Ask AI

Source code for dagster_dbt.core.resources_v2

import contextlib
import copy
import dataclasses
import os
import shutil
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import uuid
from argparse import Namespace
from concurrent.futures import Future, ThreadPoolExecutor
from contextlib import suppress
from dataclasses import InitVar, dataclass, field
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import dateutil.parser
import orjson
from dagster import (
    _check as check,
from dagster._annotations import experimental, public
from dagster._core.definitions.metadata import (
from dagster._core.errors import DagsterExecutionInterruptedError, DagsterInvalidPropertyError
from dagster._model.pydantic_compat_layer import compat_model_validator
from dagster._utils import pushd
from dagster._utils.warnings import disable_dagster_warnings
from dbt.adapters.base.impl import BaseAdapter
from dbt.adapters.factory import get_adapter, register_adapter, reset_adapters
from dbt.config import RuntimeConfig
from dbt.config.runtime import load_profile, load_project
from dbt.contracts.results import NodeStatus, TestStatus
from import cleanup_event_logger
from dbt.flags import get_flags, set_from_args
from dbt.node_types import NodeType
from dbt.version import __version__ as dbt_version
from packaging import version
from pydantic import Field, validator
from sqlglot import (
from sqlglot.expressions import normalize_table_name
from sqlglot.lineage import lineage
from sqlglot.optimizer import optimize
from typing_extensions import Final, Literal

from ..asset_utils import (
from ..dagster_dbt_translator import (
from ..dbt_manifest import (
from ..dbt_project import DbtProject
from ..errors import DagsterDbtCliRuntimeError
from ..utils import (
from .utils import get_future_completion_state_or_err

logger = get_dagster_logger()

DBT_PROJECT_YML_NAME = "dbt_project.yml"
DBT_PROFILES_YML_NAME = "profiles.yml"
PARTIAL_PARSE_FILE_NAME = "partial_parse.msgpack"



def _get_dbt_target_path() -> Path:
    return Path(os.getenv("DBT_TARGET_PATH", "target"))

[docs]@dataclass class DbtCliEventMessage: """The representation of a dbt CLI event. Args: raw_event (Dict[str, Any]): The raw event dictionary. See for more information. event_history_metadata (Dict[str, Any]): A dictionary of metadata about the current event, gathered from previous historical events. """ raw_event: Dict[str, Any] event_history_metadata: InitVar[Dict[str, Any]] def __post_init__(self, event_history_metadata: Dict[str, Any]): self._event_history_metadata = event_history_metadata def __str__(self) -> str: return self.raw_event["info"]["msg"] @property def log_level(self) -> str: """The log level of the event.""" return self.raw_event["info"]["level"] @property def has_column_lineage_metadata(self) -> bool: """Whether the event has column level lineage metadata.""" return bool(self._event_history_metadata) and "parents" in self._event_history_metadata @staticmethod def is_result_event(raw_event: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool: return raw_event["info"]["name"] in set( ["LogSeedResult", "LogModelResult", "LogSnapshotResult", "LogTestResult"] ) def _yield_observation_events_for_test( self, dagster_dbt_translator: DagsterDbtTranslator, validated_manifest: Mapping[str, Any], upstream_unique_ids: AbstractSet[str], metadata: Mapping[str, Any], description: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Iterator[AssetObservation]: for upstream_unique_id in upstream_unique_ids: upstream_resource_props: Dict[str, Any] = validated_manifest["nodes"].get( upstream_unique_id ) or validated_manifest["sources"].get(upstream_unique_id) upstream_asset_key = dagster_dbt_translator.get_asset_key(upstream_resource_props) yield AssetObservation( asset_key=upstream_asset_key, metadata=metadata, description=description, )
[docs] @public def to_default_asset_events( self, manifest: DbtManifestParam, dagster_dbt_translator: DagsterDbtTranslator = DagsterDbtTranslator(), context: Optional[OpExecutionContext] = None, target_path: Optional[Path] = None, ) -> Iterator[Union[Output, AssetMaterialization, AssetObservation, AssetCheckResult]]: """Convert a dbt CLI event to a set of corresponding Dagster events. Args: manifest (Union[Mapping[str, Any], str, Path]): The dbt manifest blob. dagster_dbt_translator (DagsterDbtTranslator): Optionally, a custom translator for linking dbt nodes to Dagster assets. context (Optional[OpExecutionContext]): The execution context. target_path (Optional[Path]): An explicit path to a target folder used to retrieve dbt artifacts while generating events. Returns: Iterator[Union[Output, AssetMaterialization, AssetObservation, AssetCheckResult]]: A set of corresponding Dagster events. In a Dagster asset definition, the following are yielded: - Output for refables (e.g. models, seeds, snapshots.) - AssetCheckResult for dbt test results that are enabled as asset checks. - AssetObservation for dbt test results that are not enabled as asset checks. In a Dagster op definition, the following are yielded: - AssetMaterialization for dbt test results that are not enabled as asset checks. - AssetObservation for dbt test results. """ if not self.is_result_event(self.raw_event): return event_node_info: Dict[str, Any] = self.raw_event["data"].get("node_info") if not event_node_info: return dagster_dbt_translator = validate_translator(dagster_dbt_translator) manifest = validate_manifest(manifest) if not manifest: "No dbt manifest was provided. Dagster events for dbt tests will not be created." ) unique_id: str = event_node_info["unique_id"] invocation_id: str = self.raw_event["info"]["invocation_id"] dbt_resource_props = manifest["nodes"][unique_id] column_schema_metadata = {} try: column_schema_metadata = default_metadata_from_dbt_resource_props( self._event_history_metadata ) except Exception as e: logger.warning( "An error occurred while building column schema metadata from event history" f" `{self._event_history_metadata}` for the dbt resource" f" `{dbt_resource_props['original_file_path']}`." " Column schema metadata will not be included in the event.\n\n" f"Exception: {e}" ) default_metadata = { **column_schema_metadata, "unique_id": unique_id, "invocation_id": invocation_id, } has_asset_def: bool = bool(context and context.has_assets_def) node_resource_type: str = event_node_info["resource_type"] node_status: str = event_node_info["node_status"] node_materialization: str = self.raw_event["data"]["node_info"]["materialized"] is_node_ephemeral = node_materialization == "ephemeral" is_node_successful = node_status == NodeStatus.Success is_node_finished = bool(event_node_info.get("node_finished_at")) if ( node_resource_type in NodeType.refable() and is_node_successful and not is_node_ephemeral ): started_at = dateutil.parser.isoparse(event_node_info["node_started_at"]) finished_at = dateutil.parser.isoparse(event_node_info["node_finished_at"]) duration_seconds = (finished_at - started_at).total_seconds() lineage_metadata = {} try: lineage_metadata = self._build_column_lineage_metadata( manifest=manifest, dagster_dbt_translator=dagster_dbt_translator, target_path=target_path, ) except Exception as e: logger.warning( "An error occurred while building column lineage metadata for the dbt resource" f" `{dbt_resource_props['original_file_path']}`." " Lineage metadata will not be included in the event.\n\n" f"Exception: {e}" ) if has_asset_def: yield Output( value=None, output_name=dagster_name_fn(event_node_info), metadata={ **default_metadata, "Execution Duration": duration_seconds, **lineage_metadata, }, ) else: dbt_resource_props = manifest["nodes"][unique_id] asset_key = dagster_dbt_translator.get_asset_key(dbt_resource_props) yield AssetMaterialization( asset_key=asset_key, metadata={ **default_metadata, "Execution Duration": duration_seconds, **lineage_metadata, }, ) elif manifest and node_resource_type == NodeType.Test and is_node_finished: test_resource_props = manifest["nodes"][unique_id] upstream_unique_ids: AbstractSet[str] = set(test_resource_props["depends_on"]["nodes"]) metadata = { **default_metadata, "status": node_status, } asset_check_key = get_asset_check_key_for_test( manifest, dagster_dbt_translator, test_unique_id=unique_id ) # If the test was not selected as an asset check, yield an `AssetObservation`. if not ( context and asset_check_key and asset_check_key in context.selected_asset_check_keys ): message = None # dbt's default indirect selection (eager) will select relationship tests # on unselected assets, if they're compared with a selected asset. # This doesn't match Dagster's default check selection which is to only # select checks on selected assets. When we use eager, we may receive # unexpected test results so we log those as observations as if # asset checks were disabled. if dagster_dbt_translator.settings.enable_asset_checks: # If the test did not have an asset key associated with it, it was a singular # test with multiple dependencies without a configured asset key. test_name = test_resource_props["name"] additional_message = ( ( f"`{test_name}` is a singular test with multiple dependencies." " Configure an asset key in the test's dbt meta to load it as an" " asset check.\n\n" ) if not asset_check_key else "" ) message = ( "Logging an `AssetObservation` instead of an `AssetCheckResult`" f" for dbt test `{test_name}`.\n\n" f"{additional_message}" "This test was included in Dagster's asset check" " selection, and was likely executed due to dbt indirect selection." ) logger.warn(message) yield from self._yield_observation_events_for_test( dagster_dbt_translator=dagster_dbt_translator, validated_manifest=manifest, upstream_unique_ids=upstream_unique_ids, metadata=metadata, description=message, ) return # The test is an asset check, so yield an `AssetCheckResult`. yield AssetCheckResult( passed=node_status == TestStatus.Pass, asset_key=asset_check_key.asset_key,, metadata=metadata, severity=( AssetCheckSeverity.WARN if node_status == TestStatus.Warn else AssetCheckSeverity.ERROR ), )
def _build_column_lineage_metadata( self, manifest: Mapping[str, Any], dagster_dbt_translator: DagsterDbtTranslator, target_path: Optional[Path], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Process the lineage metadata for a dbt CLI event. Args: manifest (Mapping[str, Any]): The dbt manifest blob. dagster_dbt_translator (DagsterDbtTranslator): The translator for dbt nodes to Dagster assets. target_path (Path): The path to the dbt target folder. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: The lineage metadata. """ if ( # Column lineage can only be built if initial metadata is provided. not self.has_column_lineage_metadata or not target_path ): return {} event_node_info: Dict[str, Any] = self.raw_event["data"].get("node_info") unique_id: str = event_node_info["unique_id"] dbt_resource_props: Dict[str, Any] = manifest["nodes"][unique_id] # If the unique_id is a seed, then we don't need to process lineage. if unique_id.startswith("seed"): return {} # 1. Retrieve the current node's SQL file and its parents' column schemas. sql_dialect = manifest["metadata"]["adapter_type"] sqlglot_mapping_schema = MappingSchema(dialect=sql_dialect) for parent_relation_name, parent_relation_metadata in self._event_history_metadata[ "parents" ].items(): sqlglot_mapping_schema.add_table( table=to_table(parent_relation_name, dialect=sql_dialect), column_mapping={ column_name: column_metadata["data_type"] for column_name, column_metadata in parent_relation_metadata["columns"].items() }, dialect=sql_dialect, ) node_sql_path = target_path.joinpath( "compiled", manifest["metadata"]["project_name"], dbt_resource_props["original_file_path"], ) optimized_node_ast = cast( exp.Query, optimize( parse_one(sql=node_sql_path.read_text(), dialect=sql_dialect), schema=sqlglot_mapping_schema, dialect=sql_dialect, ), ) # 2. Retrieve the column names from the current node. schema_column_names = { column.lower() for column in self._event_history_metadata["columns"].keys() } sqlglot_column_names = set(optimized_node_ast.named_selects) # 3. For each column, retrieve its dependencies on upstream columns from direct parents. dbt_parent_resource_props_by_relation_name: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {} for parent_unique_id in dbt_resource_props["depends_on"]["nodes"]: is_resource_type_source = parent_unique_id.startswith("source") parent_dbt_resource_props = ( manifest["sources"] if is_resource_type_source else manifest["nodes"] )[parent_unique_id] parent_relation_name = normalize_table_name( to_table(parent_dbt_resource_props["relation_name"], dialect=sql_dialect), dialect=sql_dialect, ) dbt_parent_resource_props_by_relation_name[parent_relation_name] = ( parent_dbt_resource_props ) normalized_sqlglot_column_names = { sqlglot_column.lower() for sqlglot_column in sqlglot_column_names } implicit_alias_column_names = { column for column in schema_column_names if column not in normalized_sqlglot_column_names } deps_by_column: Dict[str, Sequence[TableColumnDep]] = {} if implicit_alias_column_names: logger.warning( "The following columns are implicitly aliased and will be marked with an " f" empty list column dependencies: `{implicit_alias_column_names}`." ) deps_by_column = {column: [] for column in implicit_alias_column_names} for column_name in sqlglot_column_names: if column_name.lower() not in schema_column_names: continue column_deps: Set[TableColumnDep] = set() for sqlglot_lineage_node in lineage( column=column_name, sql=optimized_node_ast, schema=sqlglot_mapping_schema, dialect=sql_dialect, ).walk(): # Only the leaves of the lineage graph contain relevant information. if sqlglot_lineage_node.downstream: continue # Attempt to find a table in the lineage node. table = sqlglot_lineage_node.expression.find(exp.Table) if not table: continue # Attempt to retrieve the table's associated asset key and column. parent_column_name = exp.to_column( parent_relation_name = normalize_table_name(table, dialect=sql_dialect) parent_resource_props = dbt_parent_resource_props_by_relation_name.get( parent_relation_name ) if not parent_resource_props: continue # Add the column dependency. column_deps.add( TableColumnDep( asset_key=dagster_dbt_translator.get_asset_key(parent_resource_props), column_name=parent_column_name, ) ) deps_by_column[column_name.lower()] = list(column_deps) # 4. Render the lineage as metadata. with disable_dagster_warnings(): return dict( TableMetadataSet(column_lineage=TableColumnLineage(deps_by_column=deps_by_column)) )
DbtDagsterEventType = Union[Output, AssetMaterialization, AssetCheckResult, AssetObservation]
[docs]@dataclass class DbtCliInvocation: """The representation of an invoked dbt command. Args: process (subprocess.Popen): The process running the dbt command. manifest (Mapping[str, Any]): The dbt manifest blob. project_dir (Path): The path to the dbt project. target_path (Path): The path to the dbt target folder. raise_on_error (bool): Whether to raise an exception if the dbt command fails. """ process: subprocess.Popen manifest: Mapping[str, Any] dagster_dbt_translator: DagsterDbtTranslator project_dir: Path target_path: Path raise_on_error: bool context: Optional[OpExecutionContext] = field(default=None, repr=False) termination_timeout_seconds: float = field( init=False, default=DAGSTER_DBT_TERMINATION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS ) adapter: Optional[BaseAdapter] = field(default=None) should_fetch_row_count: bool = field(default=False) _stdout: List[str] = field(init=False, default_factory=list) _error_messages: List[str] = field(init=False, default_factory=list) @classmethod def run( cls, args: Sequence[str], env: Dict[str, str], manifest: Mapping[str, Any], dagster_dbt_translator: DagsterDbtTranslator, project_dir: Path, target_path: Path, raise_on_error: bool, context: Optional[OpExecutionContext], adapter: Optional[BaseAdapter], ) -> "DbtCliInvocation": # Attempt to take advantage of partial parsing. If there is a `partial_parse.msgpack` in # in the target folder, then copy it to the dynamic target path. # # This effectively allows us to skip the parsing of the manifest, which can be expensive. # See for more # details. current_target_path = _get_dbt_target_path() partial_parse_file_path = ( current_target_path.joinpath(PARTIAL_PARSE_FILE_NAME) if current_target_path.is_absolute() else project_dir.joinpath(current_target_path, PARTIAL_PARSE_FILE_NAME) ) partial_parse_destination_target_path = target_path.joinpath(PARTIAL_PARSE_FILE_NAME) if partial_parse_file_path.exists() and not partial_parse_destination_target_path.exists(): f"Copying `{partial_parse_file_path}` to `{partial_parse_destination_target_path}`" " to take advantage of partial parsing." ) partial_parse_destination_target_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) shutil.copy(partial_parse_file_path, partial_parse_destination_target_path) # Create a subprocess that runs the dbt CLI command. process = subprocess.Popen( args=args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env, cwd=project_dir, ) dbt_cli_invocation = cls( process=process, manifest=manifest, dagster_dbt_translator=dagster_dbt_translator, project_dir=project_dir, target_path=target_path, raise_on_error=raise_on_error, context=context, adapter=adapter, should_fetch_row_count=False, )"Running dbt command: `{dbt_cli_invocation.dbt_command}`.") return dbt_cli_invocation
[docs] @public def wait(self) -> "DbtCliInvocation": """Wait for the dbt CLI process to complete. Returns: DbtCliInvocation: The current representation of the dbt CLI invocation. Examples: .. code-block:: python from dagster_dbt import DbtCliResource dbt = DbtCliResource(project_dir="/path/to/dbt/project") dbt_cli_invocation = dbt.cli(["run"]).wait() """ list(self.stream_raw_events()) return self
[docs] @public def is_successful(self) -> bool: """Return whether the dbt CLI process completed successfully. Returns: bool: True, if the dbt CLI process returns with a zero exit code, and False otherwise. Examples: .. code-block:: python from dagster_dbt import DbtCliResource dbt = DbtCliResource(project_dir="/path/to/dbt/project") dbt_cli_invocation = dbt.cli(["run"], raise_on_error=False) if dbt_cli_invocation.is_successful(): ... """ self._stdout = list(self._stream_stdout()) return self.process.wait() == 0
def _stream_asset_events( self, ) -> Iterator[DbtDagsterEventType]: """Stream the dbt CLI events and convert them to Dagster events.""" for event in self.stream_raw_events(): yield from event.to_default_asset_events( manifest=self.manifest, dagster_dbt_translator=self.dagster_dbt_translator, context=self.context, target_path=self.target_path, ) def _get_dbt_resource_props_from_event(self, event: DbtDagsterEventType) -> Dict[str, Any]: unique_id = cast(TextMetadataValue, event.metadata["unique_id"]).text return check.not_none(self.manifest["nodes"].get(unique_id)) def _attach_post_materialization_metadata( self, event: DbtDagsterEventType, ) -> DbtDagsterEventType: """Threaded task which runs any postprocessing steps on the given event before it's emitted to user code. This is used to, for example, query the row count of a table after it has been materialized by dbt. """ adapter = check.not_none(self.adapter) dbt_resource_props = self._get_dbt_resource_props_from_event(event) is_view = dbt_resource_props["config"]["materialized"] == "view" # Avoid counting rows for views, since they may include complex SQL queries # that are costly to execute. We can revisit this in the future if there is # a demand for it. if is_view: return event # If the adapter is DuckDB, we need to wait for the dbt CLI process to complete # so that the DuckDB lock is released. This is because DuckDB does not allow for # opening multiple connections to the same database when a write connection, such # as the one dbt uses, is open. try: from dbt.adapters.duckdb import DuckDBAdapter if isinstance(adapter, DuckDBAdapter): self._dbt_run_thread.result() except ImportError: pass unique_id = dbt_resource_props["unique_id"] logger.debug("Fetching row count for %s", unique_id) table_str = f"{dbt_resource_props['database']}.{dbt_resource_props['schema']}.{dbt_resource_props['name']}" with adapter.connection_named(f"row_count_{unique_id}"): query_result = adapter.execute( f""" SELECT count(*) as row_count FROM {table_str} """, fetch=True, ) row_count = query_result[1][0]["row_count"] additional_metadata = {**TableMetadataSet(row_count=row_count)} if isinstance(event, Output): return event.with_metadata(metadata={**event.metadata, **additional_metadata}) else: return event._replace(metadata={**event.metadata, **additional_metadata}) def _stream_dbt_events_and_enqueue_postprocessing( self, output_events_and_futures: List[Union[Future, DbtDagsterEventType]], executor: ThreadPoolExecutor, ) -> None: """Task which streams dbt events and either directly places them in the output_events list to be emitted to user code, or enqueues post-processing tasks where needed. """ for event in self._stream_asset_events(): # For any materialization or output event, we run postprocessing steps # to attach additional metadata to the event. if self.should_fetch_row_count and isinstance(event, (AssetMaterialization, Output)): output_events_and_futures.append( executor.submit( self._attach_post_materialization_metadata, event, ) ) else: output_events_and_futures.append(event) @experimental def enable_fetch_row_count( self, ) -> "DbtCliInvocation": """Experimental functionality which will fetch row counts for materialized dbt models in a dbt run once they are built. Note that row counts will not be fetched for views, since this requires running the view's SQL query which may be costly. """ return dataclasses.replace(self, should_fetch_row_count=True)
[docs] @public def stream( self, ) -> Iterator[ Union[ Output, AssetMaterialization, AssetObservation, AssetCheckResult, ] ]: """Stream the events from the dbt CLI process and convert them to Dagster events. Returns: Iterator[Union[Output, AssetMaterialization, AssetObservation, AssetCheckResult]]: A set of corresponding Dagster events. In a Dagster asset definition, the following are yielded: - Output for refables (e.g. models, seeds, snapshots.) - AssetCheckResult for dbt test results that are enabled as asset checks. - AssetObservation for dbt test results that are not enabled as asset checks. In a Dagster op definition, the following are yielded: - AssetMaterialization for dbt test results that are not enabled as asset checks. - AssetObservation for dbt test results. Examples: .. code-block:: python from pathlib import Path from dagster_dbt import DbtCliResource, dbt_assets @dbt_assets(manifest=Path("target", "manifest.json")) def my_dbt_assets(context, dbt: DbtCliResource): yield from dbt.cli(["run"], context=context).stream() """ has_any_parallel_tasks = self.should_fetch_row_count if not has_any_parallel_tasks: # If we're not enqueuing any parallel tasks, we can just stream the events in # the main thread. yield from self._stream_asset_events() return if self.should_fetch_row_count: "Row counts will be fetched for non-view models once they are materialized." ) # We keep a list of emitted Dagster events and pending futures which augment # emitted events with additional metadata. This ensures we can yield events in the order # they are emitted by dbt. output_events_and_futures: List[Union[Future, DbtDagsterEventType]] = [] # Point at project directory to ensure dbt adapters run correctly with pushd(str(self.project_dir)), ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=STREAM_EVENTS_THREADPOOL_SIZE ) as executor: self._dbt_run_thread = executor.submit( self._stream_dbt_events_and_enqueue_postprocessing, output_events_and_futures, executor, ) # Step through the list of output events and futures, yielding them in order # once they are ready to be emitted event_to_emit_idx = 0 while True: all_work_complete = get_future_completion_state_or_err( [self._dbt_run_thread, *output_events_and_futures] ) if all_work_complete and event_to_emit_idx >= len(output_events_and_futures): break if event_to_emit_idx < len(output_events_and_futures): event_to_emit = output_events_and_futures[event_to_emit_idx] if isinstance(event_to_emit, Future): # If the next event to emit is a Future (waiting on postprocessing), # we need to wait for it to complete before yielding the event. try: event = event_to_emit.result(timeout=0.1) yield event event_to_emit_idx += 1 except: pass else: yield event_to_emit event_to_emit_idx += 1
[docs] @public def stream_raw_events(self) -> Iterator[DbtCliEventMessage]: """Stream the events from the dbt CLI process. Returns: Iterator[DbtCliEventMessage]: An iterator of events from the dbt CLI process. """ event_history_metadata_by_unique_id: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {} for log in self._stdout or self._stream_stdout(): try: raw_event: Dict[str, Any] = orjson.loads(log) unique_id: Optional[str] = raw_event["data"].get("node_info", {}).get("unique_id") is_result_event = DbtCliEventMessage.is_result_event(raw_event) event_history_metadata: Dict[str, Any] = {} if unique_id and is_result_event: event_history_metadata = copy.deepcopy( event_history_metadata_by_unique_id.get(unique_id, {}) ) event = DbtCliEventMessage( raw_event=raw_event, event_history_metadata=event_history_metadata ) # Parse the error message from the event, if it exists. is_error_message = event.log_level == "error" if is_error_message and not is_result_event: self._error_messages.append(str(event)) # Attempt to parse the column level metadata from the event message. # If it exists, save it as historical metadata to attach to the NodeFinished event. if event.raw_event["info"]["name"] == "JinjaLogInfo": with contextlib.suppress(orjson.JSONDecodeError): column_level_metadata = orjson.loads(event.raw_event["info"]["msg"]) event_history_metadata_by_unique_id[cast(str, unique_id)] = ( column_level_metadata ) # Don't show this message in stdout continue # Re-emit the logs from dbt CLI process into stdout. sys.stdout.write(str(event) + "\n") sys.stdout.flush() yield event except: # If we can't parse the log, then just emit it as a raw log. sys.stdout.write(log + "\n") sys.stdout.flush() # Ensure that the dbt CLI process has completed. self._raise_on_error()
[docs] @public def get_artifact( self, artifact: Union[ Literal["manifest.json"], Literal["catalog.json"], Literal["run_results.json"], Literal["sources.json"], ], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Retrieve a dbt artifact from the target path. See for more information. Args: artifact (Union[Literal["manifest.json"], Literal["catalog.json"], Literal["run_results.json"], Literal["sources.json"]]): The name of the artifact to retrieve. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: The artifact as a dictionary. Examples: .. code-block:: python from dagster_dbt import DbtCliResource dbt = DbtCliResource(project_dir="/path/to/dbt/project") dbt_cli_invocation = dbt.cli(["run"]).wait() # Retrieve the run_results.json artifact. run_results = dbt_cli_invocation.get_artifact("run_results.json") """ artifact_path = self.target_path.joinpath(artifact) return orjson.loads(artifact_path.read_bytes())
@property def dbt_command(self) -> str: """The dbt CLI command that was invoked.""" return " ".join(cast(Sequence[str], self.process.args)) def _stream_stdout(self) -> Iterator[str]: """Stream the stdout from the dbt CLI process.""" try: if not self.process.stdout or self.process.stdout.closed: return with self.process.stdout: for raw_line in self.process.stdout or []: log: str = raw_line.decode().strip() yield log except DagsterExecutionInterruptedError:"Forwarding interrupt signal to dbt command: `{self.dbt_command}`.") self.process.send_signal(signal.SIGINT) self.process.wait(timeout=self.termination_timeout_seconds) raise def _format_error_messages(self) -> str: """Format the error messages from the dbt CLI process.""" if not self._error_messages: return "" return "\n\n".join( [ "", "Errors parsed from dbt logs:", *self._error_messages, ] ) def _raise_on_error(self) -> None: """Ensure that the dbt CLI process has completed. If the process has not successfully completed, then optionally raise an error. """ is_successful = self.is_successful()"Finished dbt command: `{self.dbt_command}`.") if not is_successful and self.raise_on_error: log_path = self.target_path.joinpath("dbt.log") extra_description = "" if log_path.exists(): extra_description = f", or view the dbt debug log: {log_path}" raise DagsterDbtCliRuntimeError( description=( f"The dbt CLI process with command\n\n" f"`{self.dbt_command}`\n\n" f"failed with exit code `{self.process.returncode}`." " Check the stdout in the Dagster compute logs for the full information about" f" the error{extra_description}.{self._format_error_messages()}" ), )
[docs]class DbtCliResource(ConfigurableResource): """A resource used to execute dbt CLI commands. Attributes: project_dir (str): The path to the dbt project directory. This directory should contain a `dbt_project.yml`. See for more information. global_config_flags (List[str]): A list of global flags configuration to pass to the dbt CLI invocation. See for a full list of configuration. profiles_dir (Optional[str]): The path to the directory containing your dbt `profiles.yml`. By default, the current working directory is used, which is the dbt project directory. See for more information. profile (Optional[str]): The profile from your dbt `profiles.yml` to use for execution. See for more information. target (Optional[str]): The target from your dbt `profiles.yml` to use for execution. See for more information. dbt_executable (str): The path to the dbt executable. By default, this is `dbt`. state_path (Optional[str]): The path, relative to the project directory, to a directory of dbt artifacts to be used with `--state` / `--defer-state`. Examples: Creating a dbt resource with only a reference to ``project_dir``: .. code-block:: python from dagster_dbt import DbtCliResource dbt = DbtCliResource(project_dir="/path/to/dbt/project") Creating a dbt resource with a custom ``profiles_dir``: .. code-block:: python from dagster_dbt import DbtCliResource dbt = DbtCliResource( project_dir="/path/to/dbt/project", profiles_dir="/path/to/dbt/project/profiles", ) Creating a dbt resource with a custom ``profile`` and ``target``: .. code-block:: python from dagster_dbt import DbtCliResource dbt = DbtCliResource( project_dir="/path/to/dbt/project", profiles_dir="/path/to/dbt/project/profiles", profile="jaffle_shop", target="dev", ) Creating a dbt resource with global configs, e.g. disabling colored logs with ``--no-use-color``: .. code-block:: python from dagster_dbt import DbtCliResource dbt = DbtCliResource( project_dir="/path/to/dbt/project", global_config_flags=["--no-use-color"], ) Creating a dbt resource with custom dbt executable path: .. code-block:: python from dagster_dbt import DbtCliResource dbt = DbtCliResource( project_dir="/path/to/dbt/project", dbt_executable="/path/to/dbt/executable", ) """ project_dir: str = Field( description=( "The path to your dbt project directory. This directory should contain a" " `dbt_project.yml`. See for more" " information." ), ) global_config_flags: List[str] = Field( default=[], description=( "A list of global flags configuration to pass to the dbt CLI invocation. See" " for a full list of configuration." ), ) profiles_dir: Optional[str] = Field( default=None, description=( "The path to the directory containing your dbt `profiles.yml`. By default, the current" " working directory is used, which is the dbt project directory." " See for " " more information." ), ) profile: Optional[str] = Field( default=None, description=( "The profile from your dbt `profiles.yml` to use for execution. See" " for more" " information." ), ) target: Optional[str] = Field( default=None, description=( "The target from your dbt `profiles.yml` to use for execution. See" " for more" " information." ), ) dbt_executable: str = Field( default=DBT_EXECUTABLE, description="The path to the dbt executable.", ) state_path: Optional[str] = Field( description=( "The path, relative to the project directory, to a directory of dbt artifacts to be" " used with --state / --defer-state." " This can be used with methods such as get_defer_args to allow for a @dbt_assets to" " use defer in the appropriate environments." ) ) def __init__( self, project_dir: Union[str, DbtProject], global_config_flags: Optional[List[str]] = None, profiles_dir: Optional[str] = None, profile: Optional[str] = None, target: Optional[str] = None, dbt_executable: str = DBT_EXECUTABLE, state_path: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, # allow custom subclasses to add fields ): if isinstance(project_dir, DbtProject): if not state_path and project_dir.state_path: state_path = os.fspath(project_dir.state_path) if not target and target = project_dir = os.fspath(project_dir.project_dir) # static typing doesn't understand whats going on here, thinks these fields dont exist super().__init__( project_dir=project_dir, # type: ignore global_config_flags=global_config_flags or [], # type: ignore profiles_dir=profiles_dir, # type: ignore profile=profile, # type: ignore target=target, # type: ignore dbt_executable=dbt_executable, # type: ignore state_path=state_path, # type: ignore **kwargs, ) @classmethod def _validate_absolute_path_exists(cls, path: Union[str, Path]) -> Path: absolute_path = Path(path).absolute() try: resolved_path = absolute_path.resolve(strict=True) except FileNotFoundError: raise ValueError(f"The absolute path of '{path}' ('{absolute_path}') does not exist") return resolved_path @classmethod def _validate_path_contains_file(cls, path: Path, file_name: str, error_message: str): if not path.joinpath(file_name).exists(): raise ValueError(error_message) @validator("project_dir", "profiles_dir", "dbt_executable", pre=True) def convert_path_to_str(cls, v: Any) -> Any: """Validate that the path is converted to a string.""" if isinstance(v, Path): resolved_path = cls._validate_absolute_path_exists(v) absolute_path = Path(v).absolute() try: resolved_path = absolute_path.resolve(strict=True) except FileNotFoundError: raise ValueError(f"The absolute path of '{v}' ('{absolute_path}') does not exist") return os.fspath(resolved_path) return v @validator("project_dir") def validate_project_dir(cls, project_dir: str) -> str: resolved_project_dir = cls._validate_absolute_path_exists(project_dir) cls._validate_path_contains_file( path=resolved_project_dir, file_name=DBT_PROJECT_YML_NAME, error_message=( f"{resolved_project_dir} does not contain a {DBT_PROJECT_YML_NAME} file. Please" " specify a valid path to a dbt project." ), ) return os.fspath(resolved_project_dir) @validator("profiles_dir") def validate_profiles_dir(cls, profiles_dir: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]: if profiles_dir is None: return None resolved_profiles_dir = cls._validate_absolute_path_exists(profiles_dir) cls._validate_path_contains_file( path=resolved_profiles_dir, file_name=DBT_PROFILES_YML_NAME, error_message=( f"{resolved_profiles_dir} does not contain a {DBT_PROFILES_YML_NAME} file. Please" " specify a valid path to a dbt profile directory." ), ) return os.fspath(resolved_profiles_dir) @validator("dbt_executable") def validate_dbt_executable(cls, dbt_executable: str) -> str: resolved_dbt_executable = shutil.which(dbt_executable) if not resolved_dbt_executable: raise ValueError( f"The dbt executable '{dbt_executable}' does not exist. Please specify a valid" " path to a dbt executable." ) return dbt_executable @compat_model_validator(mode="before") def validate_dbt_version(cls, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Validate that the dbt version is supported.""" if version.parse(dbt_version) < version.parse("1.6.0"): raise ValueError( "To use `dagster_dbt.DbtCliResource`, you must use `dbt-core>=1.6.0`. Currently," f" you are using `dbt-core=={dbt_version}`. Please install a compatible dbt-core" " version." ) return values @validator("state_path") def validate_state_path(cls, state_path: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]: if state_path is None: return None return os.fspath(Path(state_path).absolute().resolve()) def _get_unique_target_path(self, *, context: Optional[OpExecutionContext]) -> Path: """Get a unique target path for the dbt CLI invocation. Args: context (Optional[OpExecutionContext]): The execution context. Returns: str: A unique target path for the dbt CLI invocation. """ unique_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[:7] path = unique_id if context: path = f"{}-{[:7]}-{unique_id}" current_target_path = _get_dbt_target_path() return current_target_path.joinpath(path) def _initialize_adapter(self, args: Sequence[str]) -> BaseAdapter: # constructs a dummy set of flags, using the `run` command (ensures profile/project reqs get loaded) profiles_dir = self.profiles_dir if self.profiles_dir else self.project_dir set_from_args(Namespace(profiles_dir=profiles_dir), None) flags = get_flags() profile = load_profile(self.project_dir, {}, self.profile, project = load_project(self.project_dir, False, profile, {}) config = RuntimeConfig.from_parts(project, profile, flags) # If the dbt adapter is DuckDB, set the access mode to READ_ONLY, since DuckDB only allows # simultaneous connections for read-only access. try: from dbt.adapters.duckdb.credentials import DuckDBCredentials if isinstance(config.credentials, DuckDBCredentials): if not config.credentials.config_options: config.credentials.config_options = {} config.credentials.config_options["access_mode"] = "READ_ONLY" except ImportError: pass cleanup_event_logger() register_adapter(config) adapter = cast(BaseAdapter, get_adapter(config)) # reset the adapter since the dummy flags may be different from the flags for the actual subcommand reset_adapters() return adapter def get_defer_args(self) -> Sequence[str]: """Build the defer arguments for the dbt CLI command, using the supplied state directory. If no state directory is supplied, or the state directory does not have a manifest for. comparison, an empty list of arguments is returned. Returns: Sequence[str]: The defer arguments for the dbt CLI command. """ if not (self.state_path and Path(self.state_path).joinpath("manifest.json").exists()): return [] return ["--defer", "--defer-state", self.state_path] def get_state_args(self) -> Sequence[str]: """Build the state arguments for the dbt CLI command, using the supplied state directory. If no state directory is supplied, or the state directory does not have a manifest for. comparison, an empty list of arguments is returned. Returns: Sequence[str]: The state arguments for the dbt CLI command. """ if not (self.state_path and Path(self.state_path).joinpath("manifest.json").exists()): return [] return ["--state", self.state_path]
[docs] @public def cli( self, args: Sequence[str], *, raise_on_error: bool = True, manifest: Optional[DbtManifestParam] = None, dagster_dbt_translator: Optional[DagsterDbtTranslator] = None, context: Optional[Union[OpExecutionContext, AssetExecutionContext]] = None, target_path: Optional[Path] = None, ) -> DbtCliInvocation: """Create a subprocess to execute a dbt CLI command. Args: args (Sequence[str]): The dbt CLI command to execute. raise_on_error (bool): Whether to raise an exception if the dbt CLI command fails. manifest (Optional[Union[Mapping[str, Any], str, Path]]): The dbt manifest blob. If an execution context from within `@dbt_assets` is provided to the context argument, then the manifest provided to `@dbt_assets` will be used. dagster_dbt_translator (Optional[DagsterDbtTranslator]): The translator to link dbt nodes to Dagster assets. If an execution context from within `@dbt_assets` is provided to the context argument, then the dagster_dbt_translator provided to `@dbt_assets` will be used. context (Optional[Union[OpExecutionContext, AssetExecutionContext]]): The execution context from within `@dbt_assets`. If an AssetExecutionContext is passed, its underlying OpExecutionContext will be used. target_path (Optional[Path]): An explicit path to a target folder to use to store and retrieve dbt artifacts when running a dbt CLI command. If not provided, a unique target path will be generated. Returns: DbtCliInvocation: A invocation instance that can be used to retrieve the output of the dbt CLI command. Examples: Streaming Dagster events for dbt asset materializations and observations: .. code-block:: python from pathlib import Path from dagster import AssetExecutionContext from dagster_dbt import DbtCliResource, dbt_assets @dbt_assets(manifest=Path("target", "manifest.json")) def my_dbt_assets(context: AssetExecutionContext, dbt: DbtCliResource): yield from dbt.cli(["run"], context=context).stream() Retrieving a dbt artifact after streaming the Dagster events: .. code-block:: python from pathlib import Path from dagster import AssetExecutionContext from dagster_dbt import DbtCliResource, dbt_assets @dbt_assets(manifest=Path("target", "manifest.json")) def my_dbt_assets(context: AssetExecutionContext, dbt: DbtCliResource): dbt_run_invocation = dbt.cli(["run"], context=context) yield from # Retrieve the `run_results.json` dbt artifact as a dictionary: run_results_json = dbt_run_invocation.get_artifact("run_results.json") # Retrieve the `run_results.json` dbt artifact as a file path: run_results_path = dbt_run_invocation.target_path.joinpath("run_results.json") Customizing the asset materialization metadata when streaming the Dagster events: .. code-block:: python from pathlib import Path from dagster import AssetExecutionContext from dagster_dbt import DbtCliResource, dbt_assets @dbt_assets(manifest=Path("target", "manifest.json")) def my_dbt_assets(context: AssetExecutionContext, dbt: DbtCliResource): dbt_cli_invocation = dbt.cli(["run"], context=context) for dagster_event in if isinstance(dagster_event, Output): context.add_output_metadata( metadata={ "my_custom_metadata": "my_custom_metadata_value", }, output_name=dagster_event.output_name, ) yield dagster_event Suppressing exceptions from a dbt CLI command when a non-zero exit code is returned: .. code-block:: python from pathlib import Path from dagster import AssetExecutionContext from dagster_dbt import DbtCliResource, dbt_assets @dbt_assets(manifest=Path("target", "manifest.json")) def my_dbt_assets(context: AssetExecutionContext, dbt: DbtCliResource): dbt_run_invocation = dbt.cli(["run"], context=context, raise_on_error=False) if dbt_run_invocation.is_successful(): yield from else: ... Invoking a dbt CLI command in a custom asset or op: .. code-block:: python import json from dagster import Nothing, Out, asset, op from dagster_dbt import DbtCliResource @asset def my_dbt_asset(dbt: DbtCliResource): dbt_macro_args = {"key": "value"} dbt.cli(["run-operation", "my-macro", json.dumps(dbt_macro_args)]).wait() @op(out=Out(Nothing)) def my_dbt_op(dbt: DbtCliResource): dbt_macro_args = {"key": "value"} yield from dbt.cli(["run-operation", "my-macro", json.dumps(dbt_macro_args)]).stream() """ dagster_dbt_translator = validate_opt_translator(dagster_dbt_translator) assets_def: Optional[AssetsDefinition] = None with suppress(DagsterInvalidPropertyError): assets_def = context.assets_def if context else None context = ( context.op_execution_context if isinstance(context, AssetExecutionContext) else context ) target_path = target_path or self._get_unique_target_path(context=context) env = { # Allow IO streaming when running in Windows. # Also, allow it to be overriden by the current environment. "PYTHONLEGACYWINDOWSSTDIO": "1", # Pass the current environment variables to the dbt CLI invocation. **os.environ.copy(), # An environment variable to indicate that the dbt CLI is being invoked from Dagster. "DAGSTER_DBT_CLI": "true", # Run dbt with unbuffered output. "PYTHONUNBUFFERED": "1", # Disable anonymous usage statistics for performance. "DBT_SEND_ANONYMOUS_USAGE_STATS": "false", # The DBT_LOG_FORMAT environment variable must be set to `json`. We use this # environment variable to ensure that the dbt CLI outputs structured logs. "DBT_LOG_FORMAT": "json", # The DBT_TARGET_PATH environment variable is set to a unique value for each dbt # invocation so that artifact paths are separated. # See # for more information. "DBT_TARGET_PATH": os.fspath(target_path), # The DBT_LOG_PATH environment variable is set to the same value as DBT_TARGET_PATH # so that logs for each dbt invocation has separate log files. "DBT_LOG_PATH": os.fspath(target_path), # The DBT_PROFILES_DIR environment variable is set to the path containing the dbt # profiles.yml file. # See # for more information. **({"DBT_PROFILES_DIR": self.profiles_dir} if self.profiles_dir else {}), } selection_args: List[str] = [] dagster_dbt_translator = dagster_dbt_translator or DagsterDbtTranslator() if context and assets_def is not None: manifest, dagster_dbt_translator = get_manifest_and_translator_from_dbt_assets( [assets_def] ) selection_args, indirect_selection = _get_subset_selection_for_context( context=context, manifest=manifest, select=context.op.tags.get(DAGSTER_DBT_SELECT_METADATA_KEY), exclude=context.op.tags.get(DAGSTER_DBT_EXCLUDE_METADATA_KEY), dagster_dbt_translator=dagster_dbt_translator, current_dbt_indirect_selection_env=env.get(DBT_INDIRECT_SELECTION_ENV, None), ) # set dbt indirect selection if needed to execute specific dbt tests due to asset check # selection if indirect_selection: env[DBT_INDIRECT_SELECTION_ENV] = indirect_selection else: manifest = validate_manifest(manifest) if manifest else {} # TODO: verify that args does not have any selection flags if the context and manifest # are passed to this function. profile_args: List[str] = [] if self.profile: profile_args = ["--profile", self.profile] if profile_args += ["--target",] args = [ self.dbt_executable, *self.global_config_flags, *args, *profile_args, *selection_args, ] project_dir = Path(self.project_dir) if not target_path.is_absolute(): target_path = project_dir.joinpath(target_path) adapter: Optional[BaseAdapter] = None with pushd(self.project_dir): try: adapter = self._initialize_adapter(args) except: # defer exceptions until they can be raised in the runtime context of the invocation pass return args=args, env=env, manifest=manifest, dagster_dbt_translator=dagster_dbt_translator, project_dir=project_dir, target_path=target_path, raise_on_error=raise_on_error, context=context, adapter=adapter, )
def _get_subset_selection_for_context( context: OpExecutionContext, manifest: Mapping[str, Any], select: Optional[str], exclude: Optional[str], dagster_dbt_translator: DagsterDbtTranslator, current_dbt_indirect_selection_env: Optional[str], ) -> Tuple[List[str], Optional[str]]: """Generate a dbt selection string and DBT_INDIRECT_SELECTION setting to execute the selected resources in a subsetted execution context. See Args: context (OpExecutionContext): The execution context for the current execution step. manifest (Mapping[str, Any]): The dbt manifest blob. select (Optional[str]): A dbt selection string to select resources to materialize. exclude (Optional[str]): A dbt selection string to exclude resources from materializing. dagster_dbt_translator (DagsterDbtTranslator): The translator to link dbt nodes to Dagster assets. current_dbt_indirect_selection_env (Optional[str]): The user's value for the DBT_INDIRECT_SELECTION environment variable. Returns: List[str]: dbt CLI arguments to materialize the selected resources in a subsetted execution context. If the current execution context is not performing a subsetted execution, return CLI arguments composed of the inputed selection and exclusion arguments. Optional[str]: A value for the DBT_INDIRECT_SELECTION environment variable. If None, then the environment variable is not set and will either use dbt's default (eager) or the user's setting. """ default_dbt_selection = [] if select: default_dbt_selection += ["--select", select] if exclude: default_dbt_selection += ["--exclude", exclude] dbt_resource_props_by_output_name = get_dbt_resource_props_by_output_name(manifest) dbt_resource_props_by_test_name = get_dbt_resource_props_by_test_name(manifest) assets_def = context.assets_def is_asset_subset = assets_def.keys_by_output_name != assets_def.node_keys_by_output_name is_checks_subset = ( assets_def.check_specs_by_output_name != assets_def.node_check_specs_by_output_name ) # It's nice to use the default dbt selection arguments when not subsetting for readability. We # also use dbt indirect selection to avoid hitting cli arg length limits. # # A biproduct is that we'll run singular dbt tests (not currently modeled as asset checks) in # cases when we can use indirection selection, an not when we need to turn it off. if not (is_asset_subset or is_checks_subset): "A dbt subsetted execution is not being performed. Using the default dbt selection" f" arguments `{default_dbt_selection}`." ) # default eager indirect selection. This means we'll also run any singular tests (which # aren't modeled as asset checks currently). return default_dbt_selection, None selected_dbt_non_test_resources = [] for output_name in context.selected_output_names: dbt_resource_props = dbt_resource_props_by_output_name[output_name] # Explicitly select a dbt resource by its fully qualified name (FQN). # fqn_selector = f"fqn:{'.'.join(dbt_resource_props['fqn'])}" selected_dbt_non_test_resources.append(fqn_selector) selected_dbt_tests = [] for _, check_name in context.selected_asset_check_keys: test_resource_props = dbt_resource_props_by_test_name[check_name] # Explicitly select a dbt resource by its fully qualified name (FQN). # fqn_selector = f"fqn:{'.'.join(test_resource_props['fqn'])}" selected_dbt_tests.append(fqn_selector) # if all asset checks for the subsetted assets are selected, then we can just select the # assets and use indirect selection for the tests. We verify that # 1. all the selected checks are for selected assets # 2. no checks for selected assets are excluded # This also means we'll run any singular tests. checks_on_non_selected_assets = [ check_key for check_key in context.selected_asset_check_keys if check_key.asset_key not in context.selected_asset_keys ] all_check_keys = { check_spec.key for check_spec in assets_def.node_check_specs_by_output_name.values() } excluded_checks = all_check_keys.difference(context.selected_asset_check_keys) excluded_checks_on_selected_assets = [ check_key for check_key in excluded_checks if check_key.asset_key in context.selected_asset_keys ] # note that this will always be false if checks are disabled (which means the assets_def has no # check specs) if checks_on_non_selected_assets or excluded_checks_on_selected_assets: # select all assets and tests explicitly, and turn off indirect selection. This risks # hitting the CLI argument length limit, but in the common scenarios that can be launched from the UI # (all checks disabled, only one check and no assets) it's not a concern. # Since we're setting DBT_INDIRECT_SELECTION=empty, we won't run any singular tests. selected_dbt_resources = [*selected_dbt_non_test_resources, *selected_dbt_tests] indirect_selection_override = DBT_EMPTY_INDIRECT_SELECTION "Overriding default `DBT_INDIRECT_SELECTION` " f"{current_dbt_indirect_selection_env or 'eager'} with " f"`{indirect_selection_override}` due to additional checks " f"{', '.join([c.to_user_string() for c in checks_on_non_selected_assets])} " f"and excluded checks {', '.join([c.to_user_string() for c in excluded_checks_on_selected_assets])}." ) else: selected_dbt_resources = selected_dbt_non_test_resources indirect_selection_override = None "A dbt subsetted execution is being performed. Overriding default dbt selection" f" arguments `{default_dbt_selection}` with arguments: `{selected_dbt_resources}`." ) # Take the union of all the selected resources. # union_selected_dbt_resources = ["--select"] + [" ".join(selected_dbt_resources)] return union_selected_dbt_resources, indirect_selection_override def get_dbt_resource_props_by_output_name( manifest: Mapping[str, Any], ) -> Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Any]]: node_info_by_dbt_unique_id = get_dbt_resource_props_by_dbt_unique_id_from_manifest(manifest) return { dagster_name_fn(node): node for node in node_info_by_dbt_unique_id.values() if node["resource_type"] in ASSET_RESOURCE_TYPES } def get_dbt_resource_props_by_test_name( manifest: Mapping[str, Any], ) -> Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Any]]: return { dbt_resource_props["name"]: dbt_resource_props for unique_id, dbt_resource_props in manifest["nodes"].items() if unique_id.startswith("test") }