Ask AI

Source code for dagster._core.definitions.metadata

import os
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
from typing import (

from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing_extensions import Self, TypeAlias, TypeVar

import dagster._check as check
import dagster._seven as seven
from dagster._annotations import PublicAttr, deprecated, deprecated_param, experimental, public
from dagster._core.definitions.asset_key import AssetKey
from dagster._core.errors import DagsterInvalidMetadata
from dagster._serdes import whitelist_for_serdes
from dagster._serdes.serdes import (
from dagster._utils.warnings import (

from .table import (  # re-exported
    TableColumn as TableColumn,
    TableColumnConstraints as TableColumnConstraints,
    TableColumnDep as TableColumnDep,
    TableColumnLineage as TableColumnLineage,
    TableConstraints as TableConstraints,
    TableRecord as TableRecord,
    TableSchema as TableSchema,

ArbitraryMetadataMapping: TypeAlias = Mapping[str, Any]

RawMetadataValue = Union[
    Dict[Any, Any],

MetadataMapping: TypeAlias = Mapping[str, "MetadataValue"]
RawMetadataMapping: TypeAlias = Mapping[str, RawMetadataValue]

T_Packable = TypeVar("T_Packable", bound=PackableValue, default=PackableValue, covariant=True)

# ########################
# ########################

def normalize_metadata(
    metadata: Mapping[str, RawMetadataValue],
    allow_invalid: bool = False,
) -> Mapping[str, "MetadataValue"]:
    # This is a stopgap measure to deal with unsupported metadata values, which occur when we try
    # to convert arbitrary metadata (on e.g. OutputDefinition) to a MetadataValue, which is required
    # for serialization. This will cause unsupported values to be silently replaced with a
    # string placeholder.
    normalized_metadata: Dict[str, MetadataValue] = {}
    for k, v in metadata.items():
            normalized_value = normalize_metadata_value(v)
        except DagsterInvalidMetadata as e:
            if allow_invalid:
                    "Support for arbitrary metadata values",
                        "In the future, all user-supplied metadata values must be one of"
                        f" {RawMetadataValue}"
                    stacklevel=4,  # to get the caller of `normalize_metadata`
                normalized_value = TextMetadataValue(f"[{v.__class__.__name__}] (unserializable)")
                raise DagsterInvalidMetadata(
                    f'Could not resolve the metadata value for "{k}" to a known type. {e}'
                ) from None
        normalized_metadata[k] = normalized_value

    return normalized_metadata

def has_corresponding_metadata_value_class(obj: Any) -> bool:
    return isinstance(obj, (str, float, bool, int, list, dict, os.PathLike, AssetKey, TableSchema))

def normalize_metadata_value(raw_value: RawMetadataValue) -> "MetadataValue[Any]":
    if isinstance(raw_value, MetadataValue):
        return raw_value
    elif isinstance(raw_value, str):
        return MetadataValue.text(raw_value)
    elif isinstance(raw_value, float):
        return MetadataValue.float(raw_value)
    elif isinstance(raw_value, bool):
        return MetadataValue.bool(raw_value)
    elif isinstance(raw_value, int):
    elif isinstance(raw_value, (list, dict)):
        return MetadataValue.json(raw_value)
    elif isinstance(raw_value, os.PathLike):
        return MetadataValue.path(raw_value)
    elif isinstance(raw_value, AssetKey):
        return MetadataValue.asset(raw_value)
    elif isinstance(raw_value, TableSchema):
        return MetadataValue.table_schema(raw_value)
    elif isinstance(raw_value, TableColumnLineage):
        return MetadataValue.column_lineage(raw_value)
    elif raw_value is None:
        return MetadataValue.null()

    raise DagsterInvalidMetadata(
        f"Its type was {type(raw_value)}. Consider wrapping the value with the appropriate "
        "MetadataValue type."

# ########################
# ########################

[docs]class MetadataValue(ABC, Generic[T_Packable]): """Utility class to wrap metadata values passed into Dagster events so that they can be displayed in the Dagster UI and other tooling. .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context, df): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key="my_dataset", metadata={ "my_text_label": "hello", "dashboard_url": MetadataValue.url(""), "num_rows": 0, }, ) """ @public @property @abstractmethod def value(self) -> T_Packable: """The wrapped value.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @public @staticmethod def text(text: str) -> "TextMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping text as :py:class:`TextMetadataValue`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context, df): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key="my_dataset", metadata={ "my_text_label": MetadataValue.text("hello") }, ) Args: text (str): The text string for a metadata entry. """ return TextMetadataValue(text)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def url(url: str) -> "UrlMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping a URL as :py:class:`UrlMetadataValue`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key="my_dashboard", metadata={ "dashboard_url": MetadataValue.url(""), } ) Args: url (str): The URL for a metadata entry. """ return UrlMetadataValue(url)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def path(path: Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> "PathMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping a path as :py:class:`PathMetadataValue`. Example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key="my_dataset", metadata={ "filepath": MetadataValue.path("path/to/file"), } ) Args: path (str): The path for a metadata entry. """ return PathMetadataValue(path)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def notebook(path: Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> "NotebookMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping a notebook path as :py:class:`NotebookMetadataValue`. Example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key="my_dataset", metadata={ "notebook_path": MetadataValue.notebook("path/to/notebook.ipynb"), } ) Args: path (str): The path to a notebook for a metadata entry. """ return NotebookMetadataValue(path)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def json(data: Union[Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]) -> "JsonMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping a json-serializable list or dict as :py:class:`JsonMetadataValue`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context): yield ExpectationResult( success=not missing_things, label="is_present", metadata={ "about my dataset": MetadataValue.json({"missing_columns": missing_things}) }, ) Args: data (Union[Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]): The JSON data for a metadata entry. """ return JsonMetadataValue(data)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def md(data: str) -> "MarkdownMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping markdown data as :py:class:`MarkdownMetadataValue`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context, md_str): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key="info", metadata={ 'Details': }, ) Args: md_str (str): The markdown for a metadata entry. """ return MarkdownMetadataValue(data)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def python_artifact(python_artifact: Callable[..., Any]) -> "PythonArtifactMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping a python artifact as :py:class:`PythonArtifactMetadataValue`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context, df): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key="my_dataset", metadata={ "class": MetadataValue.python_artifact(MyClass), "function": MetadataValue.python_artifact(my_function), } ) Args: value (Callable): The python class or function for a metadata entry. """ check.callable_param(python_artifact, "python_artifact") return PythonArtifactMetadataValue(python_artifact.__module__, python_artifact.__name__)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def float(value: float) -> "FloatMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping a float as :py:class:`FloatMetadataValue`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context, df): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key="my_dataset", metadata={ "size (bytes)": MetadataValue.float(calculate_bytes(df)), } ) Args: value (float): The float value for a metadata entry. """ return FloatMetadataValue(value)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def int(value: int) -> "IntMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping an int as :py:class:`IntMetadataValue`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context, df): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key="my_dataset", metadata={ "number of rows":, }, ) Args: value (int): The int value for a metadata entry. """ return IntMetadataValue(value)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def bool(value: bool) -> "BoolMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping a bool as :py:class:`BoolMetadataValuye`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context, df): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key="my_dataset", metadata={ "num rows > 1000": MetadataValue.bool(len(df) > 1000), }, ) Args: value (bool): The bool value for a metadata entry. """ return BoolMetadataValue(value)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def timestamp(value: Union["float", datetime]) -> "TimestampMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping a UNIX timestamp as a :py:class:`TimestampMetadataValue`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Args: value (Union[float, datetime]): The unix timestamp value for a metadata entry. If a datetime is provided, the timestamp will be extracted. datetimes without timezones are not accepted, because their timestamps can be ambiguous. """ if isinstance(value, float): return TimestampMetadataValue(value) elif isinstance(value, datetime): if value.tzinfo is None: check.failed( "Datetime values provided to MetadataValue.timestamp must have timezones, " f"but {value.isoformat()} does not" ) return TimestampMetadataValue(value.timestamp()) else: check.failed(f"Expected either a float or a datetime, but received a {type(value)}")
[docs] @public @staticmethod def dagster_run(run_id: str) -> "DagsterRunMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping a reference to a Dagster run. Args: run_id (str): The ID of the run. """ return DagsterRunMetadataValue(run_id)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def asset(asset_key: "AssetKey") -> "DagsterAssetMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value referencing a Dagster asset, by key. For example: .. code-block:: python @op def validate_table(context, df): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key=AssetKey("my_table"), metadata={ "Related asset": MetadataValue.asset(AssetKey('my_other_table')), }, ) Args: asset_key (AssetKey): The asset key referencing the asset. """ from import AssetKey check.inst_param(asset_key, "asset_key", AssetKey) return DagsterAssetMetadataValue(asset_key)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def job( job_name: str, location_name: str, *, repository_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "DagsterJobMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value referencing a Dagster job, by name. For example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context, df): yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key="my_dataset" metadata={ "Producing job": MetadataValue.job('my_other_job'), }, ) Args: job_name (str): The name of the job. location_name (Optional[str]): The code location name for the job. repository_name (Optional[str]): The repository name of the job, if different from the default. """ return DagsterJobMetadataValue( job_name=check.str_param(job_name, "job_name"), location_name=check.str_param(location_name, "location_name"), repository_name=check.opt_str_param(repository_name, "repository_name"), )
[docs] @public @staticmethod @experimental def table( records: Sequence[TableRecord], schema: Optional[TableSchema] = None ) -> "TableMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping arbitrary tabular data as :py:class:`TableMetadataValue`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Example: .. code-block:: python @op def emit_metadata(context): yield ExpectationResult( success=not has_errors, label="is_valid", metadata={ "errors": MetadataValue.table( records=[ TableRecord(code="invalid-data-type", row=2, col="name"), ], schema=TableSchema( columns=[ TableColumn(name="code", type="string"), TableColumn(name="row", type="int"), TableColumn(name="col", type="string"), ] ) ), }, ) """ return TableMetadataValue(records, schema)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def table_schema( schema: TableSchema, ) -> "TableSchemaMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping a table schema as :py:class:`TableSchemaMetadataValue`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Example: .. code-block:: python schema = TableSchema( columns = [ TableColumn(name="id", type="int"), TableColumn(name="status", type="bool"), ] ) DagsterType( type_check_fn=some_validation_fn, name='MyTable', metadata={ 'my_table_schema': MetadataValue.table_schema(schema), } ) Args: schema (TableSchema): The table schema for a metadata entry. """ return TableSchemaMetadataValue(schema)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def column_lineage( lineage: TableColumnLineage, ) -> "TableColumnLineageMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value wrapping a column lineage as :py:class:`TableColumnLineageMetadataValue`. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. Args: lineage (TableColumnLineage): The column lineage for a metadata entry. """ return TableColumnLineageMetadataValue(lineage)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def null() -> "NullMetadataValue": """Static constructor for a metadata value representing null. Can be used as the value type for the `metadata` parameter for supported events. """ return NullMetadataValue()
# ######################## # ##### METADATA VALUE TYPES # ######################## # NOTE: We have `type: ignore` in a few places below because mypy complains about an instance method # (e.g. `text`) overriding a static method on the superclass of the same name. This is not a concern # for us because these static methods should never be called on instances. # NOTE: `XMetadataValue` classes are serialized with a storage name of `XMetadataEntryData` to # maintain backward compatibility. See docstring of `whitelist_for_serdes` for more info.
[docs]@whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="TextMetadataEntryData") class TextMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_TextMetadataValue", [ ("text", PublicAttr[Optional[str]]), ], ), MetadataValue[str], ): """Container class for text metadata entry data. Args: text (Optional[str]): The text data. """ def __new__(cls, text: Optional[str]): return super(TextMetadataValue, cls).__new__( cls, check.opt_str_param(text, "text", default="") ) @public @property def value(self) -> Optional[str]: """Optional[str]: The wrapped text data.""" return self.text
[docs]@whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="UrlMetadataEntryData") class UrlMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_UrlMetadataValue", [ ("url", PublicAttr[Optional[str]]), ], ), MetadataValue[str], ): """Container class for URL metadata entry data. Args: url (Optional[str]): The URL as a string. """ def __new__(cls, url: Optional[str]): return super(UrlMetadataValue, cls).__new__( cls, check.opt_str_param(url, "url", default="") ) @public @property def value(self) -> Optional[str]: """Optional[str]: The wrapped URL.""" return self.url
[docs]@whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="PathMetadataEntryData") class PathMetadataValue( NamedTuple("_PathMetadataValue", [("path", PublicAttr[Optional[str]])]), MetadataValue[str] ): """Container class for path metadata entry data. Args: path (Optional[str]): The path as a string or conforming to os.PathLike. """ def __new__(cls, path: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]]): return super(PathMetadataValue, cls).__new__( cls, check.opt_path_param(path, "path", default="") ) @public @property def value(self) -> Optional[str]: """Optional[str]: The wrapped path.""" return self.path
[docs]@whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="NotebookMetadataEntryData") class NotebookMetadataValue( NamedTuple("_NotebookMetadataValue", [("path", PublicAttr[Optional[str]])]), MetadataValue[str] ): """Container class for notebook metadata entry data. Args: path (Optional[str]): The path to the notebook as a string or conforming to os.PathLike. """ def __new__(cls, path: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]]): return super(NotebookMetadataValue, cls).__new__( cls, check.opt_path_param(path, "path", default="") ) @public @property def value(self) -> Optional[str]: """Optional[str]: The wrapped path to the notebook as a string.""" return self.path
[docs]@whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="JsonMetadataEntryData") class JsonMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_JsonMetadataValue", [ ("data", PublicAttr[Optional[Union[Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]), ], ), MetadataValue[Union[Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], ): """Container class for JSON metadata entry data. Args: data (Union[Sequence[Any], Dict[str, Any]]): The JSON data. """ def __new__(cls, data: Optional[Union[Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]): data = check.opt_inst_param(data, "data", (Sequence, Mapping)) try: # check that the value is JSON serializable seven.dumps(data) except TypeError: raise DagsterInvalidMetadata("Value is not JSON serializable.") return super(JsonMetadataValue, cls).__new__(cls, data) @public @property def value(self) -> Optional[Union[Sequence[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]: """Optional[Union[Sequence[Any], Dict[str, Any]]]: The wrapped JSON data.""" return
[docs]@whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="MarkdownMetadataEntryData") class MarkdownMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_MarkdownMetadataValue", [ ("md_str", PublicAttr[Optional[str]]), ], ), MetadataValue[str], ): """Container class for markdown metadata entry data. Args: md_str (Optional[str]): The markdown as a string. """ def __new__(cls, md_str: Optional[str]): return super(MarkdownMetadataValue, cls).__new__( cls, check.opt_str_param(md_str, "md_str", default="") ) @public @property def value(self) -> Optional[str]: """Optional[str]: The wrapped markdown as a string.""" return self.md_str
# This should be deprecated or fixed so that `value` does not return itself.
[docs]@whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="PythonArtifactMetadataEntryData") class PythonArtifactMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_PythonArtifactMetadataValue", [ ("module", PublicAttr[str]), ("name", PublicAttr[str]), ], ), MetadataValue["PythonArtifactMetadataValue"], ): """Container class for python artifact metadata entry data. Args: module (str): The module where the python artifact can be found name (str): The name of the python artifact """ def __new__(cls, module: str, name: str): return super(PythonArtifactMetadataValue, cls).__new__( cls, check.str_param(module, "module"), check.str_param(name, "name") ) @public @property def value(self) -> Self: """PythonArtifactMetadataValue: Identity function.""" return self
[docs]@whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="FloatMetadataEntryData") class FloatMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_FloatMetadataValue", [ ("value", PublicAttr[Optional[float]]), ], ), MetadataValue[float], ): """Container class for float metadata entry data. Args: value (Optional[float]): The float value. """ def __new__(cls, value: Optional[float]): return super(FloatMetadataValue, cls).__new__(cls, check.opt_float_param(value, "value"))
[docs]@whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="IntMetadataEntryData") class IntMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_IntMetadataValue", [ ("value", PublicAttr[Optional[int]]), ], ), MetadataValue[int], ): """Container class for int metadata entry data. Args: value (Optional[int]): The int value. """ def __new__(cls, value: Optional[int]): return super(IntMetadataValue, cls).__new__(cls, check.opt_int_param(value, "value"))
@whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="BoolMetadataEntryData") class BoolMetadataValue( NamedTuple("_BoolMetadataValue", [("value", PublicAttr[Optional[bool]])]), MetadataValue[bool], ): """Container class for bool metadata entry data. Args: value (Optional[bool]): The bool value. """ def __new__(cls, value: Optional[bool]): return super(BoolMetadataValue, cls).__new__(cls, check.opt_bool_param(value, "value"))
[docs]@whitelist_for_serdes class TimestampMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_DateTimeMetadataValue", [("value", PublicAttr[float])], ), MetadataValue[float], ): """Container class for metadata value that's a unix timestamp. Args: value (float): Seconds since the unix epoch. """ def __new__(cls, value: float): return super(TimestampMetadataValue, cls).__new__(cls, check.float_param(value, "value"))
[docs]@whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="DagsterPipelineRunMetadataEntryData") class DagsterRunMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_DagsterRunMetadataValue", [ ("run_id", PublicAttr[str]), ], ), MetadataValue[str], ): """Representation of a dagster run. Args: run_id (str): The run id """ def __new__(cls, run_id: str): return super(DagsterRunMetadataValue, cls).__new__(cls, check.str_param(run_id, "run_id")) @public @property def value(self) -> str: """str: The wrapped run id.""" return self.run_id
@whitelist_for_serdes class DagsterJobMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_DagsterJobMetadataValue", [ ("job_name", PublicAttr[str]), ("location_name", PublicAttr[str]), ("repository_name", PublicAttr[Optional[str]]), ], ), MetadataValue["DagsterJobMetadataValue"], ): """Representation of a dagster run. Args: job_name (str): The job's name location_name (str): The job's code location name repository_name (Optional[str]): The job's repository name. If not provided, the job is assumed to be in the same repository as this object. """ def __new__( cls, job_name: str, location_name: str, repository_name: Optional[str] = None, ): return super(DagsterJobMetadataValue, cls).__new__( cls, check.str_param(job_name, "job_name"), check.str_param(location_name, "location_name"), check.opt_str_param(repository_name, "repository_name"), ) @public @property def value(self) -> Self: return self
[docs]@whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="DagsterAssetMetadataEntryData") class DagsterAssetMetadataValue( NamedTuple("_DagsterAssetMetadataValue", [("asset_key", PublicAttr["AssetKey"])]), MetadataValue["AssetKey"], ): """Representation of a dagster asset. Args: asset_key (AssetKey): The dagster asset key """ def __new__(cls, asset_key: "AssetKey"): from import AssetKey return super(DagsterAssetMetadataValue, cls).__new__( cls, check.inst_param(asset_key, "asset_key", AssetKey) ) @public @property def value(self) -> "AssetKey": """AssetKey: The wrapped :py:class:`AssetKey`.""" return self.asset_key
# This should be deprecated or fixed so that `value` does not return itself.
[docs]@experimental @whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="TableMetadataEntryData") class TableMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_TableMetadataValue", [ ("records", PublicAttr[Sequence[TableRecord]]), ("schema", PublicAttr[TableSchema]), ], ), MetadataValue["TableMetadataValue"], ): """Container class for table metadata entry data. Args: records (TableRecord): The data as a list of records (i.e. rows). schema (Optional[TableSchema]): A schema for the table. Example: .. code-block:: python from dagster import TableMetadataValue, TableRecord TableMetadataValue( schema=None, records=[ TableRecord({"column1": 5, "column2": "x"}), TableRecord({"column1": 7, "column2": "y"}), ] ) """
[docs] @public @staticmethod def infer_column_type(value: object) -> str: """str: Infer the :py:class:`TableSchema` column type that will be used for a value.""" if isinstance(value, bool): return "bool" elif isinstance(value, int): return "int" elif isinstance(value, float): return "float" else: return "string"
def __new__(cls, records: Sequence[TableRecord], schema: Optional[TableSchema]): check.sequence_param(records, "records", of_type=TableRecord) check.opt_inst_param(schema, "schema", TableSchema) if len(records) == 0: schema = check.not_none(schema, "schema must be provided if records is empty") else: columns = set(records[0].data.keys()) for record in records[1:]: check.invariant( set( == columns, "All records must have the same fields" ) schema = schema or TableSchema( columns=[ TableColumn(name=k, type=TableMetadataValue.infer_column_type(v)) for k, v in records[0].data.items() ] ) return super(TableMetadataValue, cls).__new__( cls, records, schema, ) @public @property def value(self) -> Self: """TableMetadataValue: Identity function.""" return self
[docs]@whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="TableSchemaMetadataEntryData") class TableSchemaMetadataValue( NamedTuple("_TableSchemaMetadataValue", [("schema", PublicAttr[TableSchema])]), MetadataValue[TableSchema], ): """Representation of a schema for arbitrary tabular data. Args: schema (TableSchema): The dictionary containing the schema representation. """ def __new__(cls, schema: TableSchema): return super(TableSchemaMetadataValue, cls).__new__( cls, check.inst_param(schema, "schema", TableSchema) ) @public @property def value(self) -> TableSchema: """TableSchema: The wrapped :py:class:`TableSchema`.""" return self.schema
[docs]@whitelist_for_serdes class TableColumnLineageMetadataValue( NamedTuple( "_TableColumnLineageMetadataValue", [("column_lineage", PublicAttr[TableColumnLineage])] ), MetadataValue[TableColumnLineage], ): """Representation of the lineage of column inputs to column outputs of arbitrary tabular data. Args: column_lineage (TableColumnLineage): The lineage of column inputs to column outputs for the table. """ def __new__(cls, column_lineage: TableColumnLineage): return super(TableColumnLineageMetadataValue, cls).__new__( cls, check.inst_param(column_lineage, "column_lineage", TableColumnLineage) ) @public @property def value(self) -> TableColumnLineage: """TableSpec: The wrapped :py:class:`TableSpec`.""" return self.column_lineage
@whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="NullMetadataEntryData") class NullMetadataValue(NamedTuple("_NullMetadataValue", []), MetadataValue[None]): """Representation of null.""" @public @property def value(self) -> None: """None: The wrapped null value.""" return None # ######################## # ##### METADATA BACKCOMPAT # ######################## # Metadata used to be represented as a `List[MetadataEntry]`, but that class has been deleted. But # we still serialize metadata dicts to the serialized representation of `List[MetadataEntry]` for # backcompat purposes. class MetadataFieldSerializer(FieldSerializer): """Converts between metadata dict (new) and metadata entries list (old).""" storage_name = "metadata_entries" loaded_name = "metadata" def pack( self, metadata_dict: Mapping[str, MetadataValue], whitelist_map: WhitelistMap, descent_path: str, ) -> Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]]: return [ { "__class__": "EventMetadataEntry", "label": k, # MetadataValue itself can't inherit from NamedTuple and so isn't a PackableValue, # but one of its subclasses will always be returned here. "entry_data": pack_value(v, whitelist_map, descent_path), # type: ignore "description": None, } for k, v in metadata_dict.items() ] def unpack( self, metadata_entries: List["MetadataEntry"], whitelist_map: WhitelistMap, context: UnpackContext, ) -> Mapping[str, MetadataValue]: return {e.label: e.entry_data for e in metadata_entries} T_MetadataValue = TypeVar("T_MetadataValue", bound=MetadataValue, covariant=True) # NOTE: MetadataEntry is no longer accessible via the public API-- all metadata APIs use metadata # dicts. This clas shas only been preserved to adhere strictly to our backcompat guarantees. It is # still instantiated in the above `MetadataFieldSerializer` but that can easily be changed.
[docs]@deprecated( breaking_version="2.0", additional_warn_text="Please use a dict with `MetadataValue` values instead.", ) @deprecated_param( param="entry_data", breaking_version="2.0", additional_warn_text="Use `value` instead." ) @whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="EventMetadataEntry") class MetadataEntry( NamedTuple( "_MetadataEntry", [ ("label", PublicAttr[str]), ("description", PublicAttr[Optional[str]]), ("entry_data", PublicAttr[MetadataValue]), ], ), Generic[T_MetadataValue], ): """A structure for describing metadata for Dagster events. .. note:: This class is no longer usable in any Dagster API, and will be completely removed in 2.0. Lists of objects of this type can be passed as arguments to Dagster events and will be displayed in the Dagster UI and other tooling. Should be yielded from within an IO manager to append metadata for a given input/output event. For other event types, passing a dict with `MetadataValue` values to the `metadata` argument is preferred. Args: label (str): Short display label for this metadata entry. description (Optional[str]): A human-readable description of this metadata entry. value (MetadataValue): Typed metadata entry data. The different types allow for customized display in tools like the Dagster UI. """ def __new__( cls, label: str, description: Optional[str] = None, entry_data: Optional["RawMetadataValue"] = None, value: Optional["RawMetadataValue"] = None, ): value = cast( RawMetadataValue, normalize_renamed_param( new_val=value, new_arg="value", old_val=entry_data, old_arg="entry_data", ), ) value = normalize_metadata_value(value) return super(MetadataEntry, cls).__new__( cls, check.str_param(label, "label"), check.opt_str_param(description, "description"), check.inst_param(value, "value", MetadataValue), ) @property def value(self): """Alias of `entry_data`.""" return self.entry_data
T_NamespacedMetadataSet = TypeVar("T_NamespacedMetadataSet", bound="NamespacedMetadataSet") class NamespacedMetadataSet(ABC, BaseModel, frozen=True): """Extend this class to define a set of metadata fields in the same namespace. Supports splatting to a dictionary that can be placed inside a metadata argument along with other dictionary-structured metadata. .. code-block:: python my_metadata: NamespacedMetadataSet = ... return MaterializeResult(metadata={**my_metadata, ...}) """ @classmethod @abstractmethod def namespace(cls) -> str: raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod def _namespaced_key(cls, key: str) -> str: return f"{cls.namespace()}/{key}" @staticmethod def _strip_namespace_from_key(key: str) -> str: return key.split("/", 1)[1] def keys(self) -> AbstractSet[str]: return { self._namespaced_key(key) for key in self.__fields__.keys() # getattr returns the pydantic property on the subclass if getattr(self, key) is not None } def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: # getattr returns the pydantic property on the subclass return getattr(self, self._strip_namespace_from_key(key)) @classmethod def extract( cls: Type[T_NamespacedMetadataSet], metadata: Mapping[str, Any] ) -> T_NamespacedMetadataSet: """Extracts entries from the provided metadata dictionary into an instance of this class. Ignores any entries in the metadata dictionary whose keys don't correspond to fields on this class. In general, the following should always pass: .. code-block:: python class MyMetadataEntries(NamedspacedMetadataEntries): ... metadata_entries: MyMetadataEntries = ... assert MyMetadataEntries.extract(dict(metadata_entries)) == metadata_entries Args: metadata (Mapping[str, Any]): A dictionary of metadata entries. """ kwargs = {} for namespaced_key, value in metadata.items(): splits = namespaced_key.split("/") if len(splits) == 2: namespace, key = splits if namespace == cls.namespace() and key in cls.__fields__: kwargs[key] = value.value if isinstance(value, MetadataValue) else value return cls(**kwargs) class TableMetadataSet(NamespacedMetadataSet, frozen=True): """Metadata entries that apply to definitions, observations, or materializations of assets that are tables. Args: column_schema (Optional[TableSchema]): The schema of the columns in the table. column_lineage (Optional[TableColumnLineage]): The lineage of column inputs to column outputs for the table. """ column_schema: Optional[TableSchema] = None column_lineage: Optional[TableColumnLineage] = None @classmethod def namespace(cls) -> str: return "dagster"