Ask AI

Source code for dagster._core.definitions.metadata.metadata_value

import os
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Callable, Generic, Mapping, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Union

from typing_extensions import Self, TypeVar

import dagster._check as check
import dagster._seven as seven
from dagster._annotations import PublicAttr, experimental, public
from dagster._core.definitions.asset_key import AssetKey
from dagster._core.definitions.metadata.table import (
    TableColumn as TableColumn,
    TableColumnConstraints as TableColumnConstraints,
    TableColumnDep as TableColumnDep,
    TableColumnLineage as TableColumnLineage,
    TableConstraints as TableConstraints,
    TableRecord as TableRecord,
    TableSchema as TableSchema,
from dagster._core.errors import DagsterInvalidMetadata
from dagster._serdes import whitelist_for_serdes
from dagster._serdes.serdes import PackableValue

T_Packable = TypeVar("T_Packable", bound=PackableValue, default=PackableValue, covariant=True)
from dagster._serdes import pack_value
from dagster._serdes.serdes import (

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[docs] class MetadataValue(ABC, Generic[T_Packable]): """Utility class to wrap metadata values passed into Dagster events so that they can be displayed in the Dagster UI and other tooling. .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context, df): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key="my_dataset", metadata={ "my_text_label": "hello", "dashboard_url": MetadataValue.url(""), "num_rows": 0, }, ) """ @public @property @abstractmethod def value(self) -> T_Packable: """The wrapped value.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @public @staticmethod def text(text: str) -> "TextMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping text as :py:class:`TextMetadataValue`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context, df): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key="my_dataset", metadata={ "my_text_label": MetadataValue.text("hello") }, ) Args: text (str): The text string for a metadata entry. """ return TextMetadataValue(text)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def url(url: str) -> "UrlMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping a URL as :py:class:`UrlMetadataValue`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key="my_dashboard", metadata={ "dashboard_url": MetadataValue.url(""), } ) Args: url (str): The URL for a metadata entry. """ return UrlMetadataValue(url)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def path(path: Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> "PathMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping a path as :py:class:`PathMetadataValue`. Example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key="my_dataset", metadata={ "filepath": MetadataValue.path("path/to/file"), } ) Args: path (str): The path for a metadata entry. """ return PathMetadataValue(path)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def notebook(path: Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> "NotebookMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping a notebook path as :py:class:`NotebookMetadataValue`. Example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key="my_dataset", metadata={ "notebook_path": MetadataValue.notebook("path/to/notebook.ipynb"), } ) Args: path (str): The path to a notebook for a metadata entry. """ return NotebookMetadataValue(path)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def json(data: Union[Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]) -> "JsonMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping a json-serializable list or dict as :py:class:`JsonMetadataValue`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context): yield ExpectationResult( success=not missing_things, label="is_present", metadata={ "about my dataset": MetadataValue.json({"missing_columns": missing_things}) }, ) Args: data (Union[Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]): The JSON data for a metadata entry. """ return JsonMetadataValue(data)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def md(data: str) -> "MarkdownMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping markdown data as :py:class:`MarkdownMetadataValue`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context, md_str): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key="info", metadata={ 'Details': }, ) Args: md_str (str): The markdown for a metadata entry. """ return MarkdownMetadataValue(data)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def python_artifact(python_artifact: Callable[..., Any]) -> "PythonArtifactMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping a python artifact as :py:class:`PythonArtifactMetadataValue`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context, df): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key="my_dataset", metadata={ "class": MetadataValue.python_artifact(MyClass), "function": MetadataValue.python_artifact(my_function), } ) Args: value (Callable): The python class or function for a metadata entry. """ check.callable_param(python_artifact, "python_artifact") return PythonArtifactMetadataValue(python_artifact.__module__, python_artifact.__name__)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def float(value: float) -> "FloatMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping a float as :py:class:`FloatMetadataValue`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context, df): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key="my_dataset", metadata={ "size (bytes)": MetadataValue.float(calculate_bytes(df)), } ) Args: value (float): The float value for a metadata entry. """ return FloatMetadataValue(value)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def int(value: int) -> "IntMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping an int as :py:class:`IntMetadataValue`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context, df): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key="my_dataset", metadata={ "number of rows":, }, ) Args: value (int): The int value for a metadata entry. """ return IntMetadataValue(value)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def bool(value: bool) -> "BoolMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping a bool as :py:class:`BoolMetadataValuye`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context, df): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key="my_dataset", metadata={ "num rows > 1000": MetadataValue.bool(len(df) > 1000), }, ) Args: value (bool): The bool value for a metadata entry. """ return BoolMetadataValue(value)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def timestamp(value: Union["float", datetime]) -> "TimestampMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping a UNIX timestamp as a :py:class:`TimestampMetadataValue`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Args: value (Union[float, datetime]): The unix timestamp value for a metadata entry. If a datetime is provided, the timestamp will be extracted. datetimes without timezones are not accepted, because their timestamps can be ambiguous. """ if isinstance(value, float): return TimestampMetadataValue(value) elif isinstance(value, datetime): if value.tzinfo is None: check.failed( "Datetime values provided to MetadataValue.timestamp must have timezones, " f"but {value.isoformat()} does not" ) return TimestampMetadataValue(value.timestamp()) else: check.failed(f"Expected either a float or a datetime, but received a {type(value)}")
[docs] @public @staticmethod def dagster_run(run_id: str) -> "DagsterRunMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping a reference to a Dagster run. Args: run_id (str): The ID of the run. """ return DagsterRunMetadataValue(run_id)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def asset(asset_key: AssetKey) -> "DagsterAssetMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value referencing a Dagster asset, by key. For example: .. code-block:: python @op def validate_table(context, df): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key=AssetKey("my_table"), metadata={ "Related asset": MetadataValue.asset(AssetKey('my_other_table')), }, ) Args: asset_key (AssetKey): The asset key referencing the asset. """ from import AssetKey check.inst_param(asset_key, "asset_key", AssetKey) return DagsterAssetMetadataValue(asset_key)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def job( job_name: str, location_name: str, *, repository_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "DagsterJobMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value referencing a Dagster job, by name. For example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context, df): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key="my_dataset" metadata={ "Producing job": MetadataValue.job('my_other_job'), }, ) Args: job_name (str): The name of the job. location_name (Optional[str]): The code location name for the job. repository_name (Optional[str]): The repository name of the job, if different from the default. """ return DagsterJobMetadataValue( job_name=check.str_param(job_name, "job_name"), location_name=check.str_param(location_name, "location_name"), repository_name=check.opt_str_param(repository_name, "repository_name"), )
[docs] @public @staticmethod @experimental def table( records: Sequence[TableRecord], schema: Optional[TableSchema] = None ) -> "TableMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping arbitrary tabular data as :py:class:`TableMetadataValue`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context): yield ExpectationResult( success=not has_errors, label="is_valid", metadata={ "errors": MetadataValue.table( records=[ TableRecord(code="invalid-data-type", row=2, col="name"), ], schema=TableSchema( columns=[ TableColumn(name="code", type="string"), TableColumn(name="row", type="int"), TableColumn(name="col", type="string"), ] ) ), }, ) """ return TableMetadataValue(records, schema)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def table_schema( schema: TableSchema, ) -> "TableSchemaMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping a table schema as :py:class:`TableSchemaMetadataValue`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Example: .. code-block:: python schema = TableSchema( columns = [ TableColumn(name="id", type="int"), TableColumn(name="status", type="bool"), ] ) DagsterType( type_check_fn=some_validation_fn, name='MyTable', metadata={ 'my_table_schema': MetadataValue.table_schema(schema), } ) Args: schema (TableSchema): The table schema for a metadata entry. """ return TableSchemaMetadataValue(schema)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def column_lineage( lineage: TableColumnLineage, ) -> "TableColumnLineageMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping a column lineage as :py:class:`TableColumnLineageMetadataValue`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Args: lineage (TableColumnLineage): The column lineage for a metadata entry. """ return TableColumnLineageMetadataValue(lineage)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def null() -> "NullMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value representing null. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. """ return NullMetadataValue()
# ######################## # ##### METADATA VALUE TYPES # ######################## # NOTE: We have `type: ignore` in a few places below because mypy complains about an instance method # (e.g. `text`) overriding a static method on the superclass of the same name. This is not a concern # for us because these static methods should never be called on instances. # NOTE: `XMetadataValue` classes are serialized with a storage name of `XMetadataEntryData` to # maintain backward compatibility. See docstring of `whitelist_for_serdes` for more info.
[docs] @whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="TextMetadataEntryData") class TextMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_TextMetadataValue", [ ("text", PublicAttr[Optional[str]]), ], ), MetadataValue[str], ): """Container class for text metadata entry data. Args: text (Optional[str]): The text data. """ def __new__(cls, text: Optional[str]): return super(TextMetadataValue, cls).__new__( cls, check.opt_str_param(text, "text", default="") ) @public @property def value(self) -> Optional[str]: """Optional[str]: The wrapped text data.""" return self.text
[docs] @whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="UrlMetadataEntryData") class UrlMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_UrlMetadataValue", [ ("url", PublicAttr[Optional[str]]), ], ), MetadataValue[str], ): """Container class for URL metadata entry data. Args: url (Optional[str]): The URL as a string. """ def __new__(cls, url: Optional[str]): return super(UrlMetadataValue, cls).__new__( cls, check.opt_str_param(url, "url", default="") ) @public @property def value(self) -> Optional[str]: """Optional[str]: The wrapped URL.""" return self.url
[docs] @whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="PathMetadataEntryData") class PathMetadataValue( NamedTuple("_PathMetadataValue", [("path", PublicAttr[Optional[str]])]), MetadataValue[str] ): """Container class for path metadata entry data. Args: path (Optional[str]): The path as a string or conforming to os.PathLike. """ def __new__(cls, path: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]]): return super(PathMetadataValue, cls).__new__( cls, check.opt_path_param(path, "path", default="") ) @public @property def value(self) -> Optional[str]: """Optional[str]: The wrapped path.""" return self.path
[docs] @whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="NotebookMetadataEntryData") class NotebookMetadataValue( NamedTuple("_NotebookMetadataValue", [("path", PublicAttr[Optional[str]])]), MetadataValue[str] ): """Container class for notebook metadata entry data. Args: path (Optional[str]): The path to the notebook as a string or conforming to os.PathLike. """ def __new__(cls, path: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]]): return super(NotebookMetadataValue, cls).__new__( cls, check.opt_path_param(path, "path", default="") ) @public @property def value(self) -> Optional[str]: """Optional[str]: The wrapped path to the notebook as a string.""" return self.path
class JsonDataFieldSerializer(FieldSerializer): def pack( self, mapping: JsonSerializableValue, whitelist_map: WhitelistMap, descent_path: str, ) -> JsonSerializableValue: # return the json serializable data field as is return mapping def unpack( self, unpacked_value: JsonSerializableValue, whitelist_map: WhitelistMap, context: UnpackContext, ) -> PackableValue: # erase any serdes objects that were stored here in earlier versions and # return plain json serializable data return pack_value(unpacked_value, whitelist_map=whitelist_map)
[docs] @whitelist_for_serdes( storage_name="JsonMetadataEntryData", field_serializers={"data": JsonDataFieldSerializer}, ) class JsonMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_JsonMetadataValue", [ ("data", PublicAttr[Optional[Union[Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]), ], ), MetadataValue[Union[Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], ): """Container class for JSON metadata entry data. Args: data (Union[Sequence[Any], Dict[str, Any]]): The JSON data. """ def __new__(cls, data: Optional[Union[Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]): data = check.opt_inst_param(data, "data", (Sequence, Mapping)) try: # check that the value is JSON serializable seven.dumps(data) except TypeError: raise DagsterInvalidMetadata("Value is not JSON serializable.") return super(JsonMetadataValue, cls).__new__(cls, data) @public @property def value(self) -> Optional[Union[Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]: """Optional[Union[Sequence[Any], Dict[str, Any]]]: The wrapped JSON data.""" return
[docs] @whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="MarkdownMetadataEntryData") class MarkdownMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_MarkdownMetadataValue", [ ("md_str", PublicAttr[Optional[str]]), ], ), MetadataValue[str], ): """Container class for markdown metadata entry data. Args: md_str (Optional[str]): The markdown as a string. """ def __new__(cls, md_str: Optional[str]): return super(MarkdownMetadataValue, cls).__new__( cls, check.opt_str_param(md_str, "md_str", default="") ) @public @property def value(self) -> Optional[str]: """Optional[str]: The wrapped markdown as a string.""" return self.md_str
# This should be deprecated or fixed so that `value` does not return itself.
[docs] @whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="PythonArtifactMetadataEntryData") class PythonArtifactMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_PythonArtifactMetadataValue", [ ("module", PublicAttr[str]), ("name", PublicAttr[str]), ], ), MetadataValue["PythonArtifactMetadataValue"], ): """Container class for python artifact metadata entry data. Args: module (str): The module where the python artifact can be found name (str): The name of the python artifact """ def __new__(cls, module: str, name: str): return super(PythonArtifactMetadataValue, cls).__new__( cls, check.str_param(module, "module"), check.str_param(name, "name") ) @public @property def value(self) -> Self: """PythonArtifactMetadataValue: Identity function.""" return self
[docs] @whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="FloatMetadataEntryData") class FloatMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_FloatMetadataValue", [ ("value", PublicAttr[Optional[float]]), ], ), MetadataValue[float], ): """Container class for float metadata entry data. Args: value (Optional[float]): The float value. """ def __new__(cls, value: Optional[float]): return super(FloatMetadataValue, cls).__new__(cls, check.opt_float_param(value, "value"))
[docs] @whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="IntMetadataEntryData") class IntMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_IntMetadataValue", [ ("value", PublicAttr[Optional[int]]), ], ), MetadataValue[int], ): """Container class for int metadata entry data. Args: value (Optional[int]): The int value. """ def __new__(cls, value: Optional[int]): return super(IntMetadataValue, cls).__new__(cls, check.opt_int_param(value, "value"))
@whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="BoolMetadataEntryData") class BoolMetadataValue( NamedTuple("_BoolMetadataValue", [("value", PublicAttr[Optional[bool]])]), MetadataValue[bool], ): """Container class for bool metadata entry data. Args: value (Optional[bool]): The bool value. """ def __new__(cls, value: Optional[bool]): return super(BoolMetadataValue, cls).__new__(cls, check.opt_bool_param(value, "value"))
[docs] @whitelist_for_serdes class TimestampMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_DateTimeMetadataValue", [("value", PublicAttr[float])], ), MetadataValue[float], ): """Container class for metadata value that's a unix timestamp. Args: value (float): Seconds since the unix epoch. """ def __new__(cls, value: float): return super(TimestampMetadataValue, cls).__new__(cls, check.float_param(value, "value"))
[docs] @whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="DagsterPipelineRunMetadataEntryData") class DagsterRunMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_DagsterRunMetadataValue", [ ("run_id", PublicAttr[str]), ], ), MetadataValue[str], ): """Representation of a dagster run. Args: run_id (str): The run id """ def __new__(cls, run_id: str): return super(DagsterRunMetadataValue, cls).__new__(cls, check.str_param(run_id, "run_id")) @public @property def value(self) -> str: """str: The wrapped run id.""" return self.run_id
@whitelist_for_serdes class DagsterJobMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_DagsterJobMetadataValue", [ ("job_name", PublicAttr[str]), ("location_name", PublicAttr[str]), ("repository_name", PublicAttr[Optional[str]]), ], ), MetadataValue["DagsterJobMetadataValue"], ): """Representation of a dagster run. Args: job_name (str): The job's name location_name (str): The job's code location name repository_name (Optional[str]): The job's repository name. If not provided, the job is assumed to be in the same repository as this object. """ def __new__( cls, job_name: str, location_name: str, repository_name: Optional[str] = None, ): return super(DagsterJobMetadataValue, cls).__new__( cls, check.str_param(job_name, "job_name"), check.str_param(location_name, "location_name"), check.opt_str_param(repository_name, "repository_name"), ) @public @property def value(self) -> Self: return self
[docs] @whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="DagsterAssetMetadataEntryData") class DagsterAssetMetadataValue( NamedTuple("_DagsterAssetMetadataValue", [("asset_key", PublicAttr[AssetKey])]), MetadataValue[AssetKey], ): """Representation of a dagster asset. Args: asset_key (AssetKey): The dagster asset key """ def __new__(cls, asset_key: AssetKey): from import AssetKey return super(DagsterAssetMetadataValue, cls).__new__( cls, check.inst_param(asset_key, "asset_key", AssetKey) ) @public @property def value(self) -> AssetKey: """AssetKey: The wrapped :py:class:`AssetKey`.""" return self.asset_key
# This should be deprecated or fixed so that `value` does not return itself.
[docs] @experimental @whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="TableMetadataEntryData") class TableMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_TableMetadataValue", [ ("records", PublicAttr[Sequence[TableRecord]]), ("schema", PublicAttr[TableSchema]), ], ), MetadataValue["TableMetadataValue"], ): """Container class for table metadata entry data. Args: records (TableRecord): The data as a list of records (i.e. rows). schema (Optional[TableSchema]): A schema for the table. Example: .. code-block:: python from dagster import TableMetadataValue, TableRecord TableMetadataValue( schema=None, records=[ TableRecord({"column1": 5, "column2": "x"}), TableRecord({"column1": 7, "column2": "y"}), ] ) """
[docs] @public @staticmethod def infer_column_type(value: object) -> str: """str: Infer the :py:class:`TableSchema` column type that will be used for a value.""" if isinstance(value, bool): return "bool" elif isinstance(value, int): return "int" elif isinstance(value, float): return "float" else: return "string"
def __new__(cls, records: Sequence[TableRecord], schema: Optional[TableSchema]): check.sequence_param(records, "records", of_type=TableRecord) check.opt_inst_param(schema, "schema", TableSchema) if len(records) == 0: schema = check.not_none(schema, "schema must be provided if records is empty") else: columns = set(records[0].data.keys()) for record in records[1:]: check.invariant( set( == columns, "All records must have the same fields" ) schema = schema or TableSchema( columns=[ TableColumn(name=k, type=TableMetadataValue.infer_column_type(v)) for k, v in records[0].data.items() ] ) return super(TableMetadataValue, cls).__new__( cls, records, schema, ) @public @property def value(self) -> Self: """TableMetadataValue: Identity function.""" return self
[docs] @whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="TableSchemaMetadataEntryData") class TableSchemaMetadataValue( NamedTuple("_TableSchemaMetadataValue", [("schema", PublicAttr[TableSchema])]), MetadataValue[TableSchema], ): """Representation of a schema for arbitrary tabular data. Args: schema (TableSchema): The dictionary containing the schema representation. """ def __new__(cls, schema: TableSchema): return super(TableSchemaMetadataValue, cls).__new__( cls, check.inst_param(schema, "schema", TableSchema) ) @public @property def value(self) -> TableSchema: """TableSchema: The wrapped :py:class:`TableSchema`.""" return self.schema
[docs] @whitelist_for_serdes class TableColumnLineageMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_TableColumnLineageMetadataValue", [("column_lineage", PublicAttr[TableColumnLineage])] ), MetadataValue[TableColumnLineage], ): """Representation of the lineage of column inputs to column outputs of arbitrary tabular data. Args: column_lineage (TableColumnLineage): The lineage of column inputs to column outputs for the table. """ def __new__(cls, column_lineage: TableColumnLineage): return super(TableColumnLineageMetadataValue, cls).__new__( cls, check.inst_param(column_lineage, "column_lineage", TableColumnLineage) ) @public @property def value(self) -> TableColumnLineage: """TableSpec: The wrapped :py:class:`TableSpec`.""" return self.column_lineage
@whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="NullMetadataEntryData") class NullMetadataValue(NamedTuple("_NullMetadataValue", []), MetadataValue[None]): """Representation of null.""" @public @property def value(self) -> None: """None: The wrapped null value.""" return None