Ask AI

Source code for

from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import (

from typing_extensions import Self

import dagster._check as check
from dagster._annotations import PublicAttr, public
from dagster._core.definitions.asset_check_spec import AssetCheckKey
from import AssetKey
from dagster._core.origin import JobPythonOrigin
from dagster._core.utils import make_new_run_id
from dagster._serdes.serdes import (

from .tags import (

    from dagster._core.remote_representation.external import ExternalSchedule, ExternalSensor
    from dagster._core.remote_representation.origin import RemoteJobOrigin

[docs]@whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="PipelineRunStatus") class DagsterRunStatus(Enum): """The status of run execution.""" # Runs waiting to be launched by the Dagster Daemon. QUEUED = "QUEUED" # Runs that have been launched, but execution has not yet started.""" NOT_STARTED = "NOT_STARTED" # Runs that are managed outside of the Dagster control plane. MANAGED = "MANAGED" # Runs that have been launched, but execution has not yet started. STARTING = "STARTING" # Runs that have been launched and execution has started. STARTED = "STARTED" # Runs that have successfully completed. SUCCESS = "SUCCESS" # Runs that have failed to complete. FAILURE = "FAILURE" # Runs that are in-progress and pending to be canceled. CANCELING = "CANCELING" # Runs that have been canceled before completion. CANCELED = "CANCELED"
# These statuses that indicate a run may be using compute resources IN_PROGRESS_RUN_STATUSES = [ DagsterRunStatus.STARTING, DagsterRunStatus.STARTED, DagsterRunStatus.CANCELING, ] # This serves as an explicit list of run statuses that indicate that the run is not using compute # resources. This and the enum above should cover all run statuses. NON_IN_PROGRESS_RUN_STATUSES = [ DagsterRunStatus.QUEUED, DagsterRunStatus.NOT_STARTED, DagsterRunStatus.SUCCESS, DagsterRunStatus.FAILURE, DagsterRunStatus.MANAGED, DagsterRunStatus.CANCELED, ] FINISHED_STATUSES = [ DagsterRunStatus.SUCCESS, DagsterRunStatus.FAILURE, DagsterRunStatus.CANCELED, ] # Run statuses for runs that can be safely canceled. # Does not include the other unfinished statuses for the following reasons: # STARTING: Control has been ceded to the run worker, which will eventually move the run to a STARTED. # NOT_STARTED: Mostly replaced with STARTING. Runs are only here in the brief window between # creating the run and launching or enqueueing it. CANCELABLE_RUN_STATUSES = [DagsterRunStatus.STARTED, DagsterRunStatus.QUEUED] @whitelist_for_serdes(storage_name="PipelineRunStatsSnapshot") class DagsterRunStatsSnapshot( NamedTuple( "_DagsterRunStatsSnapshot", [ ("run_id", str), ("steps_succeeded", int), ("steps_failed", int), ("materializations", int), ("expectations", int), ("enqueued_time", Optional[float]), ("launch_time", Optional[float]), ("start_time", Optional[float]), ("end_time", Optional[float]), ], ) ): def __new__( cls, run_id: str, steps_succeeded: int, steps_failed: int, materializations: int, expectations: int, enqueued_time: Optional[float], launch_time: Optional[float], start_time: Optional[float], end_time: Optional[float], ): return super(DagsterRunStatsSnapshot, cls).__new__( cls, run_id=check.str_param(run_id, "run_id"), steps_succeeded=check.int_param(steps_succeeded, "steps_succeeded"), steps_failed=check.int_param(steps_failed, "steps_failed"), materializations=check.int_param(materializations, "materializations"), expectations=check.int_param(expectations, "expectations"), enqueued_time=check.opt_float_param(enqueued_time, "enqueued_time"), launch_time=check.opt_float_param(launch_time, "launch_time"), start_time=check.opt_float_param(start_time, "start_time"), end_time=check.opt_float_param(end_time, "end_time"), ) @whitelist_for_serdes class RunOpConcurrency( NamedTuple( "_RunOpConcurrency", [ ("root_key_counts", Mapping[str, int]), ("has_unconstrained_root_nodes", bool), ], ) ): """Utility class to help calculate the immediate impact of launching a run on the op concurrency slots that will be available for other runs. """ def __new__( cls, root_key_counts: Mapping[str, int], has_unconstrained_root_nodes: bool, ): return super(RunOpConcurrency, cls).__new__( cls, root_key_counts=check.dict_param( root_key_counts, "root_key_counts", key_type=str, value_type=int ), has_unconstrained_root_nodes=check.bool_param( has_unconstrained_root_nodes, "has_unconstrained_root_nodes" ), ) class DagsterRunSerializer(NamedTupleSerializer["DagsterRun"]): # serdes log # * removed reexecution_config - serdes logic expected to strip unknown keys so no need to preserve # * added pipeline_snapshot_id # * renamed previous_run_id -> parent_run_id, added root_run_id # * added execution_plan_snapshot_id # * removed selector # * added solid_subset # * renamed solid_subset -> solid_selection, added solids_to_execute # * renamed environment_dict -> run_config # * added asset_selection # * added has_repository_load_data def before_unpack(self, context, unpacked_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: # back compat for environment dict => run_config if "environment_dict" in unpacked_dict: check.invariant( unpacked_dict.get("run_config") is None, "Cannot set both run_config and environment_dict. Use run_config parameter.", ) unpacked_dict["run_config"] = unpacked_dict["environment_dict"] del unpacked_dict["environment_dict"] # back compat for previous_run_id => parent_run_id, root_run_id if "previous_run_id" in unpacked_dict and not ( "parent_run_id" in unpacked_dict and "root_run_id" in unpacked_dict ): unpacked_dict["parent_run_id"] = unpacked_dict["previous_run_id"] unpacked_dict["root_run_id"] = unpacked_dict["previous_run_id"] del unpacked_dict["previous_run_id"] # back compat for selector => pipeline_name, solids_to_execute if "selector" in unpacked_dict: selector = unpacked_dict["selector"] if not isinstance(selector, ExecutionSelector): check.failed(f"unexpected entry for 'select', {selector}") selector_name = selector_subset = selector.solid_subset job_name = unpacked_dict.get("pipeline_name") check.invariant( job_name is None or selector_name == job_name, f"Conflicting pipeline name {job_name} in arguments to PipelineRun: " f"selector was passed with pipeline {selector_name}", ) if job_name is None: unpacked_dict["pipeline_name"] = selector_name solids_to_execute = unpacked_dict.get("solids_to_execute") check.invariant( solids_to_execute is None or (selector_subset and set(selector_subset) == solids_to_execute), f"Conflicting solids_to_execute {solids_to_execute} in arguments to" f" PipelineRun: selector was passed with subset {selector_subset}", ) # for old runs that only have selector but no solids_to_execute if solids_to_execute is None: solids_to_execute = frozenset(selector_subset) if selector_subset else None # back compat for solid_subset => solids_to_execute if "solid_subset" in unpacked_dict: unpacked_dict["solids_to_execute"] = unpacked_dict["solid_subset"] del unpacked_dict["solid_subset"] return unpacked_dict
[docs]@whitelist_for_serdes( serializer=DagsterRunSerializer, # DagsterRun is serialized as PipelineRun so that it can be read by older (pre 0.13.x) version # of Dagster, but is read back in as a DagsterRun. storage_name="PipelineRun", old_fields={"mode": None}, storage_field_names={ "job_name": "pipeline_name", "job_snapshot_id": "pipeline_snapshot_id", "external_job_origin": "external_pipeline_origin", "job_code_origin": "pipeline_code_origin", "op_selection": "solid_selection", "resolved_op_selection": "solids_to_execute", }, ) class DagsterRun( NamedTuple( "_DagsterRun", [ ("job_name", PublicAttr[str]), ("run_id", PublicAttr[str]), ("run_config", PublicAttr[Mapping[str, object]]), ("asset_selection", Optional[AbstractSet[AssetKey]]), ("asset_check_selection", Optional[AbstractSet[AssetCheckKey]]), ("op_selection", Optional[Sequence[str]]), ("resolved_op_selection", Optional[AbstractSet[str]]), ("step_keys_to_execute", Optional[Sequence[str]]), ("status", DagsterRunStatus), ("tags", PublicAttr[Mapping[str, str]]), ("root_run_id", Optional[str]), ("parent_run_id", Optional[str]), ("job_snapshot_id", Optional[str]), ("execution_plan_snapshot_id", Optional[str]), ("external_job_origin", Optional["RemoteJobOrigin"]), ("job_code_origin", Optional[JobPythonOrigin]), ("has_repository_load_data", bool), ("run_op_concurrency", Optional[RunOpConcurrency]), ], ) ): """Serializable internal representation of a dagster run, as stored in a :py:class:``. Attributes: job_name (str): The name of the job executed in this run run_id (str): The ID of the run run_config (Mapping[str, object]): The config for the run tags (Mapping[str, str]): The tags applied to the run """ def __new__( cls, job_name: str, run_id: Optional[str] = None, run_config: Optional[Mapping[str, object]] = None, asset_selection: Optional[AbstractSet[AssetKey]] = None, asset_check_selection: Optional[AbstractSet[AssetCheckKey]] = None, op_selection: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, resolved_op_selection: Optional[AbstractSet[str]] = None, step_keys_to_execute: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, status: Optional[DagsterRunStatus] = None, tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, root_run_id: Optional[str] = None, parent_run_id: Optional[str] = None, job_snapshot_id: Optional[str] = None, execution_plan_snapshot_id: Optional[str] = None, external_job_origin: Optional["RemoteJobOrigin"] = None, job_code_origin: Optional[JobPythonOrigin] = None, has_repository_load_data: Optional[bool] = None, run_op_concurrency: Optional[RunOpConcurrency] = None, ): check.invariant( (root_run_id is not None and parent_run_id is not None) or (root_run_id is None and parent_run_id is None), "Must set both root_run_id and parent_run_id when creating a PipelineRun that " "belongs to a run group", ) # a set which contains the names of the ops to execute resolved_op_selection = check.opt_nullable_set_param( resolved_op_selection, "resolved_op_selection", of_type=str ) # a list of op queries provided by the user # possible to be None when resolved_op_selection is set by the user directly op_selection = check.opt_nullable_sequence_param(op_selection, "op_selection", of_type=str) check.opt_nullable_sequence_param(step_keys_to_execute, "step_keys_to_execute", of_type=str) asset_selection = check.opt_nullable_set_param( asset_selection, "asset_selection", of_type=AssetKey ) asset_check_selection = check.opt_nullable_set_param( asset_check_selection, "asset_check_selection", of_type=AssetCheckKey ) # Placing this with the other imports causes a cyclic import # from dagster._core.remote_representation.origin import RemoteJobOrigin if status == DagsterRunStatus.QUEUED: check.inst_param( external_job_origin, "external_job_origin", RemoteJobOrigin, "external_job_origin is required for queued runs", ) if run_id is None: run_id = make_new_run_id() return super(DagsterRun, cls).__new__( cls, job_name=check.str_param(job_name, "job_name"), run_id=check.str_param(run_id, "run_id"), run_config=check.opt_mapping_param(run_config, "run_config", key_type=str), op_selection=op_selection, asset_selection=asset_selection, asset_check_selection=asset_check_selection, resolved_op_selection=resolved_op_selection, step_keys_to_execute=step_keys_to_execute, status=check.opt_inst_param( status, "status", DagsterRunStatus, DagsterRunStatus.NOT_STARTED ), tags=check.opt_mapping_param(tags, "tags", key_type=str, value_type=str), root_run_id=check.opt_str_param(root_run_id, "root_run_id"), parent_run_id=check.opt_str_param(parent_run_id, "parent_run_id"), job_snapshot_id=check.opt_str_param(job_snapshot_id, "job_snapshot_id"), execution_plan_snapshot_id=check.opt_str_param( execution_plan_snapshot_id, "execution_plan_snapshot_id" ), external_job_origin=check.opt_inst_param( external_job_origin, "external_job_origin", RemoteJobOrigin ), job_code_origin=check.opt_inst_param( job_code_origin, "job_code_origin", JobPythonOrigin ), has_repository_load_data=check.opt_bool_param( has_repository_load_data, "has_repository_load_data", default=False ), run_op_concurrency=check.opt_inst_param( run_op_concurrency, "run_op_concurrency", RunOpConcurrency ), ) def with_status(self, status: DagsterRunStatus) -> Self: if status == DagsterRunStatus.QUEUED: # Placing this with the other imports causes a cyclic import # check.not_none( self.external_job_origin, "external_pipeline_origin is required for queued runs", ) return self._replace(status=status) def with_job_origin(self, origin: "RemoteJobOrigin") -> Self: from dagster._core.remote_representation.origin import RemoteJobOrigin check.inst_param(origin, "origin", RemoteJobOrigin) return self._replace(external_job_origin=origin) def with_tags(self, tags: Mapping[str, str]) -> Self: return self._replace(tags=tags) def get_root_run_id(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.tags.get(ROOT_RUN_ID_TAG) def get_parent_run_id(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.tags.get(PARENT_RUN_ID_TAG) def tags_for_storage(self) -> Mapping[str, str]: repository_tags = {} if self.external_job_origin: # tag the run with a label containing the repository name / location name, to allow for # per-repository filtering of runs from the Dagster UI. repository_tags[REPOSITORY_LABEL_TAG] = ( self.external_job_origin.repository_origin.get_label() ) if not self.tags: return repository_tags return {**repository_tags, **self.tags} @public @property def is_finished(self) -> bool: """bool: If this run has completely finished execution.""" return self.status in FINISHED_STATUSES @public @property def is_success(self) -> bool: """bool: If this run has successfully finished executing.""" return self.status == DagsterRunStatus.SUCCESS @public @property def is_failure(self) -> bool: """bool: If this run has failed.""" return self.status == DagsterRunStatus.FAILURE @public @property def is_failure_or_canceled(self) -> bool: """bool: If this run has either failed or was canceled.""" return self.status == DagsterRunStatus.FAILURE or self.status == DagsterRunStatus.CANCELED @public @property def is_resume_retry(self) -> bool: """bool: If this run was created from retrying another run from the point of failure.""" return self.tags.get(RESUME_RETRY_TAG) == "true" @property def previous_run_id(self) -> Optional[str]: # Compat return self.parent_run_id @staticmethod def tags_for_schedule(schedule) -> Mapping[str, str]: return {SCHEDULE_NAME_TAG:} @staticmethod def tags_for_sensor(sensor) -> Mapping[str, str]: return {SENSOR_NAME_TAG:} @staticmethod def tags_for_backfill_id(backfill_id: str) -> Mapping[str, str]: return {BACKFILL_ID_TAG: backfill_id} @staticmethod def tags_for_tick_id(tick_id: str) -> Mapping[str, str]: return {TICK_ID_TAG: tick_id}
[docs]class RunsFilter( NamedTuple( "_RunsFilter", [ ("run_ids", Sequence[str]), ("job_name", Optional[str]), ("statuses", Sequence[DagsterRunStatus]), ("tags", Mapping[str, Union[str, Sequence[str]]]), ("snapshot_id", Optional[str]), ("updated_after", Optional[datetime]), ("updated_before", Optional[datetime]), ("created_after", Optional[datetime]), ("created_before", Optional[datetime]), ], ) ): """Defines a filter across job runs, for use when querying storage directly. Each field of the RunsFilter represents a logical AND with each other. For example, if you specify job_name and tags, then you will receive only runs with the specified job_name AND the specified tags. If left blank, then all values will be permitted for that field. Args: run_ids (Optional[List[str]]): A list of job run_id values. job_name (Optional[str]): Name of the job to query for. If blank, all job_names will be accepted. statuses (Optional[List[DagsterRunStatus]]): A list of run statuses to filter by. If blank, all run statuses will be allowed. tags (Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]]]): A dictionary of run tags to query by. All tags specified here must be present for a given run to pass the filter. snapshot_id (Optional[str]): The ID of the job snapshot to query for. Intended for internal use. updated_after (Optional[DateTime]): Filter by runs that were last updated before this datetime. created_before (Optional[DateTime]): Filter by runs that were created before this datetime. """ def __new__( cls, run_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, job_name: Optional[str] = None, statuses: Optional[Sequence[DagsterRunStatus]] = None, tags: Optional[Mapping[str, Union[str, Sequence[str]]]] = None, snapshot_id: Optional[str] = None, updated_after: Optional[datetime] = None, updated_before: Optional[datetime] = None, created_after: Optional[datetime] = None, created_before: Optional[datetime] = None, ): check.invariant(run_ids != [], "When filtering on run ids, a non-empty list must be used.") return super(RunsFilter, cls).__new__( cls, run_ids=check.opt_sequence_param(run_ids, "run_ids", of_type=str), job_name=check.opt_str_param(job_name, "job_name"), statuses=check.opt_sequence_param(statuses, "statuses", of_type=DagsterRunStatus), tags=check.opt_mapping_param(tags, "tags", key_type=str), snapshot_id=check.opt_str_param(snapshot_id, "snapshot_id"), updated_after=check.opt_inst_param(updated_after, "updated_after", datetime), updated_before=check.opt_inst_param(updated_before, "updated_before", datetime), created_after=check.opt_inst_param(created_after, "created_after", datetime), created_before=check.opt_inst_param(created_before, "created_before", datetime), ) @staticmethod def for_schedule(schedule: "ExternalSchedule") -> "RunsFilter": return RunsFilter(tags=DagsterRun.tags_for_schedule(schedule)) @staticmethod def for_sensor(sensor: "ExternalSensor") -> "RunsFilter": return RunsFilter(tags=DagsterRun.tags_for_sensor(sensor)) @staticmethod def for_backfill(backfill_id: str) -> "RunsFilter": return RunsFilter(tags=DagsterRun.tags_for_backfill_id(backfill_id))
class JobBucket(NamedTuple): job_names: List[str] bucket_limit: Optional[int] class TagBucket(NamedTuple): tag_key: str tag_values: List[str] bucket_limit: Optional[int]
[docs]class RunRecord( NamedTuple( "_RunRecord", [ ("storage_id", int), ("dagster_run", DagsterRun), ("create_timestamp", datetime), ("update_timestamp", datetime), ("start_time", Optional[float]), ("end_time", Optional[float]), ], ) ): """Internal representation of a run record, as stored in a :py:class:``. Users should not invoke this class directly. """ def __new__( cls, storage_id: int, dagster_run: DagsterRun, create_timestamp: datetime, update_timestamp: datetime, start_time: Optional[float] = None, end_time: Optional[float] = None, ): return super(RunRecord, cls).__new__( cls, storage_id=check.int_param(storage_id, "storage_id"), dagster_run=check.inst_param(dagster_run, "dagster_run", DagsterRun), create_timestamp=check.inst_param(create_timestamp, "create_timestamp", datetime), update_timestamp=check.inst_param(update_timestamp, "update_timestamp", datetime), # start_time and end_time fields will be populated once the run has started and ended, respectively, but will be None beforehand. start_time=check.opt_float_param(start_time, "start_time"), end_time=check.opt_float_param(end_time, "end_time"), )
@whitelist_for_serdes class RunPartitionData( NamedTuple( "_RunPartitionData", [ ("run_id", str), ("partition", str), ("status", DagsterRunStatus), ("start_time", Optional[float]), ("end_time", Optional[float]), ], ) ): def __new__( cls, run_id: str, partition: str, status: DagsterRunStatus, start_time: Optional[float], end_time: Optional[float], ): return super(RunPartitionData, cls).__new__( cls, run_id=check.str_param(run_id, "run_id"), partition=check.str_param(partition, "partition"), status=check.inst_param(status, "status", DagsterRunStatus), start_time=check.opt_inst(start_time, float), end_time=check.opt_inst(end_time, float), ) ################################################################################################### # GRAVEYARD # # -|- # | # _-'~~~~~`-_ # .' '. # | R I P | # | | # | Execution | # | Selector | # | | # | | ################################################################################################### @whitelist_for_serdes class ExecutionSelector( NamedTuple("_ExecutionSelector", [("name", str), ("solid_subset", Optional[Sequence[str]])]) ): """Kept here to maintain loading of PipelineRuns from when it was still alive.""" def __new__(cls, name: str, solid_subset: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None): return super(ExecutionSelector, cls).__new__( cls, name=check.str_param(name, "name"), solid_subset=( None if solid_subset is None else check.sequence_param(solid_subset, "solid_subset", of_type=str) ), )