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Source code for dagster._core.definitions.asset_key

import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Mapping, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Union

import dagster._check as check
import dagster._seven as seven
from dagster._annotations import PublicAttr
from dagster._serdes import whitelist_for_serdes

ASSET_KEY_SPLIT_REGEX = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]")

    from dagster._core.definitions.assets import AssetsDefinition
    from dagster._core.definitions.source_asset import SourceAsset

def parse_asset_key_string(s: str) -> Sequence[str]:
    return list(filter(lambda x: x, re.split(ASSET_KEY_SPLIT_REGEX, s)))

[docs]@whitelist_for_serdes class AssetKey(NamedTuple("_AssetKey", [("path", PublicAttr[Sequence[str]])])): """Object representing the structure of an asset key. Takes in a sanitized string, list of strings, or tuple of strings. Example usage: .. code-block:: python from dagster import AssetKey AssetKey("asset1") AssetKey(["asset1"]) # same as the above AssetKey(["prefix", "asset1"]) AssetKey(["prefix", "subprefix", "asset1"]) Args: path (Union[str, Sequence[str]]): String, list of strings, or tuple of strings. A list of strings represent the hierarchical structure of the asset_key. """ def __new__(cls, path: Union[str, Sequence[str]]): if isinstance(path, str): path = [path] else: path = list(check.sequence_param(path, "path", of_type=str)) return super(AssetKey, cls).__new__(cls, path=path) def __str__(self): return f"AssetKey({self.path})" def __repr__(self): return f"AssetKey({self.path})" def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(self.path)) def __eq__(self, other): if other.__class__ is not self.__class__: return False return self.path == other.path def to_string(self) -> str: """E.g. '["first_component", "second_component"]'.""" return seven.json.dumps(self.path) def to_user_string(self) -> str: """E.g. "first_component/second_component".""" return ASSET_KEY_DELIMITER.join(self.path) def to_python_identifier(self, suffix: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Build a valid Python identifier based on the asset key that can be used for operation names or I/O manager keys. """ path = list(self.path) if suffix is not None: path.append(suffix) return "__".join(path).replace("-", "_") @staticmethod def from_user_string(asset_key_string: str) -> "AssetKey": return AssetKey(asset_key_string.split(ASSET_KEY_DELIMITER)) @staticmethod def from_db_string(asset_key_string: Optional[str]) -> Optional["AssetKey"]: if not asset_key_string: return None if asset_key_string[0] == "[": # is a json string try: path = seven.json.loads(asset_key_string) except seven.JSONDecodeError: path = parse_asset_key_string(asset_key_string) else: path = parse_asset_key_string(asset_key_string) return AssetKey(path) @staticmethod def get_db_prefix(path: Sequence[str]): check.sequence_param(path, "path", of_type=str) return seven.json.dumps(path)[:-2] # strip trailing '"]' from json string @staticmethod def from_graphql_input(graphql_input_asset_key: Mapping[str, Sequence[str]]) -> "AssetKey": return AssetKey(graphql_input_asset_key["path"]) def to_graphql_input(self) -> Mapping[str, Sequence[str]]: return {"path": self.path} @staticmethod def from_coercible(arg: "CoercibleToAssetKey") -> "AssetKey": if isinstance(arg, AssetKey): return check.inst_param(arg, "arg", AssetKey) elif isinstance(arg, str): return AssetKey([arg]) elif isinstance(arg, list): check.list_param(arg, "arg", of_type=str) return AssetKey(arg) elif isinstance(arg, tuple): check.tuple_param(arg, "arg", of_type=str) return AssetKey(arg) else: check.failed(f"Unexpected type for AssetKey: {type(arg)}") @staticmethod def from_coercible_or_definition( arg: Union["CoercibleToAssetKey", "AssetsDefinition", "SourceAsset"], ) -> "AssetKey": from dagster._core.definitions.assets import AssetsDefinition from dagster._core.definitions.source_asset import SourceAsset if isinstance(arg, AssetsDefinition): return arg.key elif isinstance(arg, SourceAsset): return arg.key else: return AssetKey.from_coercible(arg) def has_prefix(self, prefix: Sequence[str]) -> bool: return len(self.path) >= len(prefix) and self.path[: len(prefix)] == prefix def with_prefix(self, prefix: "CoercibleToAssetKeyPrefix") -> "AssetKey": prefix = key_prefix_from_coercible(prefix) return AssetKey(list(prefix) + list(self.path))
CoercibleToAssetKey = Union[AssetKey, str, Sequence[str]] CoercibleToAssetKeyPrefix = Union[str, Sequence[str]] def check_opt_coercible_to_asset_key_prefix_param( prefix: Optional[CoercibleToAssetKeyPrefix], param_name: str ) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: try: return key_prefix_from_coercible(prefix) if prefix is not None else None except check.CheckError: raise check.ParameterCheckError( f'Param "{param_name}" is not a string or a sequence of strings' ) def key_prefix_from_coercible(key_prefix: CoercibleToAssetKeyPrefix) -> Sequence[str]: if isinstance(key_prefix, str): return [key_prefix] elif isinstance(key_prefix, list): return key_prefix else: check.failed(f"Unexpected type for key_prefix: {type(key_prefix)}")