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Source code for dagster._core.definitions.auto_materialize_rule

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional

import pytz

import dagster._check as check
from dagster._annotations import public
from dagster._core.definitions.auto_materialize_rule_evaluation import (
from dagster._utils.schedules import is_valid_cron_string

    from dagster._core.definitions.auto_materialize_rule_impls import (
    from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_scheduling.legacy.asset_condition import (
    from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_scheduling.scheduling_condition import (
    from dagster._core.definitions.declarative_scheduling.scheduling_context import (

[docs]class AutoMaterializeRule(ABC): """An AutoMaterializeRule defines a bit of logic which helps determine if a materialization should be kicked off for a given asset partition. Each rule can have one of two decision types, `MATERIALIZE` (indicating that an asset partition should be materialized) or `SKIP` (indicating that the asset partition should not be materialized). Materialize rules are evaluated first, and skip rules operate over the set of candidates that are produced by the materialize rules. Other than that, there is no ordering between rules. """ @abstractproperty def decision_type(self) -> AutoMaterializeDecisionType: """The decision type of the rule (either `MATERIALIZE` or `SKIP`).""" ... @abstractproperty def description(self) -> str: """A human-readable description of this rule. As a basic guideline, this string should complete the sentence: 'Indicates an asset should be (materialize/skipped) when ____'. """ ... def to_asset_condition(self) -> "AssetCondition": """Converts this AutoMaterializeRule into an AssetCondition.""" from .declarative_scheduling.legacy.rule_condition import RuleCondition return RuleCondition(rule=self) @abstractmethod def evaluate_for_asset(self, context: "SchedulingContext") -> "SchedulingResult": """The core evaluation function for the rule. This function takes in a context object and returns a mapping from evaluated rules to the set of asset partitions that the rule applies to. """ ...
[docs] @public @staticmethod def materialize_on_required_for_freshness() -> "MaterializeOnRequiredForFreshnessRule": """(Deprecated) Materialize an asset partition if it is required to satisfy a freshness policy of this asset or one of its downstream assets. Note: This rule has no effect on partitioned assets. """ from dagster._core.definitions.auto_materialize_rule_impls import ( MaterializeOnRequiredForFreshnessRule, ) return MaterializeOnRequiredForFreshnessRule()
[docs] @public @staticmethod def materialize_on_cron( cron_schedule: str, timezone: str = "UTC", all_partitions: bool = False ) -> "MaterializeOnCronRule": """Materialize an asset partition if it has not been materialized since the latest cron schedule tick. For assets with a time component to their partitions_def, this rule will request all partitions that have been missed since the previous tick. Args: cron_schedule (str): A cron schedule string (e.g. "`0 * * * *`") indicating the ticks for which this rule should fire. timezone (str): The timezone in which this cron schedule should be evaluated. Defaults to "UTC". all_partitions (bool): If True, this rule fires for all partitions of this asset on each cron tick. If False, this rule fires only for the last partition of this asset. Defaults to False. """ check.param_invariant( is_valid_cron_string(cron_schedule), "cron_schedule", "must be a valid cron string" ) check.param_invariant( timezone in pytz.all_timezones_set, "timezone", "must be a valid timezone" ) from dagster._core.definitions.auto_materialize_rule_impls import MaterializeOnCronRule return MaterializeOnCronRule( cron_schedule=cron_schedule, timezone=timezone, all_partitions=all_partitions )
[docs] @public @staticmethod def materialize_on_parent_updated( updated_parent_filter: Optional["AutoMaterializeAssetPartitionsFilter"] = None, ) -> "MaterializeOnParentUpdatedRule": """Materialize an asset partition if one of its parents has been updated more recently than it has. Note: For time-partitioned or dynamic-partitioned assets downstream of an unpartitioned asset, this rule will only fire for the most recent partition of the downstream. Args: updated_parent_filter (Optional[AutoMaterializeAssetPartitionsFilter]): Filter to apply to updated parents. If a parent was updated but does not pass the filter criteria, then it won't count as updated for the sake of this rule. """ from dagster._core.definitions.auto_materialize_rule_impls import ( MaterializeOnParentUpdatedRule, ) return MaterializeOnParentUpdatedRule(updated_parent_filter=updated_parent_filter)
[docs] @public @staticmethod def materialize_on_missing() -> "MaterializeOnMissingRule": """Materialize an asset partition if it has never been materialized before. This rule will not fire for non-root assets unless that asset's parents have been updated. """ from dagster._core.definitions.auto_materialize_rule_impls import MaterializeOnMissingRule return MaterializeOnMissingRule()
[docs] @public @staticmethod def skip_on_parent_missing() -> "SkipOnParentMissingRule": """Skip materializing an asset partition if one of its parent asset partitions has never been materialized (for regular assets) or observed (for observable source assets). """ from dagster._core.definitions.auto_materialize_rule_impls import SkipOnParentMissingRule return SkipOnParentMissingRule()
[docs] @public @staticmethod def skip_on_parent_outdated() -> "SkipOnParentOutdatedRule": """Skip materializing an asset partition if any of its parents has not incorporated the latest data from its ancestors. """ from dagster._core.definitions.auto_materialize_rule_impls import SkipOnParentOutdatedRule return SkipOnParentOutdatedRule()
[docs] @public @staticmethod def skip_on_not_all_parents_updated( require_update_for_all_parent_partitions: bool = False, ) -> "SkipOnNotAllParentsUpdatedRule": """Skip materializing an asset partition if any of its parents have not been updated since the asset's last materialization. Args: require_update_for_all_parent_partitions (Optional[bool]): Applies only to an unpartitioned asset or an asset partition that depends on more than one partition in any upstream asset. If true, requires all upstream partitions in each upstream asset to be materialized since the downstream asset's last materialization in order to update it. If false, requires at least one upstream partition in each upstream asset to be materialized since the downstream asset's last materialization in order to update it. Defaults to false. """ from dagster._core.definitions.auto_materialize_rule_impls import ( SkipOnNotAllParentsUpdatedRule, ) return SkipOnNotAllParentsUpdatedRule(require_update_for_all_parent_partitions)
@staticmethod def skip_on_not_all_parents_updated_since_cron( cron_schedule: str, timezone: str = "UTC" ) -> "SkipOnNotAllParentsUpdatedSinceCronRule": """Skip materializing an asset partition if any of its parents have not been updated since the latest tick of the given cron schedule. Args: cron_schedule (str): A cron schedule string (e.g. "`0 * * * *`"). timezone (str): The timezone in which this cron schedule should be evaluated. Defaults to "UTC". """ from dagster._core.definitions.auto_materialize_rule_impls import ( SkipOnNotAllParentsUpdatedSinceCronRule, ) return SkipOnNotAllParentsUpdatedSinceCronRule( cron_schedule=cron_schedule, timezone=timezone )
[docs] @public @staticmethod def skip_on_required_but_nonexistent_parents() -> "SkipOnRequiredButNonexistentParentsRule": """Skip an asset partition if it depends on parent partitions that do not exist. For example, imagine a downstream asset is time-partitioned, starting in 2022, but has a time-partitioned parent which starts in 2023. This rule will skip attempting to materialize downstream partitions from before 2023, since the parent partitions do not exist. """ from dagster._core.definitions.auto_materialize_rule_impls import ( SkipOnRequiredButNonexistentParentsRule, ) return SkipOnRequiredButNonexistentParentsRule()
[docs] @public @staticmethod def skip_on_backfill_in_progress( all_partitions: bool = False, ) -> "SkipOnBackfillInProgressRule": """Skip an asset's partitions if targeted by an in-progress backfill. Args: all_partitions (bool): If True, skips all partitions of the asset being backfilled, regardless of whether the specific partition is targeted by a backfill. If False, skips only partitions targeted by a backfill. Defaults to False. """ from dagster._core.definitions.auto_materialize_rule_impls import ( SkipOnBackfillInProgressRule, ) return SkipOnBackfillInProgressRule(all_partitions)
@staticmethod def skip_on_run_in_progress() -> "SkipOnRunInProgressRule": from dagster._core.definitions.auto_materialize_rule_impls import SkipOnRunInProgressRule return SkipOnRunInProgressRule() def to_snapshot(self) -> AutoMaterializeRuleSnapshot: """Returns a serializable snapshot of this rule for historical evaluations.""" return AutoMaterializeRuleSnapshot( class_name=self.__class__.__name__, description=self.description, decision_type=self.decision_type, ) def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: # override the default NamedTuple __eq__ method to factor in types return type(self) == type(other) and super().__eq__(other) def __hash__(self) -> int: # override the default NamedTuple __hash__ method to factor in types return hash(hash(type(self)) + super().__hash__())