.list_param(asset_keys, "asset_keys", of_type=AssetKey) for asset_key in asset_keys: self._event_storage.wipe_asset(asset_key)
def wipe_asset_partitions( self, asset_key: AssetKey, partition_keys: Sequence[str], ) -> None: """Wipes asset event history from the event log for the given asset key and partition keys. Args: asset_key (Sequence[AssetKey]): Asset key to wipe. partition_keys (Sequence[str]): Partition keys to wipe. """ self._event_storage.wipe_asset_partitions(asset_key, partition_keys) @traced def get_materialized_partitions( self, asset_key: AssetKey, before_cursor: Optional[int] = None, after_cursor: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Set[str]: return self._event_storage.get_materialized_partitions( asset_key, before_cursor=before_cursor, after_cursor=after_cursor ) @traced def get_latest_storage_id_by_partition( self, asset_key: AssetKey, event_type: "DagsterEventType", partitions: Optional[Set[str]] = None, ) -> Mapping[str, int]: """Fetch the latest materialzation storage id for each partition for a given asset key. Returns a mapping of partition to storage id. """ return self._event_storage.get_latest_storage_id_by_partition( asset_key, event_type, partitions ) @traced def get_latest_planned_materialization_info( self, asset_key: AssetKey, partition: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Optional["PlannedMaterializationInfo"]: return self._event_storage.get_latest_planned_materialization_info(asset_key, partition)
[docs] @public @traced def get_dynamic_partitions(self, partitions_def_name: str) -> Sequence[str]: """Get the set of partition keys for the specified :py:class:`DynamicPartitionsDefinition`. Args: partitions_def_name (str): The name of the `DynamicPartitionsDefinition`. """ check.str_param(partitions_def_name, "partitions_def_name") return self._event_storage.get_dynamic_partitions(partitions_def_name)
[docs] @public @traced def add_dynamic_partitions( self, partitions_def_name: str, partition_keys: Sequence[str] ) -> None: """Add partitions to the specified :py:class:`DynamicPartitionsDefinition` idempotently. Does not add any partitions that already exist. Args: partitions_def_name (str): The name of the `DynamicPartitionsDefinition`. partition_keys (Sequence[str]): Partition keys to add. """ from dagster._core.definitions.partition import ( raise_error_on_invalid_partition_key_substring, ) check.str_param(partitions_def_name, "partitions_def_name") check.sequence_param(partition_keys, "partition_keys", of_type=str) if isinstance(partition_keys, str): # Guard against a single string being passed in `partition_keys` raise DagsterInvalidInvocationError("partition_keys must be a sequence of strings") raise_error_on_invalid_partition_key_substring(partition_keys) return self._event_storage.add_dynamic_partitions(partitions_def_name, partition_keys)
[docs] @public @traced def delete_dynamic_partition(self, partitions_def_name: str, partition_key: str) -> None: """Delete a partition for the specified :py:class:`DynamicPartitionsDefinition`. If the partition does not exist, exits silently. Args: partitions_def_name (str): The name of the `DynamicPartitionsDefinition`. partition_key (str): Partition key to delete. """ check.str_param(partitions_def_name, "partitions_def_name") check.str_param(partition_key, "partition_key") self._event_storage.delete_dynamic_partition(partitions_def_name, partition_key)
[docs] @public @traced def has_dynamic_partition(self, partitions_def_name: str, partition_key: str) -> bool: """Check if a partition key exists for the :py:class:`DynamicPartitionsDefinition`. Args: partitions_def_name (str): The name of the `DynamicPartitionsDefinition`. partition_key (Sequence[str]): Partition key to check. """ check.str_param(partitions_def_name, "partitions_def_name") check.str_param(partition_key, "partition_key") return self._event_storage.has_dynamic_partition(partitions_def_name, partition_key)
# event subscriptions def _get_yaml_python_handlers(self) -> Sequence[logging.Handler]: if self._settings: logging_config = self.get_settings("python_logs").get("dagster_handler_config", {}) if logging_config: experimental_warning("Handling yaml-defined logging configuration") # Handlers can only be retrieved from dictConfig configuration if they are attached # to a logger. We add a dummy logger to the configuration that allows us to access user # defined handlers. handler_names = logging_config.get("handlers", {}).keys() dagster_dummy_logger_name = "dagster_dummy_logger" processed_dict_conf = { "version": 1, "disable_existing_loggers": False, "loggers": {dagster_dummy_logger_name: {"handlers": handler_names}}, } processed_dict_conf.update(logging_config) logging.config.dictConfig(processed_dict_conf) dummy_logger = logging.getLogger(dagster_dummy_logger_name) return dummy_logger.handlers return [] def _get_event_log_handler(self) -> _EventListenerLogHandler: event_log_handler = _EventListenerLogHandler(self) event_log_handler.setLevel(10) return event_log_handler def get_handlers(self) -> Sequence[logging.Handler]: handlers: List[logging.Handler] = [self._get_event_log_handler()] handlers.extend(self._get_yaml_python_handlers()) return handlers def store_event(self, event: "EventLogEntry") -> None: self._event_storage.store_event(event) def handle_new_event( self, event: "EventLogEntry", *, batch_metadata: Optional["DagsterEventBatchMetadata"] = None, ) -> None: """Handle a new event by storing it and notifying subscribers. Events may optionally be sent with `batch_metadata`. If batch writing is enabled, then events sent with `batch_metadata` will not trigger an immediate write. Instead, they will be kept in a batch-specific buffer (identified by ``) until either the buffer reaches the event batch size or the end of the batch is reached (signaled by `batch_metadata.is_end`). When this point is reached, all events in the buffer will be sent to the storage layer in a single batch. If an error occurrs during batch writing, then we fall back to iterative individual event writes. Args: event (EventLogEntry): The event to handle. batch_metadata (Optional[DagsterEventBatchMetadata]): Metadata for batch writing. """ if batch_metadata is None or not _is_batch_writing_enabled(): events = [event] else: batch_id, is_batch_end =, batch_metadata.is_end self._event_buffer[batch_id].append(event) if is_batch_end or len(self._event_buffer[batch_id]) == _get_event_batch_size(): events = self._event_buffer[batch_id] del self._event_buffer[batch_id] else: return if len(events) == 1: self._event_storage.store_event(events[0]) else: try: self._event_storage.store_event_batch(events) # Fall back to storing events one by one if writing a batch fails. We catch a generic # Exception because that is the parent class of the actually received error, # dagster_cloud_cli.core.errors.GraphQLStorageError, which we cannot import here due to # it living in a cloud package. except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write(f"Exception while storing event batch: {e}\n") sys.stderr.write( "Falling back to storing multiple single-event storage requests...\n" ) for event in events: self._event_storage.store_event(event) for event in events: run_id = event.run_id if ( not self._event_storage.handles_run_events_in_store_event and event.is_dagster_event and event.get_dagster_event().is_job_event ): self._run_storage.handle_run_event(run_id, event.get_dagster_event()) run = self.get_run_by_id(run_id) if run and event.get_dagster_event().is_run_failure and self.run_retries_enabled: # Note that this tag is only applied to runs that fail. Successful runs will not # have a WILL_RETRY_TAG tag. self.add_run_tags( run_id, {WILL_RETRY_TAG: str(auto_reexecution_should_retry_run(self, run)).lower()}, ) for sub in self._subscribers[run_id]: sub(event) def add_event_listener(self, run_id: str, cb) -> None: self._subscribers[run_id].append(cb) def report_engine_event( self, message: str, dagster_run: Optional[DagsterRun] = None, engine_event_data: Optional["EngineEventData"] = None, cls: Optional[Type[object]] = None, step_key: Optional[str] = None, job_name: Optional[str] = None, run_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "DagsterEvent": """Report a EngineEvent that occurred outside of a job execution context.""" from import DagsterEvent, DagsterEventType, EngineEventData check.opt_class_param(cls, "cls") check.str_param(message, "message") check.opt_inst_param(dagster_run, "dagster_run", DagsterRun) check.opt_str_param(run_id, "run_id") check.opt_str_param(job_name, "job_name") check.invariant( dagster_run or (job_name and run_id), "Must include either dagster_run or job_name and run_id", ) run_id = run_id if run_id else dagster_run.run_id # type: ignore job_name = job_name if job_name else dagster_run.job_name # type: ignore engine_event_data = check.opt_inst_param( engine_event_data, "engine_event_data", EngineEventData, EngineEventData({}), ) if cls: message = f"[{cls.__name__}] {message}" log_level = logging.INFO if engine_event_data and engine_event_data.error: log_level = logging.ERROR dagster_event = DagsterEvent( event_type_value=DagsterEventType.ENGINE_EVENT.value, job_name=job_name, message=message, event_specific_data=engine_event_data, step_key=step_key, ) self.report_dagster_event(dagster_event, run_id=run_id, log_level=log_level) return dagster_event def report_dagster_event( self, dagster_event: "DagsterEvent", run_id: str, log_level: Union[str, int] = logging.INFO, ) -> None: """Takes a DagsterEvent and stores it in persistent storage for the corresponding DagsterRun.""" from import EventLogEntry event_record = EventLogEntry( user_message="", level=log_level, job_name=dagster_event.job_name, run_id=run_id, error_info=None, timestamp=get_current_timestamp(), step_key=dagster_event.step_key, dagster_event=dagster_event, ) self.handle_new_event(event_record) def report_run_canceling(self, run: DagsterRun, message: Optional[str] = None): from import DagsterEvent, DagsterEventType check.inst_param(run, "run", DagsterRun) message = check.opt_str_param( message, "message", "Sending run termination request.", ) canceling_event = DagsterEvent( event_type_value=DagsterEventType.PIPELINE_CANCELING.value, job_name=run.job_name, message=message, ) self.report_dagster_event(canceling_event, run_id=run.run_id) def report_run_canceled( self, dagster_run: DagsterRun, message: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "DagsterEvent": from import DagsterEvent, DagsterEventType check.inst_param(dagster_run, "dagster_run", DagsterRun) message = check.opt_str_param( message, "mesage", "This run has been marked as canceled from outside the execution context.", ) dagster_event = DagsterEvent( event_type_value=DagsterEventType.PIPELINE_CANCELED.value, job_name=dagster_run.job_name, message=message, ) self.report_dagster_event(dagster_event, run_id=dagster_run.run_id, log_level=logging.ERROR) return dagster_event def report_run_failed( self, dagster_run: DagsterRun, message: Optional[str] = None, job_failure_data: Optional["JobFailureData"] = None, ) -> "DagsterEvent": from import DagsterEvent, DagsterEventType check.inst_param(dagster_run, "dagster_run", DagsterRun) message = check.opt_str_param( message, "message", "This run has been marked as failed from outside the execution context.", ) dagster_event = DagsterEvent( event_type_value=DagsterEventType.PIPELINE_FAILURE.value, job_name=dagster_run.job_name, message=message, event_specific_data=job_failure_data, ) self.report_dagster_event(dagster_event, run_id=dagster_run.run_id, log_level=logging.ERROR) return dagster_event # directories def file_manager_directory(self, run_id: str) -> str: return self._local_artifact_storage.file_manager_dir(run_id) def storage_directory(self) -> str: return self._local_artifact_storage.storage_dir def schedules_directory(self) -> str: return self._local_artifact_storage.schedules_dir # Runs coordinator def submit_run(self, run_id: str, workspace: "BaseWorkspaceRequestContext") -> DagsterRun: """Submit a pipeline run to the coordinator. This method delegates to the ``RunCoordinator``, configured on the instance, and will call its implementation of ``RunCoordinator.submit_run()`` to send the run to the coordinator for execution. Runs should be created in the instance (e.g., by calling ``DagsterInstance.create_run()``) *before* this method is called, and should be in the ``PipelineRunStatus.NOT_STARTED`` state. They also must have a non-null ExternalPipelineOrigin. Args: run_id (str): The id of the run. """ from dagster._core.run_coordinator import SubmitRunContext run = self.get_run_by_id(run_id) if run is None: raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( f"Could not load run {run_id} that was passed to submit_run" ) check.not_none( run.remote_job_origin, "External pipeline origin must be set for submitted runs", ) check.not_none( run.job_code_origin, "Python origin must be set for submitted runs", ) try: submitted_run = self.run_coordinator.submit_run( SubmitRunContext(run, workspace=workspace) ) except: from import EngineEventData error = serializable_error_info_from_exc_info(sys.exc_info()) self.report_engine_event( error.message, run, EngineEventData.engine_error(error), ) self.report_run_failed(run) raise return submitted_run # Run launcher def launch_run(self, run_id: str, workspace: "BaseWorkspaceRequestContext") -> DagsterRun: """Launch a pipeline run. This method is typically called using `instance.submit_run` rather than being invoked directly. This method delegates to the ``RunLauncher``, if any, configured on the instance, and will call its implementation of ``RunLauncher.launch_run()`` to begin the execution of the specified run. Runs should be created in the instance (e.g., by calling ``DagsterInstance.create_run()``) *before* this method is called, and should be in the ``PipelineRunStatus.NOT_STARTED`` state. Args: run_id (str): The id of the run the launch. """ from import DagsterEvent, DagsterEventType, EngineEventData from dagster._core.launcher import LaunchRunContext run = self.get_run_by_id(run_id) if run is None: raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( f"Could not load run {run_id} that was passed to launch_run" ) launch_started_event = DagsterEvent( event_type_value=DagsterEventType.PIPELINE_STARTING.value, job_name=run.job_name, ) self.report_dagster_event(launch_started_event, run_id=run.run_id) run = self.get_run_by_id(run_id) if run is None: check.failed(f"Failed to reload run {run_id}") try: self.run_launcher.launch_run(LaunchRunContext(dagster_run=run, workspace=workspace)) except: error = serializable_error_info_from_exc_info(sys.exc_info()) self.report_engine_event( error.message, run, EngineEventData.engine_error(error), ) self.report_run_failed(run) raise return run def resume_run( self, run_id: str, workspace: "BaseWorkspaceRequestContext", attempt_number: int ) -> DagsterRun: """Resume a pipeline run. This method should be called on runs which have already been launched, but whose run workers have died. Args: run_id (str): The id of the run the launch. """ from import EngineEventData from dagster._core.launcher import ResumeRunContext from dagster._daemon.monitoring import RESUME_RUN_LOG_MESSAGE run = self.get_run_by_id(run_id) if run is None: raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( f"Could not load run {run_id} that was passed to resume_run" ) if run.status not in IN_PROGRESS_RUN_STATUSES: raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( f"Run {run_id} is not in a state that can be resumed" ) self.report_engine_event( RESUME_RUN_LOG_MESSAGE, run, ) try: self.run_launcher.resume_run( ResumeRunContext( dagster_run=run, workspace=workspace, resume_attempt_number=attempt_number, ) ) except: error = serializable_error_info_from_exc_info(sys.exc_info()) self.report_engine_event( error.message, run, EngineEventData.engine_error(error), ) self.report_run_failed(run) raise return run def count_resume_run_attempts(self, run_id: str) -> int: from dagster._daemon.monitoring import count_resume_run_attempts return count_resume_run_attempts(self, run_id) def run_will_resume(self, run_id: str) -> bool: if not self.run_monitoring_enabled: return False return self.count_resume_run_attempts(run_id) < self.run_monitoring_max_resume_run_attempts # Scheduler def start_schedule(self, remote_schedule: "RemoteSchedule") -> "InstigatorState": return self._scheduler.start_schedule(self, remote_schedule) # type: ignore def stop_schedule( self, schedule_origin_id: str, schedule_selector_id: str, remote_schedule: Optional["RemoteSchedule"], ) -> "InstigatorState": return self._scheduler.stop_schedule( # type: ignore self, schedule_origin_id, schedule_selector_id, remote_schedule ) def reset_schedule(self, remote_schedule: "RemoteSchedule") -> "InstigatorState": return self._scheduler.reset_schedule(self, remote_schedule) # type: ignore def scheduler_debug_info(self) -> "SchedulerDebugInfo": from dagster._core.definitions.run_request import InstigatorType from dagster._core.scheduler import SchedulerDebugInfo errors = [] schedules: List[str] = [] for schedule_state in self.all_instigator_state(instigator_type=InstigatorType.SCHEDULE): schedule_info: Mapping[str, Mapping[str, object]] = { schedule_state.instigator_name: { "status": schedule_state.status.value, "cron_schedule": schedule_state.instigator_data.cron_schedule, # type: ignore "schedule_origin_id": schedule_state.instigator_origin_id, "repository_origin_id": schedule_state.repository_origin_id, } } schedules.append(yaml.safe_dump(schedule_info, default_flow_style=False)) return SchedulerDebugInfo( scheduler_config_info=self._info_str_for_component("Scheduler", self.scheduler), scheduler_info=self.scheduler.debug_info(), # type: ignore schedule_storage=schedules, errors=errors, ) # Schedule / Sensor Storage def start_sensor(self, remote_sensor: "RemoteSensor") -> "InstigatorState": from dagster._core.definitions.run_request import InstigatorType from dagster._core.scheduler.instigation import ( InstigatorState, InstigatorStatus, SensorInstigatorData, ) stored_state = self.get_instigator_state( remote_sensor.get_remote_origin_id(), remote_sensor.selector_id ) computed_state = remote_sensor.get_current_instigator_state(stored_state) if computed_state.is_running: return computed_state if not stored_state: return self.add_instigator_state( InstigatorState( remote_sensor.get_remote_origin(), InstigatorType.SENSOR, InstigatorStatus.RUNNING, SensorInstigatorData( min_interval=remote_sensor.min_interval_seconds, last_sensor_start_timestamp=get_current_timestamp(), sensor_type=remote_sensor.sensor_type, ), ) ) else: data = cast(SensorInstigatorData, stored_state.instigator_data) return self.update_instigator_state( stored_state.with_status(InstigatorStatus.RUNNING).with_data( data.with_sensor_start_timestamp(get_current_timestamp()) ) ) def stop_sensor( self, instigator_origin_id: str, selector_id: str, remote_sensor: Optional["RemoteSensor"], ) -> "InstigatorState": from dagster._core.definitions.run_request import InstigatorType from dagster._core.scheduler.instigation import ( InstigatorState, InstigatorStatus, SensorInstigatorData, ) stored_state = self.get_instigator_state(instigator_origin_id, selector_id) computed_state: InstigatorState if remote_sensor: computed_state = remote_sensor.get_current_instigator_state(stored_state) else: computed_state = check.not_none(stored_state) if not computed_state.is_running: return computed_state if not stored_state: assert remote_sensor return self.add_instigator_state( InstigatorState( remote_sensor.get_remote_origin(), InstigatorType.SENSOR, InstigatorStatus.STOPPED, SensorInstigatorData( min_interval=remote_sensor.min_interval_seconds, sensor_type=remote_sensor.sensor_type, ), ) ) else: return self.update_instigator_state(stored_state.with_status(InstigatorStatus.STOPPED)) def reset_sensor(self, remote_sensor: "RemoteSensor") -> "InstigatorState": """If the given sensor has a default sensor status, then update the status to `InstigatorStatus.DECLARED_IN_CODE` in instigator storage. Args: instance (DagsterInstance): The current instance. remote_sensor (ExternalSensor): The sensor to reset. """ from dagster._core.definitions.run_request import InstigatorType from dagster._core.scheduler.instigation import ( InstigatorState, InstigatorStatus, SensorInstigatorData, ) stored_state = self.get_instigator_state( remote_sensor.get_remote_origin_id(), remote_sensor.selector_id ) new_status = InstigatorStatus.DECLARED_IN_CODE if not stored_state: new_instigator_data = SensorInstigatorData( min_interval=remote_sensor.min_interval_seconds, sensor_type=remote_sensor.sensor_type, ) reset_state = self.add_instigator_state( state=InstigatorState( remote_sensor.get_remote_origin(), InstigatorType.SENSOR, new_status, new_instigator_data, ) ) else: reset_state = self.update_instigator_state(state=stored_state.with_status(new_status)) return reset_state @traced def all_instigator_state( self, repository_origin_id: Optional[str] = None, repository_selector_id: Optional[str] = None, instigator_type: Optional["InstigatorType"] = None, instigator_statuses: Optional[Set["InstigatorStatus"]] = None, ): if not self._schedule_storage: check.failed("Schedule storage not available") return self._schedule_storage.all_instigator_state( repository_origin_id, repository_selector_id, instigator_type, instigator_statuses ) @traced def get_instigator_state(self, origin_id: str, selector_id: str) -> Optional["InstigatorState"]: if not self._schedule_storage: check.failed("Schedule storage not available") return self._schedule_storage.get_instigator_state(origin_id, selector_id) def add_instigator_state(self, state: "InstigatorState") -> "InstigatorState": if not self._schedule_storage: check.failed("Schedule storage not available") return self._schedule_storage.add_instigator_state(state) def update_instigator_state(self, state: "InstigatorState") -> "InstigatorState": if not self._schedule_storage: check.failed("Schedule storage not available") return self._schedule_storage.update_instigator_state(state) def delete_instigator_state(self, origin_id: str, selector_id: str) -> None: return self._schedule_storage.delete_instigator_state(origin_id, selector_id) # type: ignore # (possible none) @property def supports_batch_tick_queries(self) -> bool: return self._schedule_storage and self._schedule_storage.supports_batch_queries # type: ignore # (possible none) @traced def get_batch_ticks( self, selector_ids: Sequence[str], limit: Optional[int] = None, statuses: Optional[Sequence["TickStatus"]] = None, ) -> Mapping[str, Sequence["InstigatorTick"]]: if not self._schedule_storage: return {} return self._schedule_storage.get_batch_ticks(selector_ids, limit, statuses) @traced def get_tick( self, origin_id: str, selector_id: str, timestamp: float ) -> Optional["InstigatorTick"]: matches = self._schedule_storage.get_ticks( # type: ignore # (possible none) origin_id, selector_id, before=timestamp + 1, after=timestamp - 1, limit=1 ) return matches[0] if len(matches) else None @traced def get_ticks( self, origin_id: str, selector_id: str, before: Optional[float] = None, after: Optional[float] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, statuses: Optional[Sequence["TickStatus"]] = None, ) -> Sequence["InstigatorTick"]: return self._schedule_storage.get_ticks( # type: ignore # (possible none) origin_id, selector_id, before=before, after=after, limit=limit, statuses=statuses ) def create_tick(self, tick_data: "TickData") -> "InstigatorTick": return check.not_none(self._schedule_storage).create_tick(tick_data) def update_tick(self, tick: "InstigatorTick"): return check.not_none(self._schedule_storage).update_tick(tick) def purge_ticks( self, origin_id: str, selector_id: str, before: float, tick_statuses: Optional[Sequence["TickStatus"]] = None, ) -> None: self._schedule_storage.purge_ticks(origin_id, selector_id, before, tick_statuses) # type: ignore # (possible none) def wipe_all_schedules(self) -> None: if self._scheduler: self._scheduler.wipe(self) # type: ignore # (possible none) self._schedule_storage.wipe() # type: ignore # (possible none) def logs_path_for_schedule(self, schedule_origin_id: str) -> str: return self._scheduler.get_logs_path(self, schedule_origin_id) # type: ignore # (possible none) def __enter__(self) -> Self: return self def __exit__( self, exception_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exception_value: Optional[BaseException], traceback: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: self.dispose() # dagster daemon def add_daemon_heartbeat(self, daemon_heartbeat: "DaemonHeartbeat") -> None: """Called on a regular interval by the daemon.""" self._run_storage.add_daemon_heartbeat(daemon_heartbeat) def get_daemon_heartbeats(self) -> Mapping[str, "DaemonHeartbeat"]: """Latest heartbeats of all daemon types.""" return self._run_storage.get_daemon_heartbeats() def wipe_daemon_heartbeats(self) -> None: self._run_storage.wipe_daemon_heartbeats() def get_required_daemon_types(self) -> Sequence[str]: from dagster._core.run_coordinator import QueuedRunCoordinator from dagster._core.scheduler import DagsterDaemonScheduler from dagster._daemon.asset_daemon import AssetDaemon from dagster._daemon.auto_run_reexecution.event_log_consumer import EventLogConsumerDaemon from dagster._daemon.daemon import ( BackfillDaemon, MonitoringDaemon, SchedulerDaemon, SensorDaemon, ) from dagster._daemon.run_coordinator.queued_run_coordinator_daemon import ( QueuedRunCoordinatorDaemon, ) if self.is_ephemeral: return [] daemons = [SensorDaemon.daemon_type(), BackfillDaemon.daemon_type()] if isinstance(self.scheduler, DagsterDaemonScheduler): daemons.append(SchedulerDaemon.daemon_type()) if isinstance(self.run_coordinator, QueuedRunCoordinator): daemons.append(QueuedRunCoordinatorDaemon.daemon_type()) if self.run_monitoring_enabled: daemons.append(MonitoringDaemon.daemon_type()) if self.run_retries_enabled: daemons.append(EventLogConsumerDaemon.daemon_type()) if self.auto_materialize_enabled or self.auto_materialize_use_sensors: daemons.append(AssetDaemon.daemon_type()) return daemons def get_daemon_statuses( self, daemon_types: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None ) -> Mapping[str, "DaemonStatus"]: """Get the current status of the daemons. If daemon_types aren't provided, defaults to all required types. Returns a dict of daemon type to status. """ from dagster._daemon.controller import get_daemon_statuses check.opt_sequence_param(daemon_types, "daemon_types", of_type=str) return get_daemon_statuses( self, daemon_types=daemon_types or self.get_required_daemon_types(), ignore_errors=True ) @property def daemon_skip_heartbeats_without_errors(self) -> bool: # If enabled, daemon threads won't write heartbeats unless they encounter an error. This is # enabled in cloud, where we don't need to use heartbeats to check if daemons are running, but # do need to surface errors to users. This is an optimization to reduce DB writes. return False # backfill def get_backfills( self, filters: Optional["BulkActionsFilter"] = None, cursor: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, status: Optional["BulkActionStatus"] = None, ) -> Sequence["PartitionBackfill"]: return self._run_storage.get_backfills( status=status, cursor=cursor, limit=limit, filters=filters ) def get_backfills_count(self, filters: Optional["BulkActionsFilter"] = None) -> int: return self._run_storage.get_backfills_count(filters=filters) def get_backfill(self, backfill_id: str) -> Optional["PartitionBackfill"]: return self._run_storage.get_backfill(backfill_id) def add_backfill(self, partition_backfill: "PartitionBackfill") -> None: self._run_storage.add_backfill(partition_backfill) def update_backfill(self, partition_backfill: "PartitionBackfill") -> None: self._run_storage.update_backfill(partition_backfill) @property def should_start_background_run_thread(self) -> bool: """Gate on an experimental feature to start a thread that monitors for if the run should be canceled.""" return False def get_tick_retention_settings( self, instigator_type: "InstigatorType" ) -> Mapping["TickStatus", int]: from dagster._core.definitions.run_request import InstigatorType retention_settings = self.get_settings("retention") if instigator_type == InstigatorType.SCHEDULE: tick_settings = retention_settings.get("schedule") elif instigator_type == InstigatorType.SENSOR: tick_settings = retention_settings.get("sensor") elif instigator_type == InstigatorType.AUTO_MATERIALIZE: tick_settings = retention_settings.get("auto_materialize") else: raise Exception(f"Unexpected instigator type {instigator_type}") default_tick_settings = get_default_tick_retention_settings(instigator_type) return get_tick_retention_settings(tick_settings, default_tick_settings) def inject_env_vars(self, location_name: Optional[str]) -> None: if not self._secrets_loader: return new_env = self._secrets_loader.get_secrets_for_environment(location_name) for k, v in new_env.items(): os.environ[k] = v def get_latest_data_version_record( self, key: AssetKey, is_source: Optional[bool] = None, partition_key: Optional[str] = None, before_cursor: Optional[int] = None, after_cursor: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Optional["EventLogRecord"]: from import AssetRecordsFilter records_filter = AssetRecordsFilter( asset_key=key, asset_partitions=[partition_key] if partition_key else None, before_storage_id=before_cursor, after_storage_id=after_cursor, ) if is_source is True: # this is a source asset, fetch latest observation record return next(iter(self.fetch_observations(records_filter, limit=1).records), None) elif is_source is False: # this is not a source asset, fetch latest materialization record return next(iter(self.fetch_materializations(records_filter, limit=1).records), None) else: assert is_source is None # if is_source is None, the requested key could correspond to either a source asset or # materializable asset. If there is a non-null materialization, we are dealing with a # materializable asset and should just return that. If not, we should check for any # observation records that may match. materialization = next( iter(self.fetch_materializations(records_filter, limit=1).records), None ) if materialization: return materialization return next(iter(self.fetch_observations(records_filter, limit=1).records), None)
[docs] @public def get_latest_materialization_code_versions( self, asset_keys: Iterable[AssetKey] ) -> Mapping[AssetKey, Optional[str]]: """Returns the code version used for the latest materialization of each of the provided assets. Args: asset_keys (Iterable[AssetKey]): The asset keys to find latest materialization code versions for. Returns: Mapping[AssetKey, Optional[str]]: A dictionary with a key for each of the provided asset keys. The values will be None if the asset has no materializations. If an asset does not have a code version explicitly assigned to its definitions, but was materialized, Dagster assigns the run ID as its code version. """ result: Dict[AssetKey, Optional[str]] = {} latest_materialization_events = self.get_latest_materialization_events(asset_keys) for asset_key in asset_keys: event_log_entry = latest_materialization_events.get(asset_key) if event_log_entry is None: result[asset_key] = None else: data_provenance = extract_data_provenance_from_entry(event_log_entry) result[asset_key] = data_provenance.code_version if data_provenance else None return result
[docs] @experimental @public def report_runless_asset_event( self, asset_event: Union["AssetMaterialization", "AssetObservation", "AssetCheckEvaluation"], ): """Record an event log entry related to assets that does not belong to a Dagster run.""" from import ( AssetMaterialization, AssetObservationData, DagsterEvent, DagsterEventType, StepMaterializationData, ) if isinstance(asset_event, AssetMaterialization): event_type_value = DagsterEventType.ASSET_MATERIALIZATION.value data_payload = StepMaterializationData(asset_event) elif isinstance(asset_event, AssetCheckEvaluation): event_type_value = DagsterEventType.ASSET_CHECK_EVALUATION.value data_payload = asset_event elif isinstance(asset_event, AssetObservation): event_type_value = DagsterEventType.ASSET_OBSERVATION.value data_payload = AssetObservationData(asset_event) else: raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( f"Received unexpected asset event type {asset_event}, expected" " AssetMaterialization, AssetObservation or AssetCheckEvaluation" ) return self.report_dagster_event( run_id=RUNLESS_RUN_ID, dagster_event=DagsterEvent( event_type_value=event_type_value, event_specific_data=data_payload, job_name=RUNLESS_JOB_NAME, ), )
def get_asset_check_support(self) -> "AssetCheckInstanceSupport": from import AssetCheckInstanceSupport return ( AssetCheckInstanceSupport.SUPPORTED if self.event_log_storage.supports_asset_checks else AssetCheckInstanceSupport.NEEDS_MIGRATION ) def backfill_log_storage_enabled(self) -> bool: return False def da_request_backfills(self) -> bool: return False