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Source code for dagster._core.definitions.asset_dep

from typing import Iterable, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Union

import dagster._check as check
from dagster._annotations import PublicAttr
from dagster._core.definitions.asset_check_spec import AssetCheckKey
from dagster._core.definitions.asset_spec import AssetSpec
from dagster._core.definitions.assets import AssetsDefinition
from dagster._core.definitions.partition_mapping import PartitionMapping
from dagster._core.definitions.source_asset import SourceAsset
from dagster._core.errors import DagsterInvalidDefinitionError, DagsterInvariantViolationError

from .events import (

CoercibleToAssetDep = Union[
    CoercibleToAssetKey, AssetSpec, AssetsDefinition, SourceAsset, "AssetDep"

[docs]class AssetDep( NamedTuple( "_AssetDep", [ ("asset_key", PublicAttr[AssetKey]), ("partition_mapping", PublicAttr[Optional[PartitionMapping]]), ], ) ): """Specifies a dependency on an upstream asset. Attributes: asset (Union[AssetKey, str, AssetSpec, AssetsDefinition, SourceAsset]): The upstream asset to depend on. partition_mapping (Optional[PartitionMapping]): Defines what partitions to depend on in the upstream asset. If not provided and the upstream asset is partitioned, defaults to the default partition mapping for the partitions definition, which is typically maps partition keys to the same partition keys in upstream assets. Examples: .. code-block:: python upstream_asset = AssetSpec("upstream_asset") downstream_asset = AssetSpec( "downstream_asset", deps=[ AssetDep( upstream_asset, partition_mapping=TimeWindowPartitionMapping(start_offset=-1, end_offset=-1) ) ] ) """ def __new__( cls, asset: Union[CoercibleToAssetKey, AssetSpec, AssetsDefinition, SourceAsset], *, partition_mapping: Optional[PartitionMapping] = None, ): if isinstance(asset, list): check.list_param(asset, "asset", of_type=str) else: check.inst_param( asset, "asset", (AssetKey, str, AssetSpec, AssetsDefinition, SourceAsset) ) if isinstance(asset, AssetsDefinition) and len(asset.keys) > 1: # Only AssetsDefinition with a single asset can be passed raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError( "Cannot create an AssetDep from a multi_asset AssetsDefinition." " Instead, specify dependencies on the assets created by the multi_asset" f" via AssetKeys or strings. For the multi_asset {}, the" f" available keys are: {asset.keys}." ) asset_key = _get_asset_key(asset) return super().__new__( cls, asset_key=asset_key, partition_mapping=check.opt_inst_param( partition_mapping, "partition_mapping", PartitionMapping, ), ) @staticmethod def from_coercible(arg: "CoercibleToAssetDep") -> "AssetDep": # if arg is AssetDep, return the original object to retain partition_mapping return arg if isinstance(arg, AssetDep) else AssetDep(asset=arg)
def _get_asset_key(arg: "CoercibleToAssetDep") -> AssetKey: if isinstance(arg, (AssetsDefinition, SourceAsset, AssetSpec)): return arg.key elif isinstance(arg, AssetDep): return arg.asset_key else: return AssetKey.from_coercible(arg) def coerce_to_deps_and_check_duplicates( coercible_to_asset_deps: Optional[Iterable["CoercibleToAssetDep"]], key: Union[AssetKey, AssetCheckKey], ) -> Sequence[AssetDep]: dep_set = {} if coercible_to_asset_deps: for dep in coercible_to_asset_deps: asset_dep = AssetDep.from_coercible(dep) # we cannot do deduplication via a set because MultiPartitionMappings have an internal # dictionary that cannot be hashed. Instead deduplicate by making a dictionary and checking # for existing keys. if asset_dep.asset_key in dep_set.keys(): raise DagsterInvariantViolationError( f"Cannot set a dependency on asset {asset_dep.asset_key} more than once for" f" spec {key}" ) dep_set[asset_dep.asset_key] = asset_dep return list(dep_set.values())